Author Topic: Sue Scheff made FARK  (Read 3801 times)

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Sue Scheff made FARK
« Reply #15 on: October 11, 2006, 05:20:28 PM »
Niles to the rescue! :nworthy:  :nworthy:

2006-10-11 04:51:14 PM    Nihilanthic    

What nobody here seems to realize is shes a farking ed-con for the programs out there just like "Tranquility Bay" for lack of a better way to describe them.

shiat, shes made it clear she wants to sue ME...

She makes a few thousand per head she sends to a program... paid to her from the program she sends them to. Go to and look at the shiat she pulled with one womans daugther who actually needed THERAPY and instead got molestation at the hands of Cheryl Sudweeks at the "whitmore" program and ignored us when we tried to tell her about what was going on.

She had us all fooled... and now her and her Lawyer are trying to fool everyone else that shes some 'single mom' and not making 200,000+ a year with kickbacks from the shady programs she sends kids to.

Oh, and know why she cant sue me for saying that? COS ITS THE TRUTH!! It came out in court when WWASPS (another shady orginization that actually runs a lot of programs, where she learned how to do all this shiat sued her for defamation and lost.

But of course, the court on one hand said what sue said about them was true, OTOH nobody brought charges aginst them and theyre still torturing kids as we speak.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Rude Intrusion

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Sue Scheff made FARK
« Reply #16 on: October 11, 2006, 07:15:28 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
i just might do this.  I feel betrayed.  She called me to get my story after i got out of program and started speaking out on a Woodbury reports website forum.  When i knew here her kid was still in Tranquility Bay i believe.  It may have been Casa. There were a few in the small listserv.  I eventually lost touch since the list consisted of endless in-fighting and bickoring which seemed counterprodutive.

Still.  I can't believe she would do this.  When i knew here she hated WWASP with a passion.  I want to hear both sides of the story.  I'll google her before giving her a call.

I do think, however that suing somebody over any type of speech is reprehensible.  It's not like she can't defend herself  by posting in response.  Fucking lawyers.

You should go to ISAC and pull up the transcripts of the SLC trial; the wwasp V pure transcripts. Read her testimony. Its enlightening.  

If you feel betrayed, then I promise you, you aren't alone.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
ashed Brains Shrink

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« Reply #17 on: October 11, 2006, 09:53:26 PM »
Depending on Florida law, IANAL, perhaps she can appeal based on lack of proof of service. After all, it is known in this case that she was NOT notified and papers were returned to plaintiff's lawyer.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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by default.
« Reply #18 on: October 11, 2006, 11:20:13 PM »
IANAL but i am surprised such a settlement could be reached by default.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Sue Scheff made FARK
« Reply #19 on: October 12, 2006, 01:54:40 AM »
Quote from: ""Rude Intrusion""
Quote from: ""Guest""
i just might do this.  I feel betrayed.  She called me to get my story after i got out of program and started speaking out on a Woodbury reports website forum.  When i knew here her kid was still in Tranquility Bay i believe.  It may have been Casa. There were a few in the small listserv.  I eventually lost touch since the list consisted of endless in-fighting and bickoring which seemed counterprodutive.

Still.  I can't believe she would do this.  When i knew here she hated WWASP with a passion.  I want to hear both sides of the story.  I'll google her before giving her a call.

I do think, however that suing somebody over any type of speech is reprehensible.  It's not like she can't defend herself  by posting in response.  Fucking lawyers.

You should go to ISAC and pull up the transcripts of the SLC trial; the wwasp V pure transcripts. Read her testimony. Its enlightening.  

If you feel betrayed, then I promise you, you aren't alone.

Well i'm reading it.  Oh my god.  How could she keep on referring people to those places.  She KNEW what went on.  I was in a hellhole.  What the fuck.  She was taking money.  Boy she sure left a lot out when she posted on trekkers.  No wonder she recruited me on Ton and Lon's forums... she was trying to start competition.  I feel somewhat used.

Oh wonderful.  She sent here son to program for ADHD.  Do you know how many like that i knew.  My parents were told it was a boarding school.  They were thousands of miles away and i couldn't contact them.

Reading this disturbs me.  So many of the things i went through she knew about.  And yet she continued referring kids to program.

I don't know if this makes me angry so much as it makes me want to vomit.

HAH.  She talks to herself on forums.  I know ex-"councelors" who do that.

Oh dear.  She pretty much used everybody didn't she.  Wow.

