I am very sorry to hear that (Dick Aldridge). He was a good writer, and could wield his chops well when it came to dissecting language...
Does anyone know whatever happened to Clayton and Warren Press? I ran into Warren, completely by accident, in early 1978, if I recall correctly... I later learned that he had died, whilst on or associated with a trip undertaken with Robbie Siegel... Warren was another one of these stellar students with "fine leadership qualities," held up as an example to the rest of us, who later woke up and touted the place as a total crock of crap. In very little time I might add, in Warren's case. I tend to believe, although I assuredly do not know this for a fact at all, that Rob and Warren were of the same mind on this. I knew Clay better, he was a bit of a loner, like me, although I've heard nothing post-Hyde...