@evaderci: I would
strongly recommend that you ignore the pics (avatars) associated with the posts on this thread and focus
very carefully on the
usernames instead.
This thread appears to have generated significant troll interest, and certain fornits posters have copied other folks' avatars and are using them, sometimes changing them several times per day, in an attempt to confuse you and/or others.
Posters who have engaged in the copying and usage of other folks' avatars in this here particular thread thus far include:
DannyB. ll,
YV23, and
Wayne Kernochan. Some or all of these individuals could even be the same person.
Avatars used thus far have been copied from the profiles of
none-ya, (the real)
DannyB II,
psy, and
=> So... again: keep careful focus on the actual userNAME itself, sometimes also the user ID#, join date, and approximate number of posts, keeping in mind that lookalikes and look-similars to targeted individuals sometimes proliferate...