Author Topic: i'm an incoming parents interested  (Read 11936 times)

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i'm an incoming parents interested
« Reply #15 on: March 05, 2007, 02:51:46 PM »
Quote from: ""Ursus""
My dear Mr. Procida:  I am trying very hard to give you the benefit of the doubt here, but I am hard pressed to comprehend why anyone with even the intelligence of a small reptile  could honestly and with the most transparent of motives expect ANYone to email them to ?just chat about Hyde? at an [email protected].  Ever hear of ?adminstrator priviledges??  I wasn?t exactly born yesterday, although, come to think of it, you were, and perhaps that explains the disconnect here.  This is, of course, presuming you are who you say you are, and I am not talking about your name as it appears on your birth certificate.

That said, thanks for checking back and answering the questions.  Perhaps you'd care to contact Gary and share your story re. Hyde, as it does appear to be somewhat anomalous to other stories here on this board?

A question for you Billy.  I believe you said you are at the Woodstock campus.  Do you go to school with the Dubinsky kids?  Also, is your dad in the building business?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: sorry i never answered, i totally forgot about this foru
« Reply #16 on: March 05, 2007, 03:03:09 PM »
Quote from: ""billy procida""
i'm at my uncle's and he told me he found my post. i didn't know what he was talking about, then i was like "o yeaa". i'll be sure to try and check this site more often. but again, i'm sorry. i just thought if people had questions, they'd email them. (and i was up that late because I was playing some online poker, got bored, and searched hyde school on google). So about those questions(and being over half way done with senior year, almost been a full 4 years).
* How many of students were in your entering class (2003)? How many graduated?
Maybe 15 back in the days of the year 03-04. We have 4 from THAT class. Another one of them went up to the Bath campus half-way through because he wanted a change (and his mom worked at the woodstock campus) and we have two 4-year seniors from the bath campus down at woodstock.
* How has Hyde changed its admission standards? You said they're being more selective. How?
it's changed in the sense that those kids you said needed something more therapeutic or rehabilitative don't get accepted anymore. i agree, too many kids who should have NEVER been there were accepted. i think there was just a financial pressure, being its first 10 years in, we just needed more people. after this whole Hyde @ 40 financial campaign thing, we got a lot more money that we raised. so there's not that pressure to keep accepting anymore. the feel on campus this year is SO much different. there's no longer kids on 2-4 for a week or two at a time. kids are off after usually 3-4 days. we dont' have a bunch of kids out breaking ethics ALL THE TIME like my other 3 years. it's just a new feel. i'm not the BIGGEST fan of Laura Gauld, but she's done some things Duncan (Mr. McCrann) just couldn't do.
* What percentage of Hyde's current students seem to have pretty serious mental health/psychiatric problems? Drug/alc problems? Has that changed since you started at Hyde?
I'd say maybe 10-25 percent maybe (very rough estimate). but it's way under half. the other years, esp. last year, drugs were a huge issue. my sophomore year there was a kid dealing massive amounts of coke, last year it was ecstasy. and you could tell that there was something really off in the community. you just don't get that feeling this year.
* Did you witness any bad incidents in seminars (FLCs) or was it all good? Did you think the staff had the proper training to handle those groups, especially when things got real intense?
o we all have stories about people breaking down (my mother breaks down way too often). def. not all good. again, no one's a certified psychologist or counselor (except Don MacMillan). so it's just people helping people. yes they screw up, because we all don't have the answers. the faculty and students only have our own personal experiences. i've heard (and recieved) feedback that was extremely off, but if people could just take it with a grain of salt, and accept it has no bearing, they could just leave it alone. don't take it personally. it's even one of the seminar guidelines. the faculty could definitely work on intense situations. the younger facutly are a lot more open to ask for help, i've noticed, because they are new and recognize that. they have no problem seeking help from the veteran faculty if things are getting to be too much.
* How much turnover is there with teachers these days? When I was at Hyde the turnover was real high.
Faculty turnover was pretty good going from last year to this year. there was a big controversy that upset many (including myself) over L.G. not renewing Tom Lord's contract (brilliant man, even non-returning offtrack kids weeped and were pissed about it). but it was pretty good. we picked up 2 faculty members mid year this year. somehow we picked 2 young guys that seem to just get it. i've never seen new faculty be this dead-on about attitudes. I'm talking about Julian Miller and Wesley Jenkins.
* Is Joe Gauld still very involved? What's your experience with him?
He's still here, old shaking and still going. haha. he's been coming down a lot to talk to us seniors and work with us. and of course for FLC weekends. i had more experience with him my first two years with my father because my dad's not in the process at hyde and exchanged some words with Joey G via email. they're on better terms now. my dad needed something different. he's been doing it, and improving. sorry, i just don't personally have much experience with him.

I was really dissapointed with many accusing me of being a fake or a faculty. i can understand why though. i understand ya'll are looking for help, and when there's an air of suspicion, it's easy to take a big whif of it. so if you still doubt me, call me up. 201-788-1824. if you live in jersey, we'll sit down for lunch and discuss. but please don't accuse me of something like that. i do see things from a more objective point of view. i was an innocent my first two years and hung around off track kids. most of my friends were off track dishonest ethic breaking kids. it didn't make them bad people. but i can recognize that. i also am around a lot of "ontrack" kids too. i've seen most of it, just short of breaking the ethics myself. any other questions i'll ask, HONESTLY and from an objective point of view. hyde has its faults in the practice, but so does every other school. but the basic concept is: be a better person. and who can argue with that. if you're really on that road for yourself trying to better yourself, a teacher messing up a single situation shouldn't throw you off the deepend. i'll try my best to check this site, but feel free to also email me questions or comments: [email protected] . i've got to go back to my family.
- Bill Procida

Enjoyed your post Bill.  It is good to get the opinion of someone who is in school at Hyde now.  I do hope you are being honest on the board and are who you say you are.

Interesting that you mention Mr McMillan as the one person at Hyde who has some type of degree in social work or psychology.  If my memory serves me right, this is the same Mr McMillan who lost his cool with a student and tried to choke him as his temper got the best of him.

I too was very upset about Mr Lord leaving.  He did not fit what Hyde wants, which is total conformity and loyalty.  In case you didn't know it, his wife was also a teacher there, but was smart enough to get out of that looney place!  Do you know where Mr Lord is now?

Am curious to know what it is about Laura Gauld that you don't like.  Also curious as to how you can feel comfortable posting on this board knowing that Hyde reads it.  Won't you be called on the carpet?  Please forgive me but it is hard to believe you go to school at Hyde with the repurcusions that would occur with you saying what you have.

Again thanks for being so open
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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i'm an incoming parents interested
« Reply #17 on: March 05, 2007, 07:54:53 PM »
Billy, you set a standard for honesty and balance that others would be wise to follow.

Gary Eskow
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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i'm an incoming parents interested
« Reply #18 on: March 05, 2007, 10:06:21 PM »
Please forgive me but it is hard to believe you go to school at Hyde with the repurcusions that would occur with you saying what you have.

I second that... Last night there were two posts from "Billy Procida" and a few hours later there was another one of those gutter attacks which we haven't had in awhile.  All three posts resuscitated older threads, and there was no other activity on the forum that evening.  The thought occurs to me that the timing may be less than coincidental.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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b4 i leave for europe
« Reply #19 on: March 06, 2007, 09:17:41 AM »
I'm leaving for europe today to go on a trip with some hyde kids and 2 faculty to london/paris for a week. i want to just get a post in now before people think i'm avoiding ya'll again.
To start with questions from above:
Yes, I go to school with the Dubinsky's. Josh went to Summer Challenge with me back in '03 at woodstock. He went up to bath his junior year and will graduate there. Ashley graduated my sophomore year. I ran track with her. Ally's a freshman now at woodstock. Jenna's i believe 10 or a 11...
My dad is also Bill Procida. He does a lot of work with real estate business. My grandpa and my uncle do more construction in the city. My dad's not involved with Hyde, but has settled his disputes with them from way back when. He still has grown using a different path.
Mr. Lord is teaching at Vermont Academy right now.
Thanks for offering so much detail about Hyde.  It seems that many kids leave Hyde before graduating.  What's your impression of the reasons?  

Also, are you concerned that Hyde monitors this website?  Is there any risk for you when you post your opinions like this?
Before, kids were able to leave because their parent either were displeased with the school's performance with their family. Some were valid, some I knew weren't giving it a full effort. Others really made a lot of growth but didn't want to do senior year there. I've talked to those types: some are doing well. But others aren't. I know of at least one that's homeless.
Am I scared?: I'm not as concerned about them just like I'm not concerned that jerk ex/former students that just wanted to smoke pot all day but Hyde said no to, that they check and post on the site as well. There won't be repurcussions. Sure, someone might talk to me, but probably not in a negative manner. I've been here for 4 years. There's no question about MY commitment. I went here for a long time and everything Hyde told me. I needed something to believe in. Then, I created my own views. Some things I don't have the same exact idea as Hyde does, and that's okay. Part of the senior year is figuring out what you do or don't believe in. Any of you who've heard of Mark Duethorn's ethics class, that's what we do. We question the process and analyze it and figure out, within the safety of that Lecture Hall, what we actually do believe in personally. The underclassmen usually come in (i know i did) needed a structure and some principles given to them. NOT ALL. I  SAID USUALLY, AND YES IT IS MOST. I did that. Then I decided myself. For example, I don't believe in a UNIQUE Potential. But I believe in something very similar. I've written this on Senior Eval sheets that go directly to Mr. MacMillan and LG herself. I haven't been reprimanded. Hyde faculty (notice I didn't make the buildings and the actual thing out to be a real person. a big pet peeve of mine is when people say, "hyde school does this and that" and i say "Nay. Hyde School is a bunch of buildings. be more specific on whom. And then I usually don't get an answer back because it was just whiny students that want to be lazy or go get messed up every night) won't tell me I can't post here. I someone did, I frankly wouldn't care. I know that there's nothing wrong. I say the same things when I'm at Hyde. The issue if anyone has been spoken to is because they may be living a double life. One when faculty and seniors are around. another when they're not. If they're two DRASTICALLY different people, then there's a huge integrity issue there.
What I don't like about LG?
She's VERY conservative. I'm VERY NOT. Haha. I don't dislike her. I disagree on many small things, but i don't dislike. I think she did awesome things for the campus. She moved the guys dorm to westhaver and annhurst(the old FLC wings, very nice. I lucked out with one of these much bigger rooms) and the girls to Warren. this put the majorit yof the student body (and  let's face it, the energy) to the center of campus. and the School Store(not the bookstore) that students run (Gary, you might know about htis one, Dan worked in it a lot) got moved into the gym. She also moved classroom locations around. So the entire flow and energy of campus is in the center, which means people go around the quad. If people want to go out to get food, they have to leave their dorm. The student center lounge is now in the bottom of westhaver. So everyone is out of their dorms more and around the same area most the time. It was really ingenious. Her school meetings are also more pertinent to the school and what's going on there. And a little more focused and controled then Mr. McCrann's. His were great(his meeting on forgiveness inspired me to write a letter to the huge bully from my youth. we're straight now. i'm usually with him on breaks hanging out and goin to parties and stuff), but there was a lack of something. but i disagree on smaller things: such as not allowing us to have limos for prom this year. And other things like her not letting kids do chest painting at the big sporting events. She's just conservative. It's funny in my mind. But she's great. I wish she was more available. She's a busy woman. Everytime you pass her office, she's on the phone with someone.
I'm off to Europe for the week. So if you don't hear back about a question you ask right away, it doesn't mean i work for hyde and am scared. It means I'm chillaxin in London and Paris. Again, Hyde's got faults, but the core belief of being a better person really can't be argued with. The faults are mostly in the practice, but that's because we're all human too. We're all in the Process, so we will all struggle. Even faculty. Trust me, there are (for you complaining students) stricter schools (i.e. Family Foundation, Swift River, etc.) and parents, all schools have slip ups. All schools expel kids (although this year, we've had the least number of expulsions/seniors getting kicked out/people getting sent to bath/seniors getting demoted...that's LG's doing). I'll be back and checking. I hope there's something  to respond to when I'm back.
- Bill Procida[/quote]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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b4 i leave for europe
« Reply #20 on: March 06, 2007, 09:18:11 AM »
I'm leaving for europe today to go on a trip with some hyde kids and 2 faculty to london/paris for a week. i want to just get a post in now before people think i'm avoiding ya'll again.
To start with questions from above:
Yes, I go to school with the Dubinsky's. Josh went to Summer Challenge with me back in '03 at woodstock. He went up to bath his junior year and will graduate there. Ashley graduated my sophomore year. I ran track with her. Ally's a freshman now at woodstock. Jenna's i believe 10 or a 11...
My dad is also Bill Procida. He does a lot of work with real estate business. My grandpa and my uncle do more construction in the city. My dad's not involved with Hyde, but has settled his disputes with them from way back when. He still has grown using a different path.
Mr. Lord is teaching at Vermont Academy right now.
Thanks for offering so much detail about Hyde.  It seems that many kids leave Hyde before graduating.  What's your impression of the reasons?  

Also, are you concerned that Hyde monitors this website?  Is there any risk for you when you post your opinions like this?
Before, kids were able to leave because their parent either were displeased with the school's performance with their family. Some were valid, some I knew weren't giving it a full effort. Others really made a lot of growth but didn't want to do senior year there. I've talked to those types: some are doing well. But others aren't. I know of at least one that's homeless.
Am I scared?: I'm not as concerned about them just like I'm not concerned that jerk ex/former students that just wanted to smoke pot all day but Hyde said no to, that they check and post on the site as well. There won't be repurcussions. Sure, someone might talk to me, but probably not in a negative manner. I've been here for 4 years. There's no question about MY commitment. I went here for a long time and everything Hyde told me. I needed something to believe in. Then, I created my own views. Some things I don't have the same exact idea as Hyde does, and that's okay. Part of the senior year is figuring out what you do or don't believe in. Any of you who've heard of Mark Duethorn's ethics class, that's what we do. We question the process and analyze it and figure out, within the safety of that Lecture Hall, what we actually do believe in personally. The underclassmen usually come in (i know i did) needed a structure and some principles given to them. NOT ALL. I  SAID USUALLY, AND YES IT IS MOST. I did that. Then I decided myself. For example, I don't believe in a UNIQUE Potential. But I believe in something very similar. I've written this on Senior Eval sheets that go directly to Mr. MacMillan and LG herself. I haven't been reprimanded. Hyde faculty (notice I didn't make the buildings and the actual thing out to be a real person. a big pet peeve of mine is when people say, "hyde school does this and that" and i say "Nay. Hyde School is a bunch of buildings. be more specific on whom. And then I usually don't get an answer back because it was just whiny students that want to be lazy or go get messed up every night) won't tell me I can't post here. I someone did, I frankly wouldn't care. I know that there's nothing wrong. I say the same things when I'm at Hyde. The issue if anyone has been spoken to is because they may be living a double life. One when faculty and seniors are around. another when they're not. If they're two DRASTICALLY different people, then there's a huge integrity issue there.
What I don't like about LG?
She's VERY conservative. I'm VERY NOT. Haha. I don't dislike her. I disagree on many small things, but i don't dislike. I think she did awesome things for the campus. She moved the guys dorm to westhaver and annhurst(the old FLC wings, very nice. I lucked out with one of these much bigger rooms) and the girls to Warren. this put the majorit yof the student body (and  let's face it, the energy) to the center of campus. and the School Store(not the bookstore) that students run (Gary, you might know about htis one, Dan worked in it a lot) got moved into the gym. She also moved classroom locations around. So the entire flow and energy of campus is in the center, which means people go around the quad. If people want to go out to get food, they have to leave their dorm. The student center lounge is now in the bottom of westhaver. So everyone is out of their dorms more and around the same area most the time. It was really ingenious. Her school meetings are also more pertinent to the school and what's going on there. And a little more focused and controled then Mr. McCrann's. His were great(his meeting on forgiveness inspired me to write a letter to the huge bully from my youth. we're straight now. i'm usually with him on breaks hanging out and goin to parties and stuff), but there was a lack of something. but i disagree on smaller things: such as not allowing us to have limos for prom this year. And other things like her not letting kids do chest painting at the big sporting events. She's just conservative. It's funny in my mind. But she's great. I wish she was more available. She's a busy woman. Everytime you pass her office, she's on the phone with someone.
I'm off to Europe for the week. So if you don't hear back about a question you ask right away, it doesn't mean i work for hyde and am scared. It means I'm chillaxin in London and Paris. Again, Hyde's got faults, but the core belief of being a better person really can't be argued with. The faults are mostly in the practice, but that's because we're all human too. We're all in the Process, so we will all struggle. Even faculty. Trust me, there are (for you complaining students) stricter schools (i.e. Family Foundation, Swift River, etc.) and parents, all schools have slip ups. All schools expel kids (although this year, we've had the least number of expulsions/seniors getting kicked out/people getting sent to bath/seniors getting demoted...that's LG's doing). I'll be back and checking. I hope there's something  to respond to when I'm back.
- Bill Procida[/quote]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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Re: b4 i leave for europe
« Reply #21 on: March 06, 2007, 10:19:21 AM »
Quote from: ""bill procida""
Hyde faculty (notice I didn't make the buildings and the actual thing out to be a real person. a big pet peeve of mine is when people say, "hyde school does this and that" and i say "Nay. Hyde School is a bunch of buildings. be more specific on whom. And then I usually don't get an answer back because it was just whiny students that want to be lazy or go get messed up every night) won't tell me I can't post here.

The reason people refer to Hyde School as a separate entity is because it... well... IS a separate entity!  You do understand this, don't you?  

When you attend Hyde, and your parents pay for you to attend Hyde, there are certain responsibilities and expectations you and your parents (should) have of Hyde School as part and parcel of that contract.  The faculty that work at Hyde are (supposed to be) acting as representatives of said institution, not personal buddies or enemies of you or what have you.

There are very important legal ramifications to this distinction.  It is NOT an idiosyncratic form of expression that is elective, as you seem wont to portray...
« Last Edit: April 06, 2007, 06:12:54 PM by Guest »
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Offline Ursus

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i'm an incoming parents interested
« Reply #22 on: March 06, 2007, 10:35:23 AM »
Quote from: ""Bill Procida""
Another one of them went up to the Bath campus half-way through because he wanted a change (and his mom worked at the woodstock campus)...
Quote from: ""Bill Procida""
Yes, I go to school with the Dubinsky's. Josh went to Summer Challenge with me back in '03 at woodstock. He went up to bath his junior year and will graduate there.

Sounds to me like the decision for Josh's transfer had less to do with his mom than his dad.  Care to comment on this?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Anonymous

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Re: b4 i leave for europe
« Reply #23 on: March 06, 2007, 07:56:33 PM »
Quote from: ""bill procida""
I'm leaving for europe today to go on a trip with some hyde kids and 2 faculty to london/paris for a week. i want to just get a post in now before people think i'm avoiding ya'll again.
To start with questions from above:
Yes, I go to school with the Dubinsky's. Josh went to Summer Challenge with me back in '03 at woodstock. He went up to bath his junior year and will graduate there. Ashley graduated my sophomore year. I ran track with her. Ally's a freshman now at woodstock. Jenna's i believe 10 or a 11...
My dad is also Bill Procida. He does a lot of work with real estate business. My grandpa and my uncle do more construction in the city. My dad's not involved with Hyde, but has settled his disputes with them from way back when. He still has grown using a different path.
Mr. Lord is teaching at Vermont Academy right now.
Thanks for offering so much detail about Hyde.  It seems that many kids leave Hyde before graduating.  What's your impression of the reasons?  

Also, are you concerned that Hyde monitors this website?  Is there any risk for you when you post your opinions like this?
Before, kids were able to leave because their parent either were displeased with the school's performance with their family. Some were valid, some I knew weren't giving it a full effort. Others really made a lot of growth but didn't want to do senior year there. I've talked to those types: some are doing well. But others aren't. I know of at least one that's homeless.
Am I scared?: I'm not as concerned about them just like I'm not concerned that jerk ex/former students that just wanted to smoke pot all day but Hyde said no to, that they check and post on the site as well. There won't be repurcussions. Sure, someone might talk to me, but probably not in a negative manner. I've been here for 4 years. There's no question about MY commitment. I went here for a long time and everything Hyde told me. I needed something to believe in. Then, I created my own views. Some things I don't have the same exact idea as Hyde does, and that's okay. Part of the senior year is figuring out what you do or don't believe in. Any of you who've heard of Mark Duethorn's ethics class, that's what we do. We question the process and analyze it and figure out, within the safety of that Lecture Hall, what we actually do believe in personally. The underclassmen usually come in (i know i did) needed a structure and some principles given to them. NOT ALL. I  SAID USUALLY, AND YES IT IS MOST. I did that. Then I decided myself. For example, I don't believe in a UNIQUE Potential. But I believe in something very similar. I've written this on Senior Eval sheets that go directly to Mr. MacMillan and LG herself. I haven't been reprimanded. Hyde faculty (notice I didn't make the buildings and the actual thing out to be a real person. a big pet peeve of mine is when people say, "hyde school does this and that" and i say "Nay. Hyde School is a bunch of buildings. be more specific on whom. And then I usually don't get an answer back because it was just whiny students that want to be lazy or go get messed up every night) won't tell me I can't post here. I someone did, I frankly wouldn't care. I know that there's nothing wrong. I say the same things when I'm at Hyde. The issue if anyone has been spoken to is because they may be living a double life. One when faculty and seniors are around. another when they're not. If they're two DRASTICALLY different people, then there's a huge integrity issue there.
What I don't like about LG?
She's VERY conservative. I'm VERY NOT. Haha. I don't dislike her. I disagree on many small things, but i don't dislike. I think she did awesome things for the campus. She moved the guys dorm to westhaver and annhurst(the old FLC wings, very nice. I lucked out with one of these much bigger rooms) and the girls to Warren. this put the majorit yof the student body (and  let's face it, the energy) to the center of campus. and the School Store(not the bookstore) that students run (Gary, you might know about htis one, Dan worked in it a lot) got moved into the gym. She also moved classroom locations around. So the entire flow and energy of campus is in the center, which means people go around the quad. If people want to go out to get food, they have to leave their dorm. The student center lounge is now in the bottom of westhaver. So everyone is out of their dorms more and around the same area most the time. It was really ingenious. Her school meetings are also more pertinent to the school and what's going on there. And a little more focused and controled then Mr. McCrann's. His were great(his meeting on forgiveness inspired me to write a letter to the huge bully from my youth. we're straight now. i'm usually with him on breaks hanging out and goin to parties and stuff), but there was a lack of something. but i disagree on smaller things: such as not allowing us to have limos for prom this year. And other things like her not letting kids do chest painting at the big sporting events. She's just conservative. It's funny in my mind. But she's great. I wish she was more available. She's a busy woman. Everytime you pass her office, she's on the phone with someone.
I'm off to Europe for the week. So if you don't hear back about a question you ask right away, it doesn't mean i work for hyde and am scared. It means I'm chillaxin in London and Paris. Again, Hyde's got faults, but the core belief of being a better person really can't be argued with. The faults are mostly in the practice, but that's because we're all human too. We're all in the Process, so we will all struggle. Even faculty. Trust me, there are (for you complaining students) stricter schools (i.e. Family Foundation, Swift River, etc.) and parents, all schools have slip ups. All schools expel kids (although this year, we've had the least number of expulsions/seniors getting kicked out/people getting sent to bath/seniors getting demoted...that's LG's doing). I'll be back and checking. I hope there's something  to respond to when I'm back.
- Bill Procida

I admire your candor.  You seem to be thoughtul and able to recognize what's been positive about Hyde for you and what leaves at lot to be desired.  For myself, it's been hard to see the positive at Hyde.  I've seen too many people limp away from Hyde because it was a bad experience and the wrong place.  No matter how good Hyde is for some people, I'm convinced that Hyde is a very bad place for many.  I agree that it's not always fair to talk about Hyde in general, but there's so much about the school that I don't like.  I like some individuals, but I definitely don't like the people there who are cruel, in your face, and condemning.  I don't like incompetence, and I've seen much too much of that at Hyde.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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i'm an incoming parents interested
« Reply #24 on: March 07, 2007, 01:29:48 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""bill procida""
again, no one's a certified psychologist or counselor (except Don MacMillan).
Interesting that you mention Mr McMillan as the one person at Hyde who has some type of degree in social work or psychology.  If my memory serves me right, this is the same Mr McMillan who lost his cool with a student and tried to choke him as his temper got the best of him.
from hyde's website, news section:
Hyde School Welcomes New Associate Head, Don MacMillan


Woodstock, CT?Hyde School welcomes Don MacMillan to the new position of Associate Head of School. Rejoining the Hyde Organization after a break during which he acquired a master?s degree in counseling psychology from Antioch Graduate School of New England, MacMillan wanted to return to all the action of Hyde School.

MacMillan started with Hyde in 1983 and has held many different positions with the organization?from faculty intern to basketball, wrestling, and lacrosse coach, to founding headmaster of the Hyde Leadership Public Charter School in Washington, DC.

MacMillan sees a bright future for Hyde-Woodstock, noting: ?We want to continue to attract students and families who are motivated to do well academically and athletically, and who desire to experience personal growth. We are doing a better job of that as an organization, and will continue to grow. I think the ?Know Yourself, Be Yourself? workshop offered to the Woodstock Middle School recently was a great step to becoming active in the larger community. We have working relationships with Woodstock Academy and Woodstock Middle School that are good for all involved.?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #25 on: March 07, 2007, 10:11:13 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""bill procida""
again, no one's a certified psychologist or counselor (except Don MacMillan).
Interesting that you mention Mr McMillan as the one person at Hyde who has some type of degree in social work or psychology.  If my memory serves me right, this is the same Mr McMillan who lost his cool with a student and tried to choke him as his temper got the best of him.
from hyde's website, news section:
Hyde School Welcomes New Associate Head, Don MacMillan


Woodstock, CT?Hyde School welcomes Don MacMillan to the new position of Associate Head of School. Rejoining the Hyde Organization after a break during which he acquired a master?s degree in counseling psychology from Antioch Graduate School of New England, MacMillan wanted to return to all the action of Hyde School.

MacMillan started with Hyde in 1983 and has held many different positions with the organization?from faculty intern to basketball, wrestling, and lacrosse coach, to founding headmaster of the Hyde Leadership Public Charter School in Washington, DC.

MacMillan sees a bright future for Hyde-Woodstock, noting: ?We want to continue to attract students and families who are motivated to do well academically and athletically, and who desire to experience personal growth. We are doing a better job of that as an organization, and will continue to grow. I think the ?Know Yourself, Be Yourself? workshop offered to the Woodstock Middle School recently was a great step to becoming active in the larger community. We have working relationships with Woodstock Academy and Woodstock Middle School that are good for all involved.?

I could be wrong about McMillan choking the kid.  It was either him or one of the other family members.  Maybe it was McMillan who left for a while after admitting to writing a paper using someone else's material.  I get this family confused.  All that I know is that both of those events happened and it was definitely members of the Gauld family
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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« Reply #26 on: March 07, 2007, 10:20:37 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""bill procida""
again, no one's a certified psychologist or counselor (except Don MacMillan).
Interesting that you mention Mr McMillan as the one person at Hyde who has some type of degree in social work or psychology.  If my memory serves me right, this is the same Mr McMillan who lost his cool with a student and tried to choke him as his temper got the best of him.
from hyde's website, news section:
Hyde School Welcomes New Associate Head, Don MacMillan


Woodstock, CT?Hyde School welcomes Don MacMillan to the new position of Associate Head of School. Rejoining the Hyde Organization after a break during which he acquired a master?s degree in counseling psychology from Antioch Graduate School of New England, MacMillan wanted to return to all the action of Hyde School.

MacMillan started with Hyde in 1983 and has held many different positions with the organization?from faculty intern to basketball, wrestling, and lacrosse coach, to founding headmaster of the Hyde Leadership Public Charter School in Washington, DC.

MacMillan sees a bright future for Hyde-Woodstock, noting: ?We want to continue to attract students and families who are motivated to do well academically and athletically, and who desire to experience personal growth. We are doing a better job of that as an organization, and will continue to grow. I think the ?Know Yourself, Be Yourself? workshop offered to the Woodstock Middle School recently was a great step to becoming active in the larger community. We have working relationships with Woodstock Academy and Woodstock Middle School that are good for all involved.?

I could be wrong about McMillan choking the kid.  It was either him or one of the other family members.  Maybe it was McMillan who left for a while after admitting to writing a paper using someone else's material.  I get this family confused.  All that I know is that both of those events happened and it was definitely members of the Gauld family
Oh, those Gaulds!  We just can't get enough of them!  They certainly take the high road vis-a-vie "character development", do they not?!
One who, professing virtues that he does not respect, secures the advantage of seeming to be what he depises.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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« Reply #27 on: March 07, 2007, 12:16:45 PM »
Quote from: ""Ursus""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""bill procida""
again, no one's a certified psychologist or counselor (except Don MacMillan).
Interesting that you mention Mr McMillan as the one person at Hyde who has some type of degree in social work or psychology.  If my memory serves me right, this is the same Mr McMillan who lost his cool with a student and tried to choke him as his temper got the best of him.
from hyde's website, news section:
Hyde School Welcomes New Associate Head, Don MacMillan


Woodstock, CT?Hyde School welcomes Don MacMillan to the new position of Associate Head of School. Rejoining the Hyde Organization after a break during which he acquired a master?s degree in counseling psychology from Antioch Graduate School of New England, MacMillan wanted to return to all the action of Hyde School.

MacMillan started with Hyde in 1983 and has held many different positions with the organization?from faculty intern to basketball, wrestling, and lacrosse coach, to founding headmaster of the Hyde Leadership Public Charter School in Washington, DC.

MacMillan sees a bright future for Hyde-Woodstock, noting: ?We want to continue to attract students and families who are motivated to do well academically and athletically, and who desire to experience personal growth. We are doing a better job of that as an organization, and will continue to grow. I think the ?Know Yourself, Be Yourself? workshop offered to the Woodstock Middle School recently was a great step to becoming active in the larger community. We have working relationships with Woodstock Academy and Woodstock Middle School that are good for all involved.?

I could be wrong about McMillan choking the kid.  It was either him or one of the other family members.  Maybe it was McMillan who left for a while after admitting to writing a paper using someone else's material.  I get this family confused.  All that I know is that both of those events happened and it was definitely members of the Gauld family
Oh, those Gaulds!  We just can't get enough of them!  They certainly take the high road vis-a-vie "character development", do they not?!
One who, professing virtues that he does not respect, secures the advantage of seeming to be what he depises.

I just confirmed with a friend of mine.  It was Don McMillan who lost his temper after a kid spit at him.  He grabbed him by the neck and choked him.  I guess that Psychology degree did him a lot of good.....not!  It must have been one of the other Gauld's who admitted to plagiarism and then took a leave of absence or "resigned."  As you said, the staff who run this school are quite the hypocrites.  The Administrators try to put a different spin on their disfunction by saying things like, "so and so is going to take a leave of absence to try and work on himself and do some discovery." This would all be pretty funny if these were not the same people you were intrusting your kids to.  These are the ones who are supposed to be a good example to your kids?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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« Reply #28 on: March 07, 2007, 01:13:04 PM »
I just confirmed with a friend of mine. It was Don McMillan who lost his temper after a kid spit at him. He grabbed him by the neck and choked him. I guess that Psychology degree did him a lot of good.....not! It must have been one of the other Gauld's who admitted to plagiarism and then took a leave of absence or "resigned." As you said, the staff who run this school are quite the hypocrites. The Administrators try to put a different spin on their disfunction by saying things like, "so and so is going to take a leave of absence to try and work on himself and do some discovery." This would all be pretty funny if these were not the same people you were intrusting your kids to. These are the ones who are supposed to be a good example to your kids?
Mmmmm....  And what happens to the kid who, by ill-thought happenstance, is found guilty of such a sin, e.g., plagiarism?  Are they given such same benefit of "doubt"?  Ay-yaeh-yaeh... NO!  They are expelled under a veritable typhoon cloud of shame and disgust!  What a circus!
A place where horses, ponies and elephants are permitted to see men, women and children acting the fool.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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« Reply #29 on: March 07, 2007, 03:18:24 PM »
Quote from: ""Ursus""
I just confirmed with a friend of mine. It was Don McMillan who lost his temper after a kid spit at him. He grabbed him by the neck and choked him. I guess that Psychology degree did him a lot of good.....not! It must have been one of the other Gauld's who admitted to plagiarism and then took a leave of absence or "resigned." As you said, the staff who run this school are quite the hypocrites. The Administrators try to put a different spin on their disfunction by saying things like, "so and so is going to take a leave of absence to try and work on himself and do some discovery." This would all be pretty funny if these were not the same people you were intrusting your kids to. These are the ones who are supposed to be a good example to your kids?
Mmmmm....  And what happens to the kid who, by ill-thought happenstance, is found guilty of such a sin, e.g., plagiarism?  Are they given such same benefit of "doubt"?  Ay-yaeh-yaeh... NO!  They are expelled under a veritable typhoon cloud of shame and disgust!  What a circus!
A place where horses, ponies and elephants are permitted to see men, women and children acting the fool.

