Author Topic: Only on Ecstasy(Whereas the author takes ecstasy,saves boy.)  (Read 760 times)

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Offline starry-eyed pirate

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Only on Ecstasy(Whereas the author takes ecstasy,saves boy.)
« on: January 30, 2006, 04:26:00 PM »
The first time I ate ecstasy I was given it by an already rare angel on earth, she was so beautiful and sweet and cool...She wasn't albino but she had that real fair pale pink skin and some french vanilla hair and real crystalline light blue eyes and she used to play a nylon string guitar and sing folk songs to me when we ate mushrooms...she lived up the flood plain lane from me in a little cottage built before WW2..

She tol' me she wanted to eat ecstasy with me an' one day in the late spring, she come down to my shack and gave me some.  She had already eaten hers a half hour before.  So I ate her gift and we hiked up the hill along familliar trails, 15 minutes into it I could feel my senses startin' to acclimate, all things cool, beautiful.  

We stood and gazed out over the land below for a while and then went down the trail toward the rocks of the Slippery Rock creek.  Now,... I have to describe it some: At "Rock Falls" it is a wide PA creek about 100' across and at the rocks just below where the river cascades down over it's about 3 an' a half foot deep, normally.  And there are some rocks to sit on next to the river and it's a swimmin' hole ya know, and people come there alot in the summer and drink beer and smoke pot and there's girls in bikinis and some folks skinny dip there sometimes, especially at night, and there is a hiway bridge that goes over the river about 200' upstream.  So thats the swimmin' hole at Rock Falls.

So my angelike girlfriend and I come down to the rocks all trippin and rollin on the E to sit by the water and talk an' such and we notice how high the water is...We've had a lot of rain lately...the river was pro'ly a couple feet high, as was I, myself by then, on that pill.  Then out in the floodwaters I seen a boy tryin to make his way across,  a mere lad of only 5 or 6, I can clearly see that the waters will overpower him before he can get all the way across.  He will be swept away.  My mind is focused, and I am undistracted, completely calm and understanding.  My girlfriend is cool.  The lad looked at me for a sign...I motioned for him to come.  He was not confident but he came my way sort of unsteadily and afraid struggeling along the top of the cascade.  I yelled to him and encouraged him to keep comin my way, I was enveloped in ecstasy.  

Suddenly the kid went down.  I watched him fall and then dissappear under the current.  The water was all brown and white and movin' fast.  I waited about 2 seconds and then jumped in and reached down with my hand, felt around grabbed him and pulled him up. He was O.K. other than bein' scared and wet.  I got him over to the rocks and me and my girlfriend just hung out there with him for a few minutes and made small talk with him and suggested to him that he might be too little just yet to play in the ragin' flood.  He was shakin' an' tremblin' in shock.  I knew where he lived an' sent him home.  Later I told his dad what had happened.

Only on Ecstasy.  :skull:  Peace.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
If you would have justice in this world, then begin to see that a human being is not a means to some end.  People are not commodities.  When human beings are just to one another government becomes obsolete and real freedom is born; SPIRITUAL ANARCHY.