Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Brat Camp

KarenInDallas -- Fornits Troll -- in her own words

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--- Quote ---On 2006-04-19 20:26:00, Anonymous wrote:

"You should be impressed, you stupid little fuck. I'm sure she wrote that just to impress you!

Grow up and stop making an ass out of yourself."

--- End quote ---

Wow, you go girl!! I knew you had it in ya.
Everybody has to cut loose and take a random walk on the wildside every once in a while.
That's the first step.
Now just decide to shuck that pretentiousness for good. Ya know, pretentiousness kills.

"But you can stop posting now, because we all know to go to fornits if we need a break from the mature dialogue on THIS forum."

Would you welcome JulietheGreat to join the "mature" dialogue at ST?

[ This Message was edited by: Deborah on 2006-05-23 21:23 ]

Troll Control:


--- Quote ---I went to large state U (Indiana), which was out of state for me. I chose it because I was a music major. Well, turned out the music school was too good for MY level of talent! I wound up majoring in business and going to a top law school (Chicago). In retrospect, I did not have enough "like minded peers" at Indiana. I enjoyed many things about my years there, but academically I would have been happier and more challenged at a smaller university or LAC. I did develop a passion for college basketball, which, believe it or not, has served me very well in the business world. (Lesson to all you smart kids out there- don't underestimate things like that.)
My problem is as I tour colleges with kid #2, I love them all. I was the same way with kid #1. All in all, Stanford would be my dream school because of the top academics, athletics, climate and size of the school. I couldn't have gotten in back then, of course.
--- End quote ---

WTF are 'like minded peers'? Enough program speak already, Karen, we cannot understand what you are saying. You use bullshit euphamisms to cover up your failures, just like your son's. You are pathetic, and not worthy to lick the scum from the bottom of my shoe.

Troll Control:

--- Quote ---Karen...You are pathetic, and not worthy to lick the scum from the bottom of my shoe.
--- End quote ---

Yes.  Yes, this is a fact.  Karen is most assuredly pathetic.

You never changed did you Karen. Why did you ever come back here, you thrive on conflict and now cannot satisfy that urge with your family. Leave Karen, nobody likes you or wants you here.

 ::fuckoff::  ::both::  ::fuckoff::  ::both::


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