Author Topic: Jury Awards Woman [ Scheff ] $11.3M  (Read 2707 times)

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Jury Awards Woman [ Scheff ] $11.3M
« Reply #15 on: October 08, 2006, 03:53:09 PM »
Nevermind, I think I get it now... That stuff about the "dirty work" threw me off a little.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline BuzzKill

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Jury Awards Woman [ Scheff ] $11.3M
« Reply #16 on: October 08, 2006, 05:00:58 PM »
I wonder if Carey even knows about this?

If she was displaced by Katrina, it seems *possible* that she might not even know there was a trial. Does anyone know if she was properly notified?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Jury Awards Woman [ Scheff ] $11.3M
« Reply #17 on: October 08, 2006, 10:02:19 PM »
As posted on CAICA:

Group rates programs for troubled teens
After her own harrowing experience, a Weston mom formed Parents Universal Resource Experts.

By Yvonne Carey
Oct. 08, 2006

Special to The Miami Herald

After failed attempts at family therapy and private counseling, Weston working mother Sue Scheff decided to send her troubled teen to a therapeutic boarding school to ease the tension for both mother and daughter.

Scheff and daughter Ashlyn, 14 at the time, pored over the literature from the few available facilities and settled on one run by The World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools (WWASPS), a Utah-based organization that claims its programs can correct inappropriate behavior in children 12 and older.

Scheff learned her daughter was being abused only after Ashlyn became gravely ill from food poisoning at the facility.

''Another parent from the program called me and asked how Ashlyn was doing and it was only then I found out because her daughter had managed to leak the information to her,'' Scheff said. ``They either told me [Ashlyn] was lying in her letters asking for help or that contact with her was detrimental to the treatment.''

The experience led Scheff to start P.U.R.E., or Parents Universal Resource Experts, an organization that assists parents in finding trustworthy programs for their children struggling with issues like addiction, violence and attention deficit disorder.

''Before P.U.R.E., there was nowhere to go,'' Scheff said. ``We do all the research and legwork for them to find what is available, and then they decide where to place their teens. We prescreen these schools and programs by visiting them and interviewing not only the parents and teens who completed the program or attended the school but also those who are currently in the program or school.''

P.U.R.E. also has a suggested reading list for parents and teens. It is financed by several schools and programs as well receiving private donations, Scheff said, so the service is free.

Terri Pardo of Pembroke Pines said the referral list of doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists and group therapy included an out-of-state source that was perfect for her son, Robert.

''She has firsthand experience to know what it's like to need help. You feel all alone,'' Pardo said of Scheff, noting the popular perception that the parent is at fault and that more punishment is the answer. ``This gave me an alternate source from someone who went through the same thing and it was a great comfort.''

Scheff's plight, and her solution, have gained the attention of the media. Dr. Phil McGraw, host of the popular psychology TV talk show, Dr. Phil, has recommended P.U.R.E. to parents.

According to a June Miami New Times article, at least six other WWASPS programs around the world have been investigated or closed during the past decade, following allegations of abuse or questionable practices.

''Teen boot camp abuse is widely known and a very serious, hot topic,'' Scheff said. ``We don't want to separate the kids from the parent. We want to bring families back together.''

Scheff has written a book based on similar experiences of parents, At My Wit's End, which she hopes to have published by next fall.

For information on P.U.R.E., visit or call 866-798-2285.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Jury Awards Woman [ Scheff ] $11.3M
« Reply #18 on: October 08, 2006, 11:59:57 PM » ... c&start=60

Sue Scheff refers chldren to programs for MONEY.
She is paid by the programs.
It has been "said" that Sue Scheff has insurance to pay most of her legal fees. But, you'd have to ask her about that.
In the WWASP vs PURE transcripts: testimony reveals that Sue Scheff was referring children to WWASP programs at the same time she was referring children to other programs through PURE.
It appears that Sue Scheff was, and is in the referring business to line her pockets with money, and BIG MONEY at that.
It also appears that WWASP is a "competitor" of PURE.
Sue Scheff referred the children to the abusive program, Whitmore Academy; and she is supportive of the owner, Cheryl Sudweeks, who is facing a criminal child abuse trial in September.
What's the difference between Whitmore Academy and WWASP, except its size?

You can read the WWASP VS PURE transcript to read the exact testimony that verifies that Sue Scheff continued referring to WWASP programs at the same time she was referring to other programs through PURE. She continued this practice for several months, according to sworn testimony.

It is a FACT that Sue Scheff continued to refer children to Whitmore Academy during the criminal investigation against the Sudweeks; and that Sue Scheff supported the Sudweeks during this criminal investigation, and after Cheryl Sudweeks was charged with criminal child abuse.

The WWASP transcript gives a "time-line:
Sue Scheff enrolled her daughter at Carolina Springs Summer 2000.
She removed her daughter January 2001.
Scheff established Pure February 2001.

Page 165 of the WWASP transcript:
"PURE was established as a 501(c) under the PURE Foundateion, and later changed within a year to a S-Corp." From a non-profit to a profit.(Scheff testimony).

Kevin Richey testimony:

He testified he worked for Teen Help for 7 years.
Page 219
"Sue Scheff had a lot of referring parents that were coming into the program. I was doing my best to help her get paid on the referrals."

"How long did Scheff continue to send referrals?"

"August of the year I left...2001"

PURE was established in February 2001.
Scheff continued to send referrals to WWASP until August 2001.

Add it up Ladies and Gentlemen:
Ms. Scheff was sending children to WWASP programs for MONTHS; and at the same time referring children to other "not so UN-ABUSIVE programs" through PURE.

Now, how does a MOM criticize/accuse WWASP for abusing her OWN DAUGHTER, and continue to send other parents and their children to these "abusive WWASP PROGRAMS?"
HOW does anyone do THAT?

This is a COMPLETE list of PURE programs some they stopped refering to for a differnt number of reasons (non-payment and conditional licesing and the program simply ask that PURE stop refering to them then spoke out against them.

Red Rock Academy
Cedar Mountain Academy
Sorenson?s Ranch
Lost Legacy Ranch
Oak ridge military academy
Turning Point
Reality Ranch
Summit Achievement
Skyline Journey
Glacier Mountain Academy
Kids Peace
Harbor House for Girls
Safe Harbor
Harbor House for Boys
High Top Ranch
New Horizons Youth Ministries
Whitmore Academy

There are documents to read about Sue Scheff that are available to the public other that "what you read here."
There's Sue Scheff's deposition that she gave for the WWASP vs PURE trial which is filled with "Sue Scheff lies."
Scheff claimed she had a degree: LIE
Scheff claimed to have lawyers and psychologists on her staff: LIE
She merely had an office in the same OFFICE BUILDING with attororneys and psychologist.
Scheff claimed credentials she was lacking.
ETC ETC......
And there is the WWASP vs PURE transcript, itself which presents tesitmony about her referral business and how she was paid by WWASP and other PROGRAMS for referring children to these abusive programs.

If you read the WWASP vs PURE transcript: Sue Scheff testifies about Katie Lank's death at Red Rock, and defends this abusive facility with words to the affect: "Katie didn't die at Red Rock Academy, this girl died AT THE HOSPITAL."
As if it makes any difference exactly where this poor girl drew her last breath of life.

This remark by Scheff makes about as much sense as her testimony about the rape at Sorenson Ranch, when Scheff tries to explain away the rape of a young teenage girl with the words, "....everyone makes mistakes."

Since when is it a "MISTAKE" to rape a child?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Jury Awards Woman [ Scheff ] $11.3M
« Reply #19 on: October 09, 2006, 10:22:01 AM »
Sue Scheff is Awarded $11.3 Million in Internet Defamation & Invasion of Privacy Claim in Jury Trial
Parents Universal Resources Experts, Inc.
10/8/2006 11:41:59 AM
The jury sends a strong message that freedom of speech has limits

Broward County, Florida (October 8, 2006) ? The Internet can be as destructive as it can be useful. This case will make people think twice before setting out on a campaign to destroy others.

Sue Scheff?s attorney David Pollack stated, ?No good deed goes unpunished.? Sue Scheff has been a victim of Internet Defamation. After her daughter was abused and harmed at a teen help program (World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools, WWASPS, Carolina Springs Academy), she set out to help others so they would not fall into the same trap.

WWASPS, a corporate giant, filed a lawsuit against Ms. Scheff in 2002 in an attempt to silence her. Ms. Scheff prevailed in a jury trial. WWASPS filed an appeal and again Ms. Scheff prevailed.

It is not often a person is awarded $11.3 million dollars from a jury of their peers. But in the case of Sue Scheff and her organization Parent?s Universal Resource Experts, Inc. (PURE) v. Carey Bock, the jury felt compelled to send a very strong message ? which they have. Included in their $11.3 million dollar verdict, they awarded Sue Scheff and PURE $5 million in punitive damages. ?The punitive damages speak volumes,? says Scheff, ?it was set to punish the defendant for what she did to my children and me. Just because you don?t like someone or what they do, it does not give you carte blanche to post false statements about a person on the Internet.?

Since 2001 PURE and Sue Scheff have helped thousands of families providing various resources for their children as well as works closely with the Coalition Against Institutionalized Child Abuse (CAICA). Isabelle Zehnder of CAICA, said ?you just can?t go around destroying people on the internet. The $11.3 million verdict should send a strong message.? She went on to say, ?We work closely together, our organizations complement each other. We are both against abuse but not against treatment ? there is a big difference.?

In the meantime, Carey Bock maliciously and intentionally started a campaign on an Internet forums against Sue Scheff and her organization, PURE. According to a witness during trial, Ms. Bock?s animosity towards Ms. Scheff had to do with the fact Sue Scheff would not disclose the name of a minor who was raped and Ms. Bock needed this child?s name for a potential documentary she would profit from. Ms. Bock lost that opportunity and went on a campaign to destroy Sue Scheff and PURE. Bock accepted $12,500.00 from WWASPS? attorney, the very organization she claimed harmed her two boys, and the organization that Sue Scheff successfully defeated in a jury trial in August 2004.

One of the witnesses testified Carey Bock was infuriated that Sue Scheff would not provide her with the information about the child. The jurors saw Ms. Bock?s e-mails and postings, one of which threatened: ?Sue, you are going down, I bet you are scared to death!?

With no other way to defend herself and her children, Ms. Scheff filed a lawsuit against Carey Bock and Ginger Warbis/Fornits Website in December 2003.

Ms. Bock was represented by Jan Atlas of Adorno and Yoss until June 2006 when Mr. Atlas withdrew as counsel, shortly after Ms. Bock was deposed and revealed the only reason she defamed and nearly destroyed Sue Scheff and her organization was simply because she didn?t like her. After Jan Atlas withdrew from the case, the Judge postponed the trial to give Ms. Bock ample time to find new counsel or represent herself. Obviously, Ms. Bock chose to ignore these options and did not even attend her own trial.

What is rather shocking is that after Sue Scheff was awarded $11.3 million because she was defamed and harmed on the Internet, and after the Daily Business Review reported this tremendous victory, a press release was submitted filled with false allegations and inaccuracies in an attempt to deflate this victory and to further harm Ms. Scheff. The inaccuracies are as follows:

? They claim Philip Elberg defeated Sue Scheff and PURE on behalf of his client, Ginger Warbis/Fornits.

The case was dismissed without prejudice - meaning it can be brought back to court on the same claim. It was the decision of Sue Scheff and her Attorney, David Pollack, to focus on one defendant. Philip Elberg won nothing in this case.

? They claim Sue Scheff filed a counter-suit against WWASPS that was dismissed.

They fail to say the case was dismissed on a jurisdictional issue, not on the merits of the case.

? They claim Sue Scheff refers children to abusive programs due to her referrals of children to the Whitmore Academy.

For over 30 years The Whitmore had a successful program with no allegations of abuse.

? They claim Cheryl Sudweeks, owner of the Whitmore Academy, pled guilty to specified charges in a Utah criminal court.

Cheryl did not admit any guilt. There was NO substantiated evidence against the Whitmore. The state admittedly had no case and agreed to a plea in abeyance. An article misstated facts and later corrected their mistakes, claiming Cheryl could never run a youth program in the county for the rest of her life. This is not true and they corrected their error.

? They assert Ms. Scheff makes money from the plight of frightened parents.

Ms. Scheff does not charge the parents for her services. To the contrary, Ms. Scheff is a parent and child advocate.

? They claim a Federal Judge told Ms. Scheff to remove misrepresentations from her website showing she had a college degree.

Ms. Scheff?s bio was written by a third-party. Within 24-hours she found the error and had it immediately corrected and removed; the Judge had nothing to do with it.

? They claim Sue Scheff won by default.

A jury of her peers reviewed evidence, deliberated for hours, and concluded her damages equaled $11.3 million dollars, $5 million of which were punitive.

? They claim the case had no merit.

This case had merit - it was defended for over 2 years - the facts spoke for themselves. The trial with a jury verdict of damages over $11.3 million sends a loud message. You can?t post lies and false statements about people simply because you don?t like them or what they do.

? They claim this was an empty and hollow victory.

A verdict of $11.3 million is far from empty or hollow. Whether is it collectible or not, the message is worth $11.3 million. Not all positive gains are weighed financially.

The press release dated October 6, 2006, was filled with inaccuracies and was obviously written to further discredit Sue Scheff and PURE.

After the trial was over, the jurors waited in the hall to meet with Ms. Scheff. They embraced her and told her that they wanted to send a message that people can?t use the Internet to invade a person?s privacy or to destroy lives. They encouraged Sue Scheff to continue her good work with children and families.

Related Links
CAICA Website
PURE Website
Inaccurate Press Release
Contact Information
Isabelle Zehnder
President and Founder
Coalition Against Institutionalized Child Abuse (CAICA)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Jury Awards Woman [ Scheff ] $11.3M
« Reply #20 on: October 09, 2006, 10:40:30 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
? They claim Philip Elberg defeated Sue Scheff and PURE on behalf of his client, Ginger Warbis/Fornits.

The case was dismissed without prejudice - meaning it can be brought back to court on the same claim. It was the decision of Sue Scheff and her Attorney, David Pollack, to focus on one defendant. Philip Elberg won nothing in this case.

We're still posting the same things.   Nothing has changed.  We'll continue to post what we have learned about Sue over the years.

? They claim Sue Scheff filed a counter-suit against WWASPS that was dismissed.

They fail to say the case was dismissed on a jurisdictional issue, not on the merits of the case.

Then I"m sure she'll be refiling, right?

? They claim Sue Scheff refers children to abusive programs due to her referrals of children to the Whitmore Academy.

For over 30 years The Whitmore had a successful program with no allegations of abuse.

When exactly did she stop?  When they finally shut down due to the case?  She sure was continuing to refer there even after the allegations arose and charges were filed, correct?

? They claim Cheryl Sudweeks, owner of the Whitmore Academy, pled guilty to specified charges in a Utah criminal court.

Cheryl did not admit any guilt. There was NO substantiated evidence against the Whitmore. The state admittedly had no case and agreed to a plea in abeyance. An article misstated facts and later corrected their mistakes, claiming Cheryl could never run a youth program in the county for the rest of her life. This is not true and they corrected their error.

They also corrected the error of the charges she pled to.  It wasn't 'attempted hazing' it was 'hazing'.  Much more serious.  She pled no contest.  Technically no, it's no an admission of guilt but even with the admitted problems with the prosecution she still chose not to fight.  Hmmm, wonder why?

? They assert Ms. Scheff makes money from the plight of frightened parents.

Ms. Scheff does not charge the parents for her services. To the contrary, Ms. Scheff is a parent and child advocate.

Maybe we can finally get this question answered then.  Sue gets paid by the 'schools', right?  Well, in the interest of the well being of the kids, what schools does she refer to?

? They claim a Federal Judge told Ms. Scheff to remove misrepresentations from her website showing she had a college degree.

Ms. Scheff?s bio was written by a third-party. Within 24-hours she found the error and had it immediately corrected and removed; the Judge had nothing to do with it.

:rofl:  :rofl:

? They claim Sue Scheff won by default.

A jury of her peers reviewed evidence, deliberated for hours, and concluded her damages equaled $11.3 million dollars, $5 million of which were punitive.

Was Carey able to be there to defend herself?

? They claim the case had no merit.

This case had merit - it was defended for over 2 years - the facts spoke for themselves. The trial with a jury verdict of damages over $11.3 million sends a loud message. You can?t post lies and false statements about people simply because you don?t like them or what they do.

Sue spoke for herself.  Carey couldn't afford to.

? They claim this was an empty and hollow victory.

A verdict of $11.3 million is far from empty or hollow. Whether is it collectible or not, the message is worth $11.3 million. Not all positive gains are weighed financially.

What message is that?  That you can Sue the shit out of everyone, claim to be the savior of children, start your own competing referral service, Sue anyone who dares speak the truth about what you're doing and make a fortune??  Yep, that came across loud and clear.

The press release dated October 6, 2006, was filled with inaccuracies and was obviously written to further discredit Sue Scheff and PURE.

After the trial was over, the jurors waited in the hall to meet with Ms. Scheff. They embraced her and told her that they wanted to send a message that people can?t use the Internet to invade a person?s privacy or to destroy lives. They encouraged Sue Scheff to continue her good work with children and families.

Wait til they start Googling her name and PURE's and find out what scumbag, greedy motherfuckers you are.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Jury Awards Woman [ Scheff ] $11.3M
« Reply #21 on: October 09, 2006, 10:41:33 AM »
Isabella you are twisting the facts.  

But I guess now that your friend has managed to silence Carey, you and she (Scheff) can manipulate and control the internet waves.  

You have helped no one except yourselves and those who are in the industry.

Money talks and the only side of the story the jury heard was Scheffs.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Jury Awards Woman [ Scheff ] $11.3M
« Reply #22 on: October 09, 2006, 10:43:29 AM »
Yeah, keep posting away.  It's Ginger who has to defend the cases- with  doesn't happen for free.  This is good incentive for some of the other people you defame on this site to file suits.  You can hide behind your little screen names and let Ginger take the heat for allowing your insulting and defamatory posts.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Jury Awards Woman [ Scheff ] $11.3M
« Reply #23 on: October 09, 2006, 10:46:10 AM »
:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

Ginger came out just fine with what Sue tried to do to her.  With Phil, she ain't got a thing to worry about.  What'sa matter?  Did you really think we'd all just roll over and play dead now that you've stomped all over Carey and shown what a fucking bully you are?

 :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Jury Awards Woman [ Scheff ] $11.3M
« Reply #24 on: October 09, 2006, 10:48:51 AM »
For as much as you seem to hate Ginger and Fornits you sure do use her and it a lot to promote your shit.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Jury Awards Woman [ Scheff ] $11.3M
« Reply #25 on: October 09, 2006, 10:53:53 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Yeah, keep posting away.  It's Ginger who has to defend the cases- with  doesn't happen for free.  This is good incentive for some of the other people you defame on this site to file suits.  You can hide behind your little screen names and let Ginger take the heat for allowing your insulting and defamatory posts.

Sudden concern for Ginger?  Yeah, right. :roll:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Dr Fucktard

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Jury Awards Woman [ Scheff ] $11.3M
« Reply #26 on: October 09, 2006, 02:44:15 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Sue Scheff (PURE) has been chosen as CAICA's advocate of the month, nominated by Isabelle Zehnder, her colleague and friend.

October 2006


SUE SCHEFF (click here)

CAICA would like to recognize the hard work of Sue Scheff, an
advocate for parents and children. Sue helps distraught parents
who are seeking help for their troubled teens.

Sue has worked tirelessly for the past seven years in an effort
to help bring families back together when they have fallen apart.

She provides parents the tools and resources to find help for their troubled teens. Her goals are to help families stay together when possible, and to help locate safe and effective treatment if and when it is necessary.

Her organization, Parents Universal Resources Experts, Inc. (PURE), and the Coalition  Against Institutionalized Child Abuse (CAICA), have learned that together we are very effective in helping families - our organizations complement each other. It is our goal to make a difference in the lives of families and to help them recognize the dangers of this unregulated industry.

Sue's daughter was abused at a World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools (WWASPS) facility, Carolina Springs Academy. Upon learning of the abuse not only her
daughter had suffered, but many others as well, she set out to make a difference. In her attempt to warn parents of the dangers of WWASPS, she was sued by this corporate giant.

She fought a legal battle that cost nearly a million dollars in legal fees, won in a jury trial, then was taken back to court on an appeal. She won the appeal. Many people would have given up but she was dedicated to helping families and continued in her quest to make a difference.

If that wasn't enough, she was defamed and her privacy was invaded by a group of people who had a vendetta against her and her organization. They worked tirelessly to bash her on Internet forums. She fought back and just won an $11.3 million dollar jury verdict  for Slander, Defamation, and Invasion of Privacy.

$5 million of that was punitive damages meant to punish the defendant. This verdict sends a strong message that free speech can only be taken so far.

Sue is a colleague and she is a friend. I thank her for the tireless work she has done and continues to do.

You can find her website at

I'd just like to congratulate Sue on her victory. It's a truly wonderful thing to see people in the industry fighting back! I'd also like to thank her again for the many referrals sent our way over the past few years; She's helped us put a lot of miles on the ol' StraightMobile?. Sue has done a lot to help us help those rotten little druggie bastards.. er, I mean, kids.

Kudos to you, Sue Scheff!  :tup:


Dr. Fucktard
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »