Author Topic: Anyone grateful for the time at Spring Creek Lodge?  (Read 13666 times)

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Offline CCM girl 1989

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Anyone grateful for the time at Spring Creek Lodge?
« Reply #135 on: April 05, 2006, 02:23:00 PM »
I am not sure why the teachers don't actually teach? I guess you could say there is a couple reasons. WWASP will try to tell you it's because kids are coming and going at different times. I am surprised they don't take advantage of telling parents if they don't leave Suzy there she will not get her full credits for completing the quarter.

Doing these workbooks are a cinch. WWASP can tell parents how great Suzy is doing. Suzy is stoked probably because she doesn't even have to try  to get straight A's, where as before she did.

It doesn't matter that everyone is different ages. Please, I attended another program in Utah that had only 100 girls and we did just fine. When we combined the boys and girls together we had a couple hundred. It was a much more realistic enviroment then how WWASP does it.

WWASP takes the easy way out because it makes them look good. Not only that but it keeps them in control. They like being in control. I am sure it would be more difficult to control these young kids minds if they had them in a real school enviroment.

As far as the pro-wwasp group's moderated to the max. If you say anything that's not positive about WWASP you get banned. I was a little pissed about it in the beginning just because they were all over are anti-wwasp groups spewing crap, and we allowed them to stick around. Who cares though, as long as people realize who makes up this group.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
f you were never in a program, or a parent of a child in a program, then you have no business posting here.

Offline Badpuppy

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Anyone grateful for the time at Spring Creek Lodge?
« Reply #136 on: April 07, 2006, 05:51:00 PM »
Tell me is it self paced study?
Do you punish kids in a freezing isolation called the hobbit?
Is solitary confinement in a freezing cell torture?
Are the pictures on the brochures an accurate reflection of the facility?
Is mail to the parents read, monitored, or censored? If true that would violate the constitutional rights of residents.
Are residents taught that the program saved their lives?
Are kids put in charge of giving punishments to other kids?  
Do you think it is a good practice to have emotionally disturbed kids punishing other kids?
Are kids ever beaten, or are the survivors fabricating their experiences?
Oh, and Chelsea, she's got it so going on! Why does she say the program saved her from death. If she is so well put together she wouldn't need a program.
Why does she view potential pregnancy as a reason to justify torture?
It is such a great thing that her brother is in tranquility bay, getting saved by Pepper Spray Kay.
Chelsea is just dripping with insight. And that  self-paced study has Harvard sending out a search party. Possibly the keys to her wild success lie in her natural genius. I am astounded by her sophistication and grasp of intellectual subtilties. I believe we should mandate a WWASP eduction for every congressperson that recieved funds from WWASP coffers. If that legislation was actualized I have a premonition WWASP schools would be shut in a hurry
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »