Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > The Seed Discussion Forum

The inevitable death of Art Barker

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Sorry but I thought the same thing Ginger did before even reading her post. I will piss on that bastards grave someday. It is only a matter of when. That pile of shit can go straight to hell!

Our time on this earth is short, so I ask that we all think well of one another...

Do you people piss on many graves? Maybe its the part of the county you come from.

Lauderdale, where is your sense of humor?  Ginger's joke was not only funny, it was set up perfectly!



--- Quote ---On 2006-05-08 10:17:00, FueLaw wrote:

"Sorry but I thought the same thing Ginger did before even reading her post. I will piss on that bastards grave someday. It is only a matter of when. That pile of shit can go straight to hell!"

--- End quote ---

you know my friend, I thought that at one time in the not to distant past as well.  I in no way condone what he did, believe in his methods, or appreciate the way my life  and the life of others was torn asunder by our affiliations with the seed.

But Art is a fallable human being just like the rest of us.   He screwed up, and screwed up big time, and in the end it all caved in around him.

In the process  He did convince himself of the rightousness of what he was doing. Maybe he is still deluding himself to this day..doesn't really matter to me anymore.  Somehow I have truly found a personal avenue to forgive him for what he did, and his acceptance or acknowledgment of that isn't even important to me.

What is important to me today is that those that went thru treatment have an avenue of understanding just what the fuck happened to them, and that somehow people understand that this entire treatment modality as practiced today is ineffective, harmfull, and downright counterproductive.

Art going to Hell?  I hope not because even tho I have forgiven him, I don't really covet his company in eternity.



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