Sorry if I hurt you, Stefanie, but I'm not proud.
There's nothing democratical about this war. The number of civilians reported killed by military intervention in Iraq is up to 42646. (
You're not protecting anyone. You're protecting America's status quo and exploiting Iraq's most valuable source: oil. Did you know that 65% of America's current energy supply comes from oil? Iraq happens to posses the world?s second largest oil reserve - 112.5 billion barrels, meaning 11% of the total world reserve.
But let's not stick to the economical side, since what's been advertized world-wide is Iraq's "democratization". Politically speaking, there's nothing democratical about the US occupation. There's nothing democratical about the last elections, which the Sunnis, some of the Shiites as well as Muqtada Al-Sadr people have all boycotted. How come? Perhaps their idea of democracy starts with freedom and liberty from foreign occupation. Bush has killed and terrorized more ppl than Hussein(I'm not defending him). And you, Stefanie, you're a part of this. So no, I'm not proud.
I feel sorry for you, as a human being. It must be horrible to be in this war and it must take a lot of courage to be there fighting for WHAT YOU THINK IS RIGHT. You should consider better fights, for better reasons.
This occupation has turned into a complete disaster. Not only this war has not accomplished the so desired reinforcement of American hegemony, but it's exposed quite clearly the limits of North American power.