Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Hyde Schools

Hyde School, Bath, Maine, Admissions

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Hyde incorporates AA practices and principles in many ways. Anonymity is a cornerstone of AA. Why, then, is it so unacceptable to you, Stephen Long and others, to practice anonymity in this forum about Hyde?


--- Quote ---On 2006-04-05 19:52:00, Anonymous wrote:

--- Quote ---
On 2006-04-05 14:50:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Why does a school like Hyde continue to exist? How is it able to  keep attracting new students? And getting new people to buy into the concept?

What happened in that admissions interview that hooked us all on Hyde, for better or for worse?


--- End quote ---

This is a very simple answer.  Hyde "hooks us" because we are desperate parents at the time.  Years later after buying into the process, participating to the best of our abilities and going through "the process" we realize how foolish we were.  I can't speak for others, but this is how my family feels.  We have apologized to our daughter and talked to other former Hyde parents about how stupid we were to buy into this Cult and send her there.  

I know that some people on this board will dispute what I have said and tell me we couldn't hack it, but that is their perogative. I am happy for anyone who got something out of Hyde. I am not disputing any positives that anyone posts on this board, I am simply telling you about my experience as well as my wife and daughters.  To us Hyde is a disgusting Cult and we feel ashamed that we fell for their crap! I thought we were strong people but obviously I was wrong about this because I allowed Hyde to make us feel weak and vunerable!  It is like going to a bad Psychologist who tries to make you believe you had a worse childhood than you did.  They will try to keep you in therapy for years, Hyde tries to keep you on campus for years even though your child might intellectually be ready to proceed to the next grade level.  I think there are people who will love Hyde.  These are the same people who love the Scientologists and the Hari Krishna's! Strictly my opinion for whatever it is worth!"

--- End quote ---

Scientology is the answer.  

Tom Cruise

"To make statements such as I am reading here on this message board, and not be willing to say who you are is cowardly."

Have you ever offered an opinion on a subject without attribution?  If so, was your action therefore "cowardly?"  

Have you ever offered an opinion on a subject _with_ attribution and concluded later that it was perhaps imprudent or even foolhardy for you to offer an attributed opinion in that situation? If so, would you have been "cowardly" to have offered the opinion without attribution?

"State your name and your history at or with the school so people can judge your statements and evaluate the accuracy of those statements based upon the writers' prejudices."

If we're going to follow this procedure, don't we need to place our hands on the Bible first? Also, please remind me: when you were appointed bailiff of this blog, and who appointed you?

"Once again I see a number of people (or could it just be one person having a conversation with him or herself?) whining and making outrageous statements without identifying themselves."

This is, indeed, a common attribute of the Internet in general, and blogs/listservs/message boards in particular.  Is the Internet inherently "cowardly?" If so, when are you and all the other persons of courage and integrity going to finally shut it down, once and for all?

"How can anyone take any of you seriously when none of you are willing to back up your statements, innuendoes, and accusations by stating your name?"

Do you think that anyone thinks that you would take them seriously if they did?

"I am saddened by the lack of integrity maybe that's why you all probably washed out."

Are you really "saddened," or are you actually delighted to have someone to look down upon?

"Your Opinion has no value, because you are not willing to sign it and worse yet you hide behind anonymity."

Are we getting graded on this?

Does "character" mean bossing other people around, calling other people names, dismissing other peoples' opinions out of hand, and exhibiting a general inability to tolerate other viewpoints? If so, then count me out.

Bravo, Bravo!!

Does anyone beside me find it odd that there are a bunch of adults that want to speak about the place they went to high school but wish to remain anonymous when doing so?  I think speaks at least as much about the place as it does about the character of the speakers.
Don't get me rong.  I like hyde.  It was a great thing for me. I find as I read stuff on this board I agree with those that are both pro and con, but I am really reluctant to put my name on anything.

Sue Doenym


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