Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Spouses of Survivors

Relationships in general

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i'm afraid there's so much anger involved-it's hard to get at the truth.some people have written -parents and students-that they are very grateful for rudy bentz's help-perhaps some are just angry and seeking revenge?? i wish all the people who reply would use less violent language-this doesn't help people who are trying to find out what's going on either with this site or with CEDU. and i'm sorry for adding fuel to the fire. i should have been less reactive. i did not mean to set off a chain of negative reaction![ This Message was edited by:  on 2006-03-13 10:52 ]


--- Quote ---On 2006-03-13 10:49:00, Ramona wrote:

"i'm afraid there's so much anger involved-it's hard to get at the truth.some people have written -parents and students-that they are very grateful for rudy bentz's help-perhaps some are just angry and seeking revenge?? i wish all the people who reply would use less violent language-this doesn't help people who are trying to find out what's going on either with this site or with CEDU. "

--- End quote ---

Well there's a lot of well deserved anger at these sons of bitches so you're either going to have to get past that and read what they're saying instead of how they're saying it....or just leave cause the anger is earned and welcome here.  There is some really great info if you can manage that.

Okay anonymous...what would you like to say that might make folks really listen?[ This Message was edited by: sooner on 2006-03-13 12:57 ]

I wrote the Rudy post that was pretty straightforward. He was "nice" to me, but I still contend that his program was totally debilitattive and I've seen evidence of that in many, many students. This was NOT an emotinal growth program.

And yes, soem people have a right to be angry at him when his approach consisited of manipulating parents, humiliating you, and implementing techniques that are unethical and unprofessional.  All the staff crossed major therputic boundaries.  

I know some of the angriest posters personally, and among this group are fantastic parents/ spouses and successful business people and students.  So you can't relegate them as nut jobs who have no life.  But they were still damaged by the program significantly.  We can't talk to regular people about it because "civilians" do not understand the insidious nature of the programs, which were very cult like. So we vent here. Or inform here. We are the ones who understand how this affected our devolopment and ability to trust.  I know many, many former students whose own parents don't know the extent of damage done years later, but they feel safe to come here to post.

I can tell you right now that CEDU is not responsible for every challenge I've ever faced.  But it led me to distance myself from people for over a decade for fear that they would exploit or distort my trust, and also that I was somehow bad, dirty, and shameful even though I had not been bad, dirty, or shameful. I went to CEDU for depression and a sleep disorder that prevented me from doing well academically. These issues were never addressed.  I also experienced some traumatic events that were not my fault. But CEDU did a great job of attributing a sense of shame to all of us.

There is much more to be said, but unless you know what went on in this program, and how scores of people had their confidence broken and trust shattered, I don't think you should judge their anger.

I don't want to judge anyone's anger...being angry I can understand...just want to make sure it's not clouding the truth...just want to have a better understanding of what's been going on....thank you for your letter.


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