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recent article about elan
« Reply #75 on: April 13, 2007, 08:47:03 AM »
That's because you are mentally ill Arthur. Forty something year olds just don't talk about stuff like that. I could understand if you were in your teens- early twenties, but mid forties??
We all know you are gay by now, it's no longer a secret. We also don't hold it against you, in todays world, anythings possible.
Why don't you at least try for one single day to focus your energy on Elan, they are the top subject here. Maybe if you start to use this site for what it's worth, you would see this place as a whole new different experience.
We're all lured to this board for one reason, that reason be Elan. I've read stuff by you in the past where as you complained about the focus is always on other people vs Elan. Well you are the one who is holding everything back and keeping the focus off Elan and on other people believe it or not. I think you purposely enjoy causing distruption at this board, you sure do keep the ball of disruption rolling day by day, month after month, year by year, ect.
And where has all this brought you in life? Nowhere.. You continue to make yourself the head topic here in a bad way, and they all are laughing at you, not with you. If I were you, and thankfully I am not, I would take a break from fornits and rethink my life.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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recent article about elan
« Reply #76 on: April 13, 2007, 09:04:45 AM »
Rethink my life?
Prob some good advice for the idiots posting their trash mouth stories. My life is pretty damn good.But thanks for the concern. Now go fuck yourself.
Would be nice to post and chat about things here,but you dont care for that. that takes the attention and focus off yourself.
Believe it or not,its not about you.Its you and your antics that make fornits the cesspool that it is. Just so you can get some attention.
Gay? Not me.. but I have plenty of your posts in a file that have you promoting gay sex,and fecal matter.Should I re-post them.Your memory must be failing.Try a little less meth.Get a good meal. Hug your mom (upstairs).Join the human race.Noone here is impressed with your command of the english language.You are a foul mouthed little bitch, desperately in need of a quality asskicking.Come see me,will help you out.Oh thats right,you havent any guts mr anon !
Where I come from,they call you TROLL.Amoungst other things.
Have a great day,I have a plane to catch!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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recent article about elan
« Reply #77 on: April 13, 2007, 05:41:24 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
More sexual inuendo
Whats next,your fecal fantasies?
I dont know why i even bother.Now i feel guilty for picking on the mentally ill

. ::roflmao::  ::roflmao::  ::roflmao::
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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recent article about elan
« Reply #78 on: April 13, 2007, 05:44:27 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
I didn't have to sign Art. You know who the fuck wrote it and to be perfectly honest, it makes no difference who wrote it or with what credibility you assign to its author. Your opinion of it is irrelevant, void,  moot....inconsequential...

At least I write something of substance when I come here Art.(with a little proper grammar and punctuation) Which isnt nearly as often as you and the rest of the paranoid trolls think it is. Ive got a business to run, relationships to maintain and nothing bad in my life to blame on my stay in Elan some 26 years ago.

Funny how that works out isnt it Art?

I can come and go as I please Mr Fornits. I find it to be a mild form of entertainment to drop by about every three months to witness your misery, and provoke just a tiny bit more of it by posting an opinion and feeling completely unchallenged by some random evaluation of it, from you, or anyone else.

Sleep well Art, fornits will still be here in the morning. But fortunately I wont be. Not that Ill be off on some glamorous vacation or polishing my new truck. Ive just got better things to do. Dont you?


Me thinks thy lad is a tad bit stuck on himself! Stop giving YOURSELF a better life than you truly have...Only YOU believe the delusional world you created for yourself and try to sell to us on Fornits...You speak as if you are doing us a favor by posting your psuedo intellectual posts here for us to read. After all we all are a bunch of re-re's that only come here hoping to learn about life and how to live it from you,right? Hell, I know I cry myself to sleep everynight your NOT here spewing your pearls of wisdom to us little people...
You were in Elan "some 26 years ago" so that means your old.
Is it not sad that someone as old as you are comes to a mostly anonymous sight to insult people that may or may not be the people they are pretending to be?
A lot of us maybe the majority of us are a hell of a lot younger than you too.
Hell, I could be Art or I could be mother fuckin Shirley Temple..Or Tania Merrette...Or Joe fuckin Ricci...
Who ARE you to "insult" a bunch of anonymous posters? Pull your "my shit don't stink" crap (oh that WAS funny...shit don't stink crap..LOL) on a sight where people at least use their real fucking names. Even up the playing field a little...
You claim to only come here every 3 or so months...Why is that
you WANT us to believe you're so busy and have such a fufilling life in the real world that Fornits/Elan site is a after though to you..It is obviously very important to you. You STRESS that to us all..
You are HERE every tootin day just waiting with baited breath for the oppurtunity to post one of your insightfull, witty posts (in YOUR opinion anyway...) IF you felt "completely unchallenged" by one of us underlings critiquing your posts then why even mention it?
Why are you calling ATTENTION to it?
You are doing just what you said you don't care about and you're doing it intentionally. Therefore you're a liar and a hypocrite and an attention seeker..
So I hope me paying attention to you and your post that you were not writing to seek attention bakes your cookies sweetpea..
It is bad enough to have to be a regular here and to have to put up with the other crackheads (regulars and not so..) BUT to take crap from an amateur in the tit for tat game that claims to NOT be a regular is just plain old insulting to everyone...
Isn't there another Elan site out there that you can go to?
You know the one where everyone graduated as a "Full (of shit) Coordinator" and creme's in their panties when someone like you posts about their oh so successfull life that they have Elan and Marty to thank for? Where you all conduct a circle jerk off while reading old "Coordinator Meeting" notes?
Why don't you go there sporto? If we are so beneath don't allow yourself to be put in the posistion to be "tainted" by our "cooties"..

I would say that Doug got HIS  ass handed to him

 ::roflmao::  ::roflmao::  ::roflmao::  ::roflmao::  ::peace::  ::peace::  ::peace::  ::madclown::  ::madclown::  ::madclown::  ::rocker::  ::rocker::  ::rocker::  ::cheers::  ::cheers::  ::cheers::  ::jawdrop::  ::jawdrop::  ::jawdrop::  ::heart::  ::heart::  ::hehehmm::  ::hehehmm::  ::bigsmilebounce::  ::bigsmilebounce::  :nworthy:  :nworthy:  ::argue::  ::argue::  :rofl:  :rofl:  :smokin:  :smokin:  ::bandit::  ::bandit::  ::drummer::  ::drummer::  ::deal::  ::deal::  ::bomb::  ::bomb::  ::bomb::
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »