I just read an article by Richard Sine titled Deadbeat Dads and I have to wonder what in the hell this guy is thinking.
He seems to feel sorry for all these poor men that have some how been duped into fatherhood. Being a divorced father myself I had to sit back and think. And after about 2 seconds I had to laugh at the point this guy was getting at. He contends that fathers should have as much of a choice to be a parent as the mother and contends that some men are forced into fatherhood and paying child support. What in the F#@% is this guy thinking?? The fact is there is a choice, the man had just as much of a choice to have sex as the women he had it with. For the life of me I cannot understand why some people forget what the possible outcome of having sex be it with or without birth control. Yes even with condoms the pill and any other means there is still a chance of conception this is not a new concept nothing is 100%. My girlfriend clerks for a judge in the family courts division in the county where we reside. I hear stories all time about how these losers come to court and claim they didn?t want the child or they have no job. Hey all you deadbeat dads that quit a perfectly good job just to not pay child support you SUCK, how would you have felt as a kid if your own father had done that to you? Maybe he did and you are following in that losers foot steps. If all I had left was to pump gas or flip burgers to financially honor my obligations as a father I would do it period! what puts me or any of you sorry asses above doing what it takes. Or the best one is when a guy gets divorced and moves on starts another family and decides that his new kids are more deserving then his other kids you SUCK even more and later on in life you will probably wonder why your kids hate your sorry ass. I guess the point that I am trying to make is that it boils down to responsibility and being a man what is so hard about this? You idiots cost the tax payers money dodging your responsibilities because the courts have to chase your worthless asses down just to get a few dollars out of you to help feed your kids.
You do have a choice in being a father nobody forces you to be a sperm donor that is a decision that you make so Man Up and take care of your responsibilities Losers. And I am not leaving women out of this especially the ones that claim paternity on 1 or more men that end up not being the father, thank god for DNA test but that is for another post.