Its a parody of Maury being a 'boot camp dodger'. Here's an excerpt from the transcript of the two on Larry King. ... kl.00.html"POVICH: We try, yes. We try to do that. And the same thing is with the kids and their parents, and we use a variety of methods. Either it's boot camp -- yes, we send them to boot camp. And guess what: Now, that we have been successful with boot camp, the beginning of this new year on television talk, all the other shows are doing boot camp with me.
And when we -- we might send them to the morgue, we might send them to a judge, we might send them to the mean streets of New York to see what -- we send them to jail to see what direction that could lead to. And it's kind of a scared straight mentality.
Is it 100 percent successful? No. Is it 60 percent? I don't know, maybe. If it was 10 percent, I'd still do it. "