It's parents like her who view her children as disposable.  At least mine had no idea what was going on.  Her talk of a "positive structured enviornment" makes me sick.  Where's the vomit emoticon.

Boy... Oak Ridge got their money's worth.

Doctors are paid to endorse medication, politicians are paid to legislate, ed-cons are paid to ... con.  At least hookers are forthright about their profession.

Holy fuck she was raking it in wasn't she.

Page 316 is particularly ironic considering what she's just sued for.

Damn i remember half these people.  I would assume they've migrated here.  You may remember me, i'm:

psyborgue at yahoo dot com
Mike C. (really busy IT student)

I eventually went to art school to learn how to put a pretty informational package together.  Let's just say I never forgot what happened to me.  And in a little while i plan to be very loud about it.

But this is sickening.  How could she.

Lies always eventually surface and will hurt in the long term far more than they help in the short term.

Just read the closing statements.

Hilarious her lawyer's statements on internet free speech on page 726.  Oh the fucking irony.

The tactics she sued about were frighteningly similar to the tactics she admitted to using.  the hypocracy is almost hilarious.

I feel like i was just hit in the head with a brick.  Thanks Sue for giving me faith in humanity.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Sue Scheff made FARK
« Reply #20 on: October 12, 2006, 10:54:15 AM »
Has it ever occurred to anyone that the public response is WAY out of proportion, considering the underlying real issues?


(Oh, and children are being tortured for profit.)

Can we, as Fornits members, make an effort to bring the focus back on the important shit here? Considering the massive public response, if we can only take a fraction of that..
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Sue Scheff made FARK
« Reply #21 on: October 12, 2006, 11:07:30 AM »
I think that's what most of us are doing in posting about how Sue knew of abuses at Whitmore and others but still continuted to refer people there.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Sue Scheff made FARK
« Reply #22 on: October 12, 2006, 11:16:36 AM »
The other points are important too.  They show the hypocrisy and lengths Sue will go to to try and destroy anyone who gets in her way of her business.  And let's not forget that that's what this is to her first and foremost.....a business.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Sue Scheff made FARK
« Reply #23 on: October 13, 2006, 02:05:47 AM »

NewsBusters.  Exposing and Combating Liberal Media Bias

Florida Jury: Be Careful What You Post on the Internet
Posted by Noel Sheppard on October 11, 2006 - 11:19.

It?s fascinating that this decision came on September 19 and virtually went unreported up until now, but a Florida woman has been awarded a startling $11.3 million in her ?Internet defamation? lawsuit. Without question, this decision has startling ramifications for Internet denizens, bloggers, and message board posters, as it makes it quite clear that folks can?t just write whatever they want regardless of facts with total impunity. As reported by WebWire (emphasis mine throughout):

    It is not often a person is awarded $11.3 million dollars from a jury of their peers. But in the case of Sue Scheff and her organization Parent?s Universal Resource Experts, Inc. (PURE) v. Carey Bock, the jury felt compelled to send a very strong message ? which they have. Included in their $11.3 million dollar verdict, they awarded Sue Scheff and PURE $5 million in punitive damages. ?The punitive damages speak volumes,? says Scheff, ?it was set to punish the defendant for what she did to my children and me. Just because you don?t like someone or what they do, it does not give you carte blanche to post false statements about a person on the Internet.?

The article continued, documenting threatening Internet exchanges that are altogether too common to those that spend a lot of time at message boards or comment sections:

    In the meantime, Carey Bock maliciously and intentionally started a campaign on Internet forums against Sue Scheff and her organization, PURE. According to a witness during trial, Ms. Bock?s animosity towards Ms. Scheff had to do with the fact Sue Scheff would not disclose the name of a minor who was raped and Ms. Bock needed this child?s name for a potential documentary she would profit from. Ms. Bock lost that opportunity and went on a campaign to destroy Sue Scheff and PURE. Bock accepted $12,500.00 from WWASPS? attorney, the very organization she claimed harmed her two boys, and the organization that Sue Scheff successfully defeated in a jury trial in August 2004.

    One of the witnesses testified Carey Bock was infuriated that Sue Scheff would not provide her with the information about the child. The jurors saw Ms. Bock?s e-mails and postings, one of which threatened: ?Sue, you are going down, I bet you are scared to death!?

There?s no question the jury was trying to make a serious statement:

    After the trial was over, the jurors waited in the hall to meet with Ms. Scheff. They embraced her and told her that they wanted to send a message that people can?t use the Internet to invade a person?s privacy or to destroy lives. They encouraged Sue Scheff to continue her good work with children and families.

As Sgt. Esterhaus used to say, ?Let?s be careful out there.?

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Dave R. Says:
October 11, 2006 - 11:39

Yeah, I nearly fell out of my chair this morning.  I even put this link over in the forum section, but I guess no one has seen it yet. Scary stuff.   Too bad no defense was mounted by the defendant.

Here's a link to the story I saw: ... case_x.htm

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SportPolitics Says:
October 11, 2006 - 12:37

This is a story about liberals, and how they can attack the Foley right wing. PURE is a group of parents who help other parents with their troubled teenagers(WHO GOT RAPED BY PEDO ADULTS IN SPECIAL HOMES - for instance). Bock is some lady from Louisiana who had her home wiped out and couldn't attend court. BROWARD COUNTY - Al gores libhaven central is the place the verdict took place upheld.

So what we have is a bunch of " cheeeeeeeeldren" pity pots- angry that someone would possibly try to "harm" the "protectors" against the molesters, or the people doing good for "problem childs"...

So they all got in a big Foley HUFF, and slapped down a gigantic award, all to "send a message" - because BOCK was so broke she couldn't even afford a lawyer...

The $12,500 sheBOCK got from "WWASPS" - was obviously PITY PAYMENT - a nice investment for the $$$$$ fallout sure to come from a large settlement never payable by anyone's imagination settlement.

What we have here is liberals at work. LIBS speaking their truth to power.

IT's DISGUSTING - a web of victims and victim helpers being victims of the highest order victimizing others for their own personal gains, and lying and sensationalizing the outcome.

The reason this is reported NOW, is so that it can be linked to "FOLEY child abuse and molesting".
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Sue Scheff made FARK
« Reply #24 on: October 13, 2006, 02:09:50 AM »
I love the name of this website... Barking Moonbat. :rofl: ... d_stones1/

Jury Awards $11.3M Over
Defamatory Internet Posts
(USA TODAY) - 10/10/2006 10:07 PM ET

A Florida woman has been awarded $11.3 million in a defamation lawsuit against a Louisiana woman who posted messages on the Internet accusing her of being a ?crook,? a ?con artist? and a ?fraud.?

Legal analysts say the Sept. 19 award by a jury in Broward County, Fla. ? first reported Friday by the Daily Business Review ? represents the largest such judgment over postings on an Internet blog or message board. Lyrissa Lidsky, a University of Florida law professor who specializes in free-speech issues, calls the award ?astonishing.?

Lidsky says the case could represent a coming trend in court fights over online messages because the woman who won the damage award, Sue Scheff of Weston, Fla., pursued the case even though she knew the defendant, Carey Bock of Mandeville, La., has no hope of paying such an award. Bock, who had to leave her home for several months because of Hurricane Katrina, couldn?t afford an attorney and didn?t show up for the trial.

?What?s interesting about this case is that (Scheff) was so vested in being vindicated, she was willing to pay court costs,? Lidsky says. ?They knew before trial that the defendant couldn?t pay, so what?s the point in going to the jury??

Scheff says she wanted to make a point to those who unfairly criticize others on the Internet. ?I?m sure (Bock) doesn?t have $1 million, let alone $11 million, but the message is strong and clear,? Scheff says. ?People are using the Internet to destroy people they don?t like, and you can?t do that.?

The dispute between the two women arose after Bock asked Scheff for help in withdrawing Bock?s twin sons from a boarding school in Costa Rica. Bock had disagreed with her ex-husband over how to deal with the boys? behavior problems. Against Bock?s wishes, he had sent the boys to the boarding school.

Scheff, who operates a referral service called Parents Universal Resource Experts, says she referred Bock to a consultant who helped Bock retrieve her sons. Afterward, Bock became critical of Scheff and posted negative messages about her on the Internet site, where parents with children in boarding schools for troubled teens confer with one another.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Sue Scheff made FARK
« Reply #25 on: October 13, 2006, 02:14:14 AM »

To: EternalVigilance
For more ... nd_Schools

My wife and I used to call these types of schools the "Bataan Death March school of behavior modification". For example, no work, no food. Work 12 to 14 hours a day and so on. They have been shut down in Mexico (holy cow, eh?) and many have been put out of business in the Western US.

FWIW, the kids could be considered as badly damaged goods before the parents shipped them off to 'get better'. I cannot offer any suggestions on how to fix kids broken by bad parenting.
34 posted on 10/11/2006 10:14:35 AM PDT by ASOC (The phrase "What if" or "If only" are for children.)
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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »