Author Topic: Update from "former" program mom  (Read 16301 times)

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Offline Lacey

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Update from "former" program mom
« Reply #195 on: May 02, 2006, 10:21:00 AM »
On 2006-05-01 13:43:00, Badpuppy wrote:

""I'm sure you've heard about their tactics in forcing students to conceal information concerning the truth about that place. Any time we would try to communicate with our parents about what was going on, we would be severly punished" Could you give examples and explain how HLA harms kids. It doesn't have to be specifically about you. You can use things you wittnessed or know about. Thanks [ This Message was edited by: Badpuppy on 2006-05-01 13:49 ]"

Go to HLA threads and read. Theres enough information there, and is written better than I could explain it. I'm not getting into anything else here, as I'm sure it will just be invalidated and debased on the grounds of some ludicrous topic as already shown.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Lacey

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Update from "former" program mom
« Reply #196 on: May 02, 2006, 10:23:00 AM »
On 2006-05-02 07:20:00, Anonymous wrote:

"It obviously matters to you for some reason because you continue to post here, and get emotionally charged over an internet forum. It's obvious you are here to troll, and try to stir up some shit. Or you might just be crazy..."

I am just here to stir up shit? Who attacked my on grounds of whether or not I was sexually active or in a relationship. That seems to me to be much more antagonistic and uneeded than anything I have posted here. So believe what you want, and spew what you wish, but first look at the facts.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Update from "former" program mom
« Reply #197 on: May 02, 2006, 11:11:00 AM »
Lacey, calm down. The only person who mentioned anything about your "sexual relationships" was Mighty Aardvark--so direct your comments to HIM.

You have made it clear: you are in a committed relationship, and therefore do not consider yourself to be "SINGLE."  We got it!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline mcr84kar86

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Update from "former" program mom
« Reply #198 on: May 02, 2006, 02:39:00 PM »
someone said they didn't get the point??

the point, you exert so much energy to attack the parents!!!

well, the parents are already under attck, that is the point!! if you haven't noticed, parents have NO power anymore.

The media/public school sys/the judicial sys/the psychiatric assc/the counselors/the hospitals/the TBS's are all getting rich and making themselves so IMPORTANT, cause they are HELPING those poor kids (but of course, that is after they took away the parents power over their own children!!! you are going to vote for those wonderful HELPFUL people - RIGHT!!!).....

All the liberal influence, the "touchy, feely, "Village", have taken over to "raise" our kids and "silence" parents!  and NO ONE says anything!!

The public school, from elementary age indoctrinates the children about abuse from adults, not distinguishing from parents or family, just watch out for the abuser!!!

Don't get started on the crap that I support abusers, my life was destroyed by them (no, i don't use that excuse to resign from life, every smile I smile, every hug or kiss I receive in spite of my abusers, is a WIN for me and no, I accept no excuses from anyone for hurting other people, "because I was an abused child", no excuses!!! just do the right thing) and I am convinced the only appropriate form of punishment is that every time an abused person get a PTSD episode from being "harmed", the abuser should get a life threatening illness during that time, to only be relieved from the pain, when the person abused has the episode pass and forgets about it and is able to just enjoy life.

Our judicial system has taken over the raising of our kids (it takes a village? bullshit) they decide about sex education, diversity, sensitivity, everything except reading, writing, and arithemetic!!  so gee, guess what, we are  failing as a country in that area - surprise!!!

Then when a parent needs to parent, the kid comes up with all sorts of crap from school, that is taught against the parents wishes, as to why a parent has NO right to set boundaries or expectations for their child.

The school says "that ok johnnie, you get an "A" for effort.  We'll just lower the expectations or put you in a "special" class and then you'll "feel" better about yourself!!!!!

There is the principal the asst, prin, the teachrs, coaches, parents on the blessed PTA (panrent teacher assc) that are so much greater in number anymore than the parent/or parents, that it is a LOST battle.

When the parent says, no I expect more from you then that, gee, where do you think the little tyke turns to to "feel" better, NOT the parent!!

Then you wonder why it is sooo attractive to send a kid to wilderness??  Those of us in our 50's, we WORKED from the time we were kids and it didn't matter how you felt, it mattered, could you survive on your own.

We didn't know about welfare, the "helping" organizations.  We knew how to go get a JOB - but now that is a dirty word isn't it??

We don't do WORK - we leave that to those "illegal immigrants" cause we are much to important for work.

every child deserves a college degree (they can't read or write or think and they certainly don't know how to learn, but we don't want them to "feel" bad, so we won't tell them they are uneducated, we'll give them their degree and ahhhh, they can go to work for, guess who - YEAH!!! the GOVERNMENT!!!!

you all sit in here and bash parents - we are accountable to the school sys for child abuse, school attendence, state of mind to the judicial system, our beliefs that may differ from theirs as then we are "homophobic", "racist", whatever "label" they decide to come up with to "take control" of our children.

Where I went wrong as a parent is when I decided to take away the authority away from the court and not charge my kids dad with abuse.

You want to know law firms, reasearch Williams & Connelly, Belli Jacobs Weil & Jacobs - you think these law firms didn't want to impose JUSTICE, their style?

how dare i not cooperate in the 80's with being a "victim".  my god, how i could have helped the "women's movement" (the immasculation of our young men)  ooopppsss - guess that is not PC either

I decided that, in researching abused women, they repeat this crap over and over and over.  What is the recidivism rate?  You wouldn't believe it!

The only way to stop is to go through the pain of change and the only way to go through the change is actually to do it, not to get an "award" from the court for sitting up on the witness stand and piling humiliation on top of the humiliation you have already sufferred to "tell the court" and then be at their mercy as to whether they "believe you.

As if my reality as to what happened depends on whether I am believed - rubbash!!!

So, the point, the reason Bill Gates and many states and religious communities and decent parents are pouring their energy into "alternative" or private schools is that the raising of our children is for parents, not any school, not the govt, not some committe!!!

now you all can sit around here all you want, "JUDGING" parents story as to what you believe or not, who is a TROLL (for god's sake, who in god's name has the time for THAT!!) or not, but unless you get out there and STOP all these people interfering in the parents RIGHT to raise their kids, you are simply sitting herre amusing yourself cause you got nothing better to do.....

my grandkids will go to public school over my dead body - lacey wants to be a teacher, IN A PRIVATE SCHOOL!!!!

what's the point, well, hopefully, NOW - you get it!!

if not, oh well...... too bad for you!!

have a good life - go DO something to change kids being available for TBS's in the first place - put them out of business cause parents are parenting and DON"T NEED then anyway!!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
ife, treasure every moment.....

Offline MightyAardvark

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Update from "former" program mom
« Reply #199 on: May 02, 2006, 05:40:00 PM »
On 2006-05-02 08:11:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Lacey, calm down. The only person who mentioned anything about your "sexual relationships" was Mighty Aardvark--so direct your comments to HIM.

You have made it clear: you are in a committed relationship, and therefore do not consider yourself to be "SINGLE."  We got it!"

You are deliberately twisting my comments out of context. You have nothing intelligent to bring to the debate so you amuse yourself by lying, twisting the truth and attempting to start arguments.
I stated in fact that Lacey's sexual relationships were no business of Fornit's and you chose present that information out of context. I honestly fail to see how you benefit from this sort of infantile points scoring.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
see the children with their boredom and their vacant stares. God help us all if we\'re to blame for their unanswered prayers,

Billy Joel.

Offline Anonymous

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Update from "former" program mom
« Reply #200 on: May 02, 2006, 09:43:00 PM »
Well, wow, wow MOM: why didn't you step up to the plate and be a parent about 3 years ago instead of packing your daughter off to wilderness, and then two programs. give it a break.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »