Author Topic: Paradise Cove & extra circular activities.  (Read 2046 times)

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Offline BuzzKill

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Paradise Cove & extra circular activities.
« on: February 27, 2006, 01:57:00 PM »
Pulled the following from over on the Teen Help forum.

Liars - they didn't live in huts on the beach. They were taken into the hills with reports of kids who were hog-tied, among other things. Swimming, snorkeling, sliding down natural waterfalls - any of you guys and gals who went to Paradise Cove ever get to do those things?

{commenting on the following Woodbury Report}

December 1994
Vailaasia Beach--Augaga, Western Samoa
Lisa Irvin, Admissions
by Linda Shaffer

"Living at the beach" in Paradise Cove's program for teens in Western Samoa became a new opportunity for male adolescents this fall. This approximately one year experience consists of a life of grass huts as more a part of the day's norm than stateside TV's, video games, stereos, and shopping malls.

Experienced staff from southern Utah's Cross Creek Manor and Brightway Adolescent Hospital programs are directing the Paradise Cove Program presently for 20 male adolescents.

Paradise Cove works with teens struggling in their home, school or community. The setting they find at Paradise Cove is a tropical, tranquil one in the Samoan culture well known for its strong family emphasis, respect for authority, and care for others.

Utilizing a 12-step counseling component, young men have the opportunity to sort out their lives and make a new start. The teens participate in daily emotional growth and personal development courses. They also spend a full academic day (Monday-Friday) working on academic credits and skills through an individual study course accredited in the United States. Teens are tutored by a teacher, and in most cases can earn credits on an accelerated basis.

In the Samoan way of working hard and also playing hard, teens at Paradise Cove have a recreational program offering swimming, sliding on natural waterfalls, snorkeling, fishing, and various sports. The simple living style removes the distractions of the fast lane allowing students to focus on their own personal growth. Paradise Cove states their goal is to assist teens to become internally motivated.

Copyright � 1994, Woodbury Reports, Inc. (This article may be reproduced without prior approval if the copyright notice and proper publication and author attribution accompanies the copy.)

Post URL: ... t=0#176729



Funny you should mention that. . .

Posted: 2006-02-26 06:36:00
A friend of mine spoke with Steven last night - and he confirmed the following posts to be true.
The bastards threw his puppy over a cliff. It was a little white dog, with brown spots, that he had named Monkey.
This is the kind of thing one would think was an exaggeration - its just hard to believe these men could be so cruel - at least in front of so many witnesses. But here we have a couple or three boys, independently talking about the memory - and the victim himself confirming it.
One if forced to conclude, It happened.
Its people like this that make me hope there is a Hell, and that is it eternal - not just a snuffing out of their blighted souls.


On 2005-11-26 09:46:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Hey does anyone remember when Ross Nagler got his nose broken when Faragi (FRANK) the staff kicked him in the face? Or what about when Stone hit Andy in the back of the head with a rock and split his head open? They fired stone but then re-hired him like a month later because his uncle was the Maatai (chief) of the village that the program rented its land from."

stone was an asshole but nobody could do anything about it cause of his family connections. **does anyone remember that white dog that got thrown off the sinalele cliff?**


Post URL: ... 180#149758

Posted: 2005-11-26 16:13:00
It was monkey! It was thrown over the cliff to get a rise out of Stephen Frederickson who was like 11 or 12 at the time. I think one of the staff later killed it with a machete. It was thrown over during a facility meeting where the majority of the kids from all three beaches were present I think the meeting was called by Dace regarding some change in the school procedures or something. I remember he thought it was pretty funny.


Post URL: ... 180#149760

Posted: 2005-11-26 16:15:00


He was really attached to that dog it was almost like his teddy bear. He seemed scared shitless to be there in a program at such a young age surrounded by older boys many of who ostracized him and some who even attempted to kill him in order to get the program shut down.


Post URL: ... 180#149762
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline CCM girl 1989

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Paradise Cove & extra circular activities.
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2006, 03:25:00 PM »
This is the stuff that makes me reach for the waste basket! Why is this permitted? This needs to stop!!!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Anonymous

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Paradise Cove & extra circular activities.
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2006, 09:50:00 PM »
It has stopped. Paradise Cove is no longer in business and hasn't been for at least 4 years.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Paradise Cove & extra circular activities.
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2006, 10:45:00 PM »
Just like the one in Florida. Once a camp gets enough bad press, they shut it down and open another one.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline BuzzKill

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Paradise Cove & extra circular activities.
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2006, 11:28:00 PM »
///It has stopped. Paradise Cove is no longer in business and hasn't been for at least 4 years.///

Paradise Cove, the WWASP program in Samoa,  was raided and closed for abuse and neglect - True.
But how can you say "it has stopped"?
The people who owned and operated this hell hole, have gone on to other hell holes -
For Example, Were is Brian Viafanua (sp?)?
I was told he is the party who tossed the pup over the cliff.
Last I heard, he was at Mid West Academy. Also spent time at Cross Creek.
The witnesses mention Dace being present. I assume this is Dace Goulding. He has also been around the Program awhile. Dude in charge of Casa by the Sea - wasn't he?
According to the witnesses, Dace found the tossing of the puppy over the cliff amusing.
So - one is forced to conclude - tossing puppies over the edge of cliffs, to terrorize little boys, is acceptable to the Program Powers that be.
Paradise Cove may be closed - Just like Many other WWASP Programs have been closed, and for the same reasons - but the cancer keeps spreading.

4 new schools listed

*[ This Message was edited by: BuzzKill on 2006-02-27 20:40 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Paradise Cove & extra circular activities.
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2006, 10:21:00 AM »
Actually, Paradise Cove was not raided.  It was under investigation for abuse by Samoan authorities.  The program began sending kids back to the US until there were no more kids left. This process took place over a period of time. The situation at Dundee Ranch was much different.  Paradise Cove was not shut down ... it voluntarily closed down but I think the negative publicity and confirmed allegations of abuse obviously had a lot to do with the decision to close the program.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Paradise Cove & extra circular activities.
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2006, 10:25:00 AM »
Notice these programs did not close due to a lack of interest by parents. Even with all the press, all the horrible abuse, parents STILL wanted to send their kid to THESE facilities. Remember this when you think these programs can be shut down by simply informing people of 'the truth'. They could care less what goes on, as long as they can rid themselves of their 'troubled kid'.  ::noway::
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline CCM girl 1989

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Paradise Cove & extra circular activities.
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2006, 10:33:00 AM »
Here's the thing, Brian and Angie Viafanua were at Cross Creek Manor back in the very beginning. Brian and Angie met in Minnesota. Her family is from there, and Brian used to play for the Vikings (football team). Brian is originally from Samoa. They were close with owner Bob Lichfield. I know that Brian and Bob talked quite a bit about opening a program in Samoa because Brian had citizenship. Not only that, but because it was inexpensive to run, which meant more dollars in their pockets.

I am sure after things got shut down, Brian returned to Cross Creek Manor until Bob found another location to open a school, then gave him a ticket to Carolina Springs Academy.

I knew both Brian and Angie back in the day. There are 2 things I will say.........they (esp. Brian) are completely full of themselves, and 15 years ago when they were a little younger(so was I)they seemed like okay people. They were always driven, and maybe it was by the almighty dollar?

Who knows! This school in Samoa is shut down. But, who still owns the property? What is there right now?

Also, this website teen solutions? It's a WWASP website for sure, but I am surprised to see all these new schools I have never heard of!?!! Not sure what's up with that? That's why this WWASP needs to be squashed, once and for all.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline CCM girl 1989

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Paradise Cove & extra circular activities.
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2006, 11:24:00 AM »
Is it just me, or does this teen solution website remind you of shopping for a new/used car?

As soon as I see Bob Lichfield on TV doing a Cal Worthington and his dog Spot impression, I will be forced to take matters into my own hands lol!

For those of you who are like huh? Cal Worthington was this guy who was a slimmer version of Boss Hog (white suit and cowboy hat) that had a number of car dealerships in California. Back in the 70's and 80's +++ he would come on, with his "dog Spot" who was a lion, and do crazy stunts. It was major cheeseball. Anyway, those of you from Cali know what I am talking about! As soon as there are commercials for these schools airing, it's over!!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline BuzzKill

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Paradise Cove & extra circular activities.
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2006, 11:28:00 AM »
//Actually, Paradise Cove was not raided. It was under investigation for abuse by Samoan authorities//

I suppose in my mind, being investigated equates to being raided; at least when the investigation is effective enough to lead to a closing. But I can't argue with you, the situation at Dundee was unique. Even so - there too, it was decided to close due to an investigation. Costa Rica didn't close Dundee - Narvin did.  And also, like with Paradise Cove, many of the students were shuffled off to other WWASP operated "schools". Many wound up at Tranquility Bay.
And now, he has re-opened it under a new name - Pillars of Hope. Typical.

//The program began sending kids back to the US until there were no more kids left.//

Or to Mexico. The little boy, Steven, whose puppy was thrown over the cliff edge, was eventually pulled out of one of High Impact's dogs cages.

//Notice these programs did not close due to a lack of interest by parents. Even with all the press, all the horrible abuse, parents STILL wanted to send their kid to THESE facilities. Remember this when you think these programs can be shut down by simply informing people of 'the truth'. They could care less what goes on, as long as they can rid themselves of their 'troubled kid'.//

Well, maybe in some cases.
But I think Most parents have no idea the Program is associated with the bad press - I mean the new parents.
When I asked Jane, of Teen Help, if there was any association with the "school" that had been in the news, I was told no.
All I knew was that some such program had been in the news - I didn't know enough details to ask pointed questions, and so was very easy to lie to. But the point I'm trying to make is - I was lied to. In My Opinion, This is the motivation behind the name changes. It make is much more difficult for the next crop of victims to find the pertinent information - b/c they don't know what to look for.
Also - I can tell you from a parent's point of view - if you don't understand the interconnectedness of it all - you can read of abuse at one "school" - and take comfort that it isn't Your "school" - Not realizing they are carbon copies of one another. Not realizing the "fired" abusive staff member may well turn up employed next at your child's "school".

///Also, this website teen solutions? It's a WWASP website for sure, but I am surprised to see all these new schools I have never heard of!?!! Not sure what's up with that? That's why this WWASP needs to be squashed, once and for all.///

Speaking of the name change game. . .
I am not sure if this is Teen Help re-named; or, if this is one of the many Parent owned referral web sites. It looks more like Teen Help to me. The parent sites, are usually not so detailed. Usually just photos of the pamphlets, some simple graphics, the questionnaire, the 800 number and email form to request information. There isn't usually so much info on so many of the schools. So, I am of the opinion Teen Help is running from bad press.

As for the new programs - this is just business as unusual, when business is booming.
Doesn't look like anything is hurting Bobby's profit margin much - does it?


Can you believe they have Tranquility Bay listed as a Treatment Center!
Man alive. .
If only there were laws to enforce truth in advertising -
They'd have to call it a brutal and harshly abusive Treatment Center.

*[ This Message was edited by: BuzzKill on 2006-02-28 08:38 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline BuzzKill

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Paradise Cove & extra circular activities.
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2006, 11:37:00 AM »

Can you believe they have Tranquility Bay listed as a Treatment Center!
Man alive. .
If only there were laws to enforce truth in advertising -
They'd have to call it a brutal and harshly abusive Treatment Center.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline CCM girl 1989

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Paradise Cove & extra circular activities.
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2006, 11:39:00 AM »
I hear what your saying! I totally agree with you 100%. They do go through name changes just as soon as the press gets bad enough. It's done time, and time again. I clicked on the website again to look at it. Maybe it was Narvins influence, but it straight up reminds me of selling cars, especially when they talk of the "warranty" they have.

I get a good laugh. These guys are definately not the sharpest tools in the shed.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
f you were never in a program, or a parent of a child in a program, then you have no business posting here.