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Lost Fornits posts
« on: July 11, 2008, 03:59:58 PM »
29 Years Ago This Date; 01/21/78

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It's no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. ::stab::

Hey WOOFADOOF.  Good to see your posts on the fornits again.  I rarely come here, but I have time today to cruise the internet and figgered, I see what was up with the fornits crowd.  I wasn't suprised to see that nothing much has changed.    I remember days in group with you.  Seems so long ago, but also like yesterday.  Also remember haning out with you after we graduated at the beach or marcie's house.   It has been good to see you a few times over the past couple of years. 

Oh yeah, thanks for never and I mean never chewing me a new asshole when I was on my phases.   Plenty of people did, but not you.   Thanks

Are you one of those stalkers??????   :rofl: :silly:  :lol:

Quote from: "Guest"

It's no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.

This is Quote worthy!

Post Preface: This is yet another long post. If ya have had no interest in this thread....this post certainly won't help matters, nothing to see here folks. Guests, 85DJ, K-Pickle read on...

Guest-- Thanks for the responce! Ya  sound like good people! I am not currently enrolled in school. When I was in school I went for puter classes and website stuff, I was certified by Microsoft and earned  few accredidations in the IT field. All that was self interest promote my art etc.

Now my interests are in the finacial arena.  The big joke in my home life was to loose woof in conversation...start talking numbers and $$$. I kinda got sick of the joke. Actually when my siginifiant other begn getting her brokers lic. I kind jumped in to help her prepair for her exams. As far as work (that which I do for cash) is concerned I am indirectly working for a non-profit. However, I am geting tired of the environment. For sometime now i have been negotiating a spot in another non-profit here in my own neighborhood.  Eventually I hope to have my own non-profit...The Digital Art Initiative...Taking a classrom on wheels filled with computers and computer art applications, digital cameras to the streets. My hope is to reach folks that otherwise have no other forms of expression...much like myself. Always having an urge to create but not having a medium to delve into...can't draw, paint, sing, dance and I found that I could spend many many hours creating on the computer. It's not something that would generate mounds of cash, but i think it could enrich the lives of many.

85DJ--I am glad ya have come to some understanding in regard to the cannibis question/issue! I am not suggesting or implying that you should now indulge. I am of the opinion some are best when not smoking as some are at their best not drinking.  However, to indulge or not isn't really at issue. Tolerance, I think is important in this regard . For obvious reasons (at least to me) I am ultra sensitive to intolerance, both from others and when I am intolerant of others...for whatever reason.

That intollerance seperates me. Once again, I began to have the sensation of "Apart from"rather than "A part of". I struggle with my own sense of intolerance and I pay the price. I am glad however for you, that you have set those particular issues aside...perhaps this is a turning of the page.

In regards to "Bell Man", yeah, he is a rail road guy, but I am not sure it is with Amtrak. For some reason I thought it was C*S*X. I agree, it would be good to sit with Mark. Back then Mark wasn't one to readily accept a buncha bullshit, certainly not to conform  to it. I suspect that he hasnt changed much in that regard...probably saw the chaos around here and so many of us do. And I wonder about that...Do folks dipp out of these boards because of difficulty facing memories or perhaps current behaviors directly associated to Straight Inc. or would the climate as it is here sometimes run them off?

I am having trouble remembering the blue "Vee Wee". I do, however recall fishing off the skyway bridge several times.I recall two incidents. I recall sitting on the very edge of the bridge, at the very spot which it snapped and plunged to the surface of Tampa Bay, and the Ship below. I remember I was sitting on the ledge with my legs dangling over the side. I was with someone, but I am not sure who...Chuck Canon's name comes to mind, but I can't be sure, maybe Scott Travis. The other thing I recall was hauling ass on my motorcycle thru the tall grass along side of the road at about 40-45mph and I drove cross a  drainage culvert catapulting my passanger who I think might have been Chuck or  Scott.

RIP Chuck, you were a good guy...we did alot of shit together...some of it was against 85DJ...that wasn't called for, it was wrong. Somethings can't be blammed on Straight, my own immature character at the time was at fault. I can only hope that my character has improved some 25 years after the fact. I apologize Bob and I am sure Chuck would have also apoloized.

K-Pick---good to see you as well!!  I gotcha on the whole "nothing has changed" thing. As we discussed before, this is the nature of the beast. This is the result, the sum tottal of the long lasting effects of Straight Inc. What more can we expect. The whole of us are enraged against the attrocity (sp)we endured. I think we do as a whole, what we were trained to do. We tend to implode on ourselves. The nit-picking, the back bitting, the articulated skills of condemnation and ridicule. Yet, I also think as individuals, we think and act differently from the mayhem exhibited on these boards. I can imagine how this might be misintrepreted. I do not wish imply that there is a "two-face" negative quality that is premeditated with any evil intent. But there is a "duality" about our nature. Yes, we are angry and will lash out...sometimes in an unprovoked maner...

Beyond our defensive posturing, aside from our rage and all that...My assumption is that we are all similar in many ways, yet unable to articulate those qualities. It is way too easy to mis-interpret a message in a two dimensional means of communication. That is compounded when some posts are litle more than inflamatory remarks made by anonymious authors...Now add the factor of our own rage and a full scale battle erupts. It is a sad fact of life here on the is a predictable result when children are treated in a hiedious manner, under this perverse quise of "love' and "treatment"that we would treat each other the same way decades later.

In the begining of this post I mentioned Jamestown and the two boys found (the one that wouldnt run away)...None of it makes rational sense on the surface to many...but I understood. Maybe to say it was "predictable" is not the appropriate word, I mean really, who knew? I simply understood those peoples experience, not 100%, obviously...but enuff to be on the same page. So, when I say I understand what happens here on the boards I mean it in that sense.

I wonder also about Stockholm  Syndrom, identifying with captors as a means of survival, physically and psychologically. Anyone have any thoughts regarding Straight and the possible/probable presence of Stockholm Syndrom.
Life was good for me after Straight, not immediately after ya shock and fear of being "Brought Back" and all. I had good surroundings, it's just a damn shame I was too fucked up in the head from Straight Inc. to appreciate the whole situation (which I can see in almost 20/20 hindsight vision). I was, like all here, robbed of something as a child. Now, we all bear those scars.

Guest---"Stalker" I can only assure you I havent the inclination, desire, ambition nor the time required to think outside of myself and those I hold near and dear. I am just a garden variety victim of Straight Inc and it's methodology

Thanks for reading this far...I apreciate your patience!


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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes