Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Brat Camp

KarenInDallas -- Fornits Troll -- in her own words

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--- Quote ---Lori, I'm so sorry. Yes, maybe the message he needs is that you have stopped caring [What better way to say 'I don't care about you' to your kid then sending him away?] . He isn't 18 yet, though. Not sure of your state's law, but you are probably still legally responsible for him.'
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--- Quote ---I'm sorry about your job- I've been "idle" for a few months, too. This lawyer-stuff isn't so secure anymore.
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--- Quote ---Your daughter's anger is very normal. [now an authority dispensing psychological advice] Think about it- she has gotten away with her behaviors for a long time and now you have taken extreme action. She will use every tool she has to hurt and scare you. Stay strong.
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--- Quote ---Hiring escorts was one of the most "humane" things we ever did for our son. [speaks volumes - really it was best for you, not him] We had lost control [What good is it to have a kid you can't fully control, right?]. We could not possibly have gotten him to a program without him running from us and perhaps being lost to us forever. The compassionate, professional escorts we hired had an extremely difficult time transporting our son, but they never once gave up or abused him in any way, even when he nearly killed them and himself by grabbing the steering wheel of the car from the backseat. My son never questioned our use of escorts, even in his anger at being in wilderness and later at TBS. Today we are the proud parents of a student-athlete who is achieving his full potential.
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--- Quote ---We didn't talk to our son for 7 or 8 weeks. We received and wrote weekly letters which were faxed in both directions. I think it is better for the kids- and the parents- NOT to speak. Obviously the dialogue at home was not productive, and that dynamic can interfere with the therapeutic process. The therapist at wilderness knew when the time was right for a short phone call.
We are ALL parents here, but sometimes removing yourself from the enmeshment is the best thing for all involved.
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--- Quote ---Well- both of mine were screwed up.[surprise, surprise] Daughter acted "in" and handled her depression by cutting. We were able to treat her locally and a change in school environment helped a lot. She remained successful academically through the whole thing. Son acted "out" and required programs. Lots of their issues arose from our parenting, but not all. It is a tough time to be a teenager, and a tough time to be a parent.
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--- Quote ---You guys forgot "spend too much"!
Even my wonderful, talented, brilliant 20 year old daughter who just finished a ministry discernment internship can be surly, self-centered and generally unpleasant. On occasion, I refer to her as "Reverend B----".
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--- Quote ---Maybe there is something wrong with me, but I am just not that horrified by it. I DO worry about the effect on the kids, but to me it is better for the mass public to view than Survivor or Anna Nicole Smith et al. If some viewing parents see these teens and hear their behavior described and realize that their own teens are in desperate need of help, then the show will have done some good. ['good' like filling beds at RTC's] I meet many families who try to "stick it out" and think some of these really risky behaviors are "normal teen stuff". Maybe this show will wake some people up.
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--- Quote ---Lori- good for you for getting him back to the RTC. I know it is hard, but what a relief for you to know that he is safe and working on his problem. My son told me that many, many of the kids from his TBS have fallen back into their old patterns. It is, unfortunately, very common,[What about that stellar success rate and the 100% of kids who enjoyed and valued the seminars? Maybe it doesn't work after all?] despite our best efforts as parents. Keep us posted on his progress.
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--- Quote ---Overlordd, your credibility on this site is non-existent. Please go back to Dev-ville, or whereever you came from.
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This is TOO funny!  :nworthy:

Oh god people, please... please just grow up, I mean honestly... have any of you even talked with her outside the forums?


--- Quote ---have any of you even talked with her outside the forums?
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It would seems so. ... 435#180370

Another quote:

Suze- you are full of s h_t. I notice you have quite a few posts, too- most of them obnoxious and negative, of course. I suspect most of the kids of the other CC parent-posters are every bit as independent and resourceful as my own.Karen


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