No, the only difference between the two in this regard is perception. Republicans don't have a problem with their punitive impulses. "Lock em up and throw away the key!" is just fine with them. The Dems do the same thing, and worse, but they have this emo hangup that creates in them a need to pretend they're being benevolent.
So a kid goes through a gauntlet of pshrinks and counselors and other sanctimonious assoles they encounter everywhere from school to the pediatrician's office, gets tagged w/ as many disorders as possible, partly for funding purposes but mostly just to feed the fucked up egos of the people doing the tagging. When the prescribed drugs, treatments, mind games and such fail to make the kids happily accept their unnatural role as what these child conditioning professionals have decided a kid should be, then they turn martyr. "We've fucked with this kid in every imaginable way; 6 different drugs and so many different combos, counseling, contracts, went on Dr. Phil and everything and still the irredeemable little reprobate won't step in time and be grateful! What else can we do but ship his sorry ass off for a little brainwashing. And who could blame us, anyway?"