Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Facility Question and Answers

Eagle Ridge Academy


My sister has an 11 year old son. They are currently in the process of enrolling him in a program I believe is called the Eagle Pines Academy. From what I understand it is located in Texas and it is a very comprehensive program.

I still have some niggling doubts about the whole thing, and I think my sister may be rushing into this head long. Does anyone have any direct experience with this program that might either ease my concerns and/or justify them?

Dr Fucktard:
If the little druggie...err...child has displayed any curiosity whatsoever about drugs, then it is very likely that he is in need of drug treatment. SIBS is top of the line. I'd be more than happy to send out a brochure or you can just browse our site which can be found by clicking the link in my signature...thanks.

Eagle "Ridge" Academy is a charter school, not an RTC/TBS.

If it is Eagle Pines Academy- they previously operated as Woodside Trails Wilderness. They were shut down and their license revoked for multiple violations of licensing standards. They reopened as EPA. ... 52&forum=9 ... 84&forum=9 ... 88&forum=9

Holy shhhhhiiii....

An eleven year old..

Call your sister NOW!


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