Ursus, you sound like a disgruntled ex-student and you are very childish in your postings. Grow up.
Also, if you can't point out positives and negatives, then you are very biased and not capable of giving a fair objective view. A frustration of mine is the ignorance. Not ignorance in the disrespectful sense, but the descriptive. Many of you think you know what you are talking about. My mom even thinks she knows what she's talking about sometimes. But you never really know until you've been there. For former students, you need to have seen both sides: been the off track and the on track. I wasn't off-track for terribly long, and I was off in a different way that didn't involve going out and getting messed up at night. Once you're on, you have a better chance of seeing what really goes on in the innerworkings. Granted, not to the extent that you hear the entire schemings going on in the headmistress's office, but enough to know. But I can't stress enough, for some reason, that the philosophy at the core of it all is all-good. There's no negative to trying to be a better person. Some ideas that branch off of that good idea don't have to be your bible, nor are the practices of the concept perfect or even close. But I'd like you to point me to a school that does have it almost all correct because I guarenttee (to prospective families), your child's current public school DOES NOT have it. No school's perfectly right and I think they all want us to be better people, but Hyde (along with others, although the practices do vary) pursues that idea. It's not for everybody, but you never know until you try it. Not attend, but truly try it without taking things personally. And I think that's a big reason why so many parents (including my own) get disgruntled: because some just can't let something slide. Talking to parents, I hear a lot of complaints about feedback given to them. There's a reason why we have seminar guidelines. One of them says not to take them personally. I used to take them personally too. But I am now comfortable with myself enough to know that I can dismiss something, think about it later, and if it still doesn't apply, then I can forget about it, no strings attached. I say "Chill angry-parent-who-heard-something-they-didn't-like, it's okay." But students, faculty, parents, many people have a hard time with that because the ego gets in the way. Ego is a tough son-of-a-bitch to break, but it needs to be done in order to ever be a learner going into any conversation. I wish some of ya'll could see it as objectively (or as close as any real human being can get to objective, b/c there's got to be a bias inside of all of us to some extent) or as close to objectivity (word check) the way I feel I do. Because it is a lot simpler than the bickering, the seminars, the 5:30s, the 2-4, inspection, classes, sports, lights out, Mr. Felt, confrontations, AICR, action-reflection, ditto, bing, EEMO, Mr. Bragg, IPSES, the Words and Principles, Summer X, crews, attitude, being dirty, Joe Gauld, breaking ethics, push-ups, outpost, inpost, feedback, seminar guidelines, truth over harmony, the 10 Priorities, The Biggest Job, retreats, regionals, sober breaks, serenity, FLC, allowance, accountabilities, Summer Challenge, Family Weekends, Mrs. Gauld, Mr. Walsh, busts, senior year,  4 year seniors, a rose at graduation, seeing my family and friends stand up as a I make a's about "Hey. I'm on a journey to become a better person. I see you are too. Let's help each other. You may not be right, but I'm open to hear suggestions." To simplify it more: "I want to be a better _____". Practice and protocol aside, it boils down to that. If you can let go of imperfections in the help you get, good for you. Apparantly, we're some of the few.
Don't turn it into a belief. It's about a very good idea. But don't build a belief structure around it (although many have).
BTW, Europe's pretty cool. I'm in an internet cafe in London. Weather's nice. Going to go see a bunch of cool stuff tomorrow apparantly. Didn't realize how weak our dollar is though. Tsk tsk. Let me know what ya'll thought, but of course I didn't need to ask for that.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »