Author Topic: Makes you wanna puke!  (Read 721 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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Makes you wanna puke!
« on: March 30, 2006, 01:28:00 AM »
Does any of this make any of you wanna puke? Sure did me when I found it ... parents giving praise to Strawn, the same guy who did this:

Labi also uncovered that, in 1997, Strawn pleaded guilty to reckless conduct and DUI after an incident in which he was accused of kicking his stepdaughter, choking his wife and firing his gun in a drunken rage. A judge sent Strawn to an alcohol treatment program for six months, and he was permitted to retire from the Atlanta police force the day before he would have been fired.
Strawn is sober now, a religious man who never takes off his "What Would Jesus Do?" bracelet and likes to pray with the kids he transports. Still, there are problems sometimes. Three years ago he took a 17-year-old Alabama girl to a school in Jamaica that is run by the company that owns Casa by the Sea. The next day, the girl ran out of a classroom and committed suicide by leaping off a cliff.
Wanna get rid of your kid? Believe me, I understand the feeling. But don't do it before you read this very disturbing story.

Unsolicited Testimonials
Thank you so much for escorting (my son) to Tranquility Bay.  It was reassuring to hear about you from other parents, and then place our most important treasure in your hands!

- Diann G., Wichita Falls, TX

We just wanted to thank you again for transporting our daughter ? safely to Walkabout in Utah.  It was a very traumatic and stressful time for our family, but knowing that we could trust you in such an important way made things easier.  There is no dollar amount that can be placed on the service you provide.  Thank you so much- we will always appreciate what you did for our family during such a difficult time in our lives.

- Gil and Laura Colvin, Redford, MI

Words cannot express the peace we feel now that (our son) is safe at Spring Creek and beginning to work on his problems.  Thank you for all you did to help us in a most difficult situation.  Your concern, compassion and professionalism are greatly appreciated.  You will be in our thoughts and prayers always.

- John and Sarah, Naperville, IL

Thank you again for being the escort for (our son), and for spending the time to talk with his father.  Now (he) is doing extremely well.  He?s happy and thanked me for sending him.  God bless you in your work.  You are truly in the business of saving lives.

- Becky D., Banner Elk, NC

Just a note to say that I enjoyed meeting you and Chris this morning. The concern and demeanor displayed by you both is a real testimony, and in my book your ministry is as valid as any on the planet.  My hat?s off to you and your wife!  I shall remember you in my prayers as you do the good work that you do.

- Dana Acker, [email protected]

The young man who took (my son) from Atlanta to Montego Bay was wonderful.  Tell him thank you for us.  We appreciate what you did so much.  You put our wounded hearts at ease.  I think your escorting was the least difficult thing for our son because of the love and caring you showed him.  Don?t hesitate to give our name or number and I?ll tell them you were angels sent from heaven.

- Kitty Faulkenberry, Ponchatoula, La.

Thank you again, especially for your continued patience.  May God bless you both for the work that you do to save young people.

- A Mom, Savannah, GA

Thank you both for your kindness and professionalism on Monday.  You both helped us through a difficult situation- the most difficult we?ve encountered.  I thank God for men like you to help families like ours.

- A Mom, Coral Springs, FL

Thank you so much for your expert and patient care with our son.  Your insights and services made a difficult time less stressing.  I have no problem recommending you to others and will do so with every opportunity.

- Cindy Quinn, Coatesville, PA

Thanks!! We felt so assured and comfortable in leaving (our son) in your care because we knew that you would treat him with great care, dignity, and understanding just as you would treat your own children.  You are absolutely the right person for this business in escorting teens.  Take care, and may God bless and enrich you always.

- Cheryl M., Clinton, MS

Thanks so much for all you did.  You helped make a painful situation more bearable, and you put my mind at ease knowing (our daughter) would get to Cross Creek safely.

- Cindy Svenningsen, Mt. Pleasant, SC

Hi!  It?s Ben from Illinois.  I just want to thank you for helping me become prepared on the way to the program.  I feel that we had some really good conversations on the way.  You are really a great guy and helped make the difference in my program.  Thank you for helping me. You are very motivating.

- Ben E. (Student), Spring Creek Lodge

Keith and I wanted to thank you for the compassionate care you conveyed when you came and escorted our son to Carolina Springs.  As you know it is a difficult decision for parents, but we knew he needed this desperately.  You are doing a wonderful service for families, and we hope you continue your ministry in helping parents get their child back on track.  We are all on a new journey of growing and healing.  God Bless.

- Nan Burkhart, Sandwich, IL

I wanted to thank you and Eddie for all that you did for our family.  You helped to brighten a very dark time for us.  We are so grateful that you were able to squeeze us into your schedule.  We are also thankful for your calls throughout that travel day.  Our Hearts beat more peaceful because of your caring and concern.  God?s peace to you and your families.

- Jodie Standart, Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Thank you for transporting (our daughter) to Spring Creek Lodge.  Without your prompt response, airline tickets and sincere concern it would not have been possible.  Thank you!  I knew that after our first conversation that S.C.L. was the place for (our daughter) and that you were the best person to help get her there.  You, Jan and Susan facilitated a very tough decision, and your sincere love and care made it easier.

- Marilynne Wright, Champaigne, IL

I can?t thank you enough for all you have done for my family.  So far the reports from Utah have been totally positive.  Cross Creek is turning out to be a very special place.  Meaghan has a second chance on life and this program is beyond anything we expected.  I can?t thank you enough for all that you did in that short period of time.  Not only are you a true professional, but your genuine caring and considerate treatment of (our daughter) and Judy is something I will never forget.  You are a special person.  Our Family is healing and you played a big part in the process.  You are the one person that is always welcome at our house.  Again, I cannot thank you enough for all you have done for us.  My best to you and your wife.  Tell her many was the time that her kind words got us through a very depressing time.  You make one helluva team!

- Don Spiro, Sparks, NJ

I wanted to write and thank you for providing your much needed services but more so for your caring and gentleness.  I felt very much at ease after meeting you and knew my daughter ? was in good hands.  I went to my first seminar called Discovery.  I met many other parents that also had their children escorted, and met many that took their children themselves and wished they had used an escort.  Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciated your help.

- Nancy & Jeff Simmons, Lee, MA

Just a short note to thank you for helping us during a very stressful decision.  God has truly called you both, after much pain and soul searching, into this calling.  May He continue to bless your lives and your efforts.

- Denise Malloy, Aurora, IL

You have been on our minds for some time.  Rick, we refer to you as an angel.  It was such a spiritual experience welcoming you into our home. We are very grateful to all the people who made the transition for (our son) and ourselves in a kind, gentle fashion.  Your love for the kids is very apparent.  Susan, your patience in dealing with our frantic phone calls and questions was the first line of calmness during our crises phase.  We?ll never forget that very special evening, with all our anxiety, the peace and thoughtfulness that God brought you into our lives to escort our son to a better tomorrow. All our love and prayers.

- Steve and Penny,  Wilmington, NC

Rick, I would like to take the time to thank you, Kris Beatty, and Brett for their professional handling in such a delicate, emotional situation of transporting my son ? to Jamaica.  You first of all made me feel confidant that your service was the right one for the job and you moved accordingly.  Kris and Brett were prompt, swift, and sensitive.

I felt like two angels showed up at my door and eased us into transition.  I thank God that it turned out the way that it did, and I pray that the wave of support keeps flowing.

- Lorraine Clark, Houston, TX

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Makes you wanna puke!
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2006, 08:57:00 AM »
They are all crazy. There is no other way to put it.. just completely disconnected from reality. It would be like reading thank you notes from the parents of the prisoners taken to Guantanamo Bay. It doesn't make any sense, unless you live in their crazy world.  ::noway::  ::noway::  ::puke::
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »