Author Topic: nothing  (Read 1462 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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« on: February 12, 2003, 01:14:00 PM »
icekss: hay i am getting a room in a few days
booboo_545: so im guessing u didnt get my message then?
icekss: no what u say
booboo_545: u dont want to know
icekss: my messenger was messing up all day
icekss: what u say
booboo_545: I dont appreciate u telling ppl I put u into cases
booboo_545: I contacted them
booboo_545: they havent talked to u
icekss: yea i did talk to cases
booboo_545: and if u treat all your friends the way u hve in the last 2 days dont expect anyone to be your friend
icekss: and how have i been treating them
icekss: c-mon tell me
icekss: inlighen me
icekss: plz
booboo_545: why the hell should I
booboo_545: u tell ppl u know it was me who put u in to cases
icekss: u brought it up
booboo_545: grow up
booboo_545: u get others to do ur dirty work for u
booboo_545: u stab ppl in the back
icekss: i got other to do my dirty work for me?
icekss: i stab people in the back
booboo_545: dont act dumb
booboo_545: u know what happens when lgs merge
booboo_545: they have the power
icekss: first of all name one person who i stab in the back
booboo_545: they can kick u at anytime
booboo_545: ohhhh let me see u should already know who u stabbed me for one
booboo_545: telling others I put u in
icekss: and how did i stab you in the back
icekss: plz tell me
booboo_545: forget it ur to stupid to realise what u said im not telling u who u told
booboo_545: no go to hell dont im me again u only do things that benefit you and u screw everyone else gl with your lg ur gonna need it
icekss: ohh shit i cant belive i am see ing what you are saying
booboo_545: look at it long and hard it might give u a reality check
icekss: realy
icekss: ok have a good life with your lg
booboo_545: ppl shit on me they dont get a second chance
icekss: i dont shit on noone
icekss: and i still dont know how i stabed you in the back
icekss: thi si funny
booboo_545: did the cases talk to u about me and what happned in Sl 10?
booboo_545: rob: yea but i settled it with them
icekss: yea
booboo_545: rob: i dont know but i think it was boobboo
icekss: yup
booboo_545: no she would never
icekss: sweet monkey
booboo_545: rob: yea she would
booboo_545: if I wanted to shut u down I could I have screen shots or your lg being scrolled in my lobby and I hve ims from several friends from u telling them to join your lg so stay the hell away from me and my members and stop bad mouthing me to others
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »