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Ebonics 101
« on: August 11, 2006, 08:00:11 AM »
YA KNOWS WHATZ 'M SAYIN? - Used at the end of a sentence. Denotes a request for understanding from the Negroid individual.  If you hear this repeatedly in a conversation,
put your foot in the apes mouth to shut it up.

MUH BITCH IZ EATIN' GREENS 'N COURNBREAD - The niggers bitch is eating vegetables and cornbread, just like the good old days down south on the plantation.

I'S GOTTA JET - I must leave at an immediately.  The Negro must bail his bitch out of the slammer for selling crack or other substances deemed inappropriate to society by the US Government.

I'S GOT YOUR BACK - Denotes a false sense of protection by one Nigger to another.  The Negro will often flee the scene in immediate danger because nigs are well known for their footspeed.
In otherwords, the Niggerous-apeus  is a fast land animal.

WHITEY, CRACKER, WHITEBREAD, HONKY - Adjectives used to describe a caucasian individual. A proper response to the offending Negro is " Fuck you: (choose one) nigger, junglebunny, jigaboo,  porchmonkey, apeman, chimp, coon, darkie, furhead, monkeyman or shit-colored ape."

DOG - Not the domesticated mammalian which barks.  Used to denote Negros bitches.

OG - Old Gangsta. Used in the ghetto.  Denotes authority in a territorial gang of Negros.  Be aware that the Negro who is an OG is armed and dangerous.  The Negro known as an OG will most likely being carrying a firearm (semi-auto), pager and a bunch of dope for sale to school children.

YO, HOMEY, LET'S PLAY HOOPS - Hi ya fellow nigger, Let us play basketball.  Young monkey males are notorious for playing basketball.  Many poor Niggers on welfare buy $200 shoes and hit the courts nightly, thanks to the handsome drug dealing profits.

SMOKE HIM, FOO - Shoot him, friend. Used in nigger culture to denote a killing of another. Hopefully another nigger.

YOU BE TRIPPIN', FOO - Your are paranoid, friend.  May have other meanings; "You are fucked up." Can sometimes be diffcult to determine; nigger slang is usually understandable only by niggers.

MY BAD - Monkey made a mistake. Happens constantly since the negro brain is weak & inferior.  

DISSIN' -Nigger is getting upppity by disrespecting and/or pissing off a fellow nigger.  

YO MAMA - The negro finds your mother attractive, or the negroid thinks that by insulting your mother that he is insulting you. Insult doesn't apply to other niggers because all coons are hatched,  not born.

CHRONIC - Used to denote marijuana.  Synonym is used in gangsta rap songs.  Marijuana has an adverse effect on the negroid system, possibly giving them chronic bronchial infections. The medical condition can have a positive effect on whites when they hear about  the nigger deaths increasing!

DAY GONNA GET DAY ASS SHOT ALL UP - They are going to be shot repeatedly. The Nigger ghetto culture encourages violence against rival negroes, helping to purify the town of racial inferiors.

GAT - Gun. As known, many young nigger males are notorious for owning stolen firearms.

DIS SHIT IS WHACK - This situation is not correct or the drugs don't get the nigger high or Monkey don't understand. The weak negro mind sometimes doesn't know it's breakfast from a bowel movement.

MUH JIMMY IS WHACKED - My inhuman 18inch gorillia penis is not functioning properly.

GIT MUH GRUB ON - Eating. They negroid diet usually consists of watermelon, ribs, and fried chicken and grits. Their racial family the African tribes; often drank goat's blood and ate each other.

RIDE - Automobile.  Many shit-colored nigger males steal cars and take them out  for joyrides.  This offense is punishable by up to 10 years of  lifting weights with their niggie-friends  in "Penn state" college.

DA BOMB - It be the greatest thing since cornbread.  Since the negroid americans were not allowed to drop atomic bombs in WWII, they now refer to things they like as the bomb. Too bad Truman didn't nuke the Africa also.

I BE HANGIN' IN MUH CRIB - I am sitting in my dwelling. Many niggers refer to their home as a crib, a childish manifestation of their childish minds.

WHERE BE DA HOES MANG - Where are the whores man?  Many Niggers get high on a substance deemed toxic (glue sniffing) then pick up prostitutes because their wifes and/or girlfriends are constantly busy being pimped out.

STEP OFF - Denotes a request from one negro to another to please remain calm. Usually asked after a nigger knocks over a 7-11 or liquor store.  

HOMEY - A Faggot nigger requesting some brown action from the male ape he's attracted to.  

G-FUNK/THANG - G denotes gangsta.  Since many nigger youths hang in gangs and hardly bath, they both look and smell funky.

BRACE YERSELF FOO' - Prepare yourself for anything, my nigger friend.  It has been estimated that a nigger is shot every three seconds; helping out the white cause. The nigger with the gun says this phrase while he does all whitemen a service by shooting at rivial niggers.

WORD UP - Nigger #1 understands the nigger #2 or vica veresa.

KICKIN IT WITH THE HONEYS - Staying at home with a nigger bitch.  Many negroid males have sex frequently because of the pubic hair on their heads. Negroid males have small brains but they were compensated for their mental-inferiorities with large penises.

PEEP THIS SHIT - Look at this.  Many negroes stare at an object aimlessly for minutes or hours. The negro brain processes information about as fast as they work, if they work.  

LAY BACK IN THE CUT - Sit in the car out of sight.  If one negro is robbing the 7-11 and his get-a-way driver is in the parking lot, the robber will say this to his driver so he will not get nervous when "Whitey" comes to arrest them.

PEACE OUT - Goodbye until I see you again, be careful where you may go. Denotes a false sense of caring.  The negro often gets into dangerous situations with other niggers. As the crime rate increases, more negroes die, while those remaining coons screw like dogs to unfortunately keep the nigger herd alive and thriving.

IN DA HOUSE - I am present, Nigger shall now commence with activities of crime, fornication, and drug abuse.  Many negroes go to parties and fornicate, thus driving up the blackie population.

WHOP YOUR ASS - I will assault you until I render you un- conscious.  Denotes a threat from a negro to another negro.  Many negroes beat each other unconscious everyday and cause many injuries. Whitey has the apemen to thank for the health insurance rates going up.

KNOCKIN BOOTS - Having sex.  Many negroid males sodomize HOOD RATS, SKANKS, WHORES, HOES and other nasty nigger bitches who live in the ghetto. The female niggers will screw any piece of meat with two legs so the bitch can get her next drug fix.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Rumpofsteelskin

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Ebonics 101
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2006, 10:19:46 AM »
Must be some white dude needin' a dicshunary...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Livin\' and jivin\' and diggin\' the skin I\'m in