Author Topic: Saving Lives Everyday... Fight With Us.  (Read 2099 times)

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Saving Lives Everyday... Fight With Us.
« on: November 12, 2005, 12:13:00 AM »
To all of the girls whose lives have been changed in a positive way from MMS:
This is my first time here but it breaks my heart. I will forever fight for what I got from MMS and I hope that some of you will be with me. I've watched girls come out of there fall hard. My best friend is barely recognizable to me now. She's with that whole "fuck mms" group and she gets fucked up every night of the week. she's going to die from drugs and alcohol soon and that is her fault entirely. She chose not to hold on to what she has gotten but at least MMS gave her an extra 2 years to live and to truly love someone.

I thank God that I don't let this shit bring me down and if you're there to fight against MMS then know that we will be there, fighting right back.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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Saving Lives Everyday... Fight With Us.
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2005, 12:30:00 AM »
If you're the only one to keep a cool head in a panic situation, maybe you just don't know what the hell is going on. Ever think of that? Maybe your friends who are having a hard time now would be better off with an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on and not your condemnation. But it's ultimately your choice; the dogma or your friends. And your friends were not the ones to draw that line in the sand.

Religion is comparable to a childhood neurosis.
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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Anonymous

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Saving Lives Everyday... Fight With Us.
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2005, 02:52:00 AM »
Unbelievable! If what you are saying is true about your friend then why are you here condemning her when you should be there for her. What on earth did you learn from MMS? That you should turn your back on true friends? That you are the all-mighty who can judge her? Who are you to judge her, and her experience?

Perhaps if you listen to the stories that some of the girls who were at MMS have to tell, you would see that maybe, just maybe, part of the reason this girl is in the state of mind she is in is in part due to her stay at MMS. Ever think of that? Ever wonder why, after spending 2 years at MMS, she's not all better? After all, isn't that what they profess to do?

I think you've missed a very important life lesson here. I think you should step back and listen to what you are saying. I think you should call your friend and let her know you are here for her and that you care. I think you should stop judging others because, after all, you too were sent to MMS. Things must not have been all honky-dorey for you or you wouldn't have landed there. Right?

You said: "I've watched girls come out of there fall hard...." Ever wonder why they fell so hard? Ever wonder if MMS might have done them some harm, rather than good? Ever wondered .....
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Saving Lives Everyday... Fight With Us.
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2005, 11:50:00 AM »
This is by far, the most hateful posting I have seen from a former MMS "student"! You sound much more like a controlling, narrow-minded, self-rightous program parent than a young woman. Your parents must be very proud to have gotten what they paid for, a mindless, compassionless clone of John Mercer. You really should get some legitimate professional help to deal with the hatred in your heart.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Saving Lives Everyday... Fight With Us.
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2005, 12:34:00 PM »
On 2005-11-11 21:13:00, Anonymous wrote:

"... I will forever fight for what I got from MMS ...I've watched girls come out of there fall hard.... My best friend is barely recognizable to me now.... she gets fucked up every night of the week. she's going to die from drugs ... and that is her fault entirely... MMS gave her an extra 2 years to live.....

"...if you're there to fight against MMS then know that we will be there, fighting right back...."

Have you, anon poster, sat back and read your post? Have you read how cold and insensitive this sounds? Look at what you are saying - listen to how it sounds to all of us.

You say you're there to fight AGAINST those who are trying to stand up for something that happened to them. Do you hear what you are saying? What kind of person does that?

It's not about a "fight against MMS." It's about people - girls - whose rights have been taken from them for a period of time in their lives. Some of them feel they were abused by some of the staff there.

So what if you were there, so what if you feel your experience was great. They don't!! You are not them, you have no idea what they went through, obviously.

Take, for example, boys who were abused by Catholic priests. Now, do we all sit back and say they were lying? That all the men now coming forward to talk about the abuse that happened to them years ago are all making it up? Or do we sit back and realize that many of them said nothing because they felt humiliated, scared, embarassed, and it was only when they heard others coming forward that they were able to tell their stories? Should those priests who abused kids back then still be allowed to be around children now? NO!

I was Catholic when I was young. My brother and I went to church religiously (no pun intended). There were priests who we thought were great men and who did good things for us and for others.

If I were to find a forum and read that men were now claiming that they were sexually abused by that same priest, I would not doubt them just because I had a good experience with the man.

Just think about it ... abusers do not abuse every single person who crosses their path, it just wouldn't make any sense because they would get caught very quickly. They pick and choose their victims. I'm serious here, so please hear me out.

Abusers are a weird sort, they really are. You have to figure that they have something to gain personally from abusing kids. Otherwise, they wouldn't do it. They've got to know that it is the wrong thing to do, otherwise they wouldn't sneak and threaten their victims.

They are sick in the head. They are power hungry, and when they cannot feel powerful in the world, from what I've read, they prey on children and women to fulfil their need to be powerful.

Pretty sick, huh? I would say we'd all agree this is sick, that it's not normal, and that it does happen - every single day of the week, every hour of the day, and probably every single minute of the day, somewhere in this world a child is being abused by a person such as this. By some power-hungry, sick-minded human being.

A man who abuses a kid feels big and powerful, when in reality he is weak and small.

If, let's say, Father John worked with kids all the time. Over the years people grew to trust him with their children. What they didn't know was that he was sexually abusing some of their children. And these children were far to humiliated, scared, and embarassed to speak out about the abuse - because, as all sick abusers try to do - they tried to convince these boys that they wanted to do it, that they were just as much at fault as he (the priest) was, and that no one would believe them if they tried to tell anyway.

Well, to kids, a priest is a pretty powerful person and I would imagine that most kids would believe what he had to say. They were all hushed - until someone came out and his voice was heard.

Once that happened, then others, sometimes many years after the abuse, felt safe in coming forward to tell their stories.

Do we believe them? Ya, I do and I think most people do. Typically, people speaking out about their personal lives, willing to come forward to tell about the abuse that happened to them, are telling the truth.

And I want their voices heard loud and clear so that other children who are around priests today will be protected from this happening again.

It sounds to me that you, anon who started this post, don't believe the girls who are sharing their stories of pain and abuse. I for one do believe them. I really doubt they would come here and make up stories. What on earth would they have to gain? Not much, trust me.

What I see is girls who have found a place where they can safely talk about what happened to them. They see that others have come forward and are willing to share their experiences, and they are finally able to talk.

Can you imagine what it would be like to be the victim of someone's abusive behavior and have to hold that inside of you year after year? I can only imagine that it would be very difficult and very damaging to a person's psyche.

I can also imagine that once they find others are willing to talk about their stories, that once they find they can talk about their own story and that people like me will believe them, never mind the few like you, that it must be a great relief and the beginning of the healing process.

I hope you think about this, anon, and about your friend who you are turning your back on. Think that maybe what she is saying happened to her there might just be true. Why would she want to talk about untruths? Think about that for a minute ... what would she have to gain? Nothing. But she has something to gain personally from talking and getting her story heard. She can release some of her pain and her voice might save another girl from abuse.

Most girls here are talking about things that happened to them at MMS, things that they felt were abusive. After reading through many of the stories I would have to agree that the practices there are not what I would want for my daughter, or for myself, for that matter.

And back to your friend ... why do you say that the fact she is doing drug and alcohol, if in fact that is what she's doing, is all her fault? Her choice? Ever thought that people who are abused have a very tough time getting through their days? Ever thought that something horrible might have happened to her BEFORE MMS days and that MMS only made matters worse for her? Ever thought she might have been abused as a young girl? I don't know this, but it's something to think about. Maybe she can't get through her pain yet, maybe she needs friends to support her, to believe her, to help her start the healing process.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline katfish

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Saving Lives Everyday... Fight With Us.
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2005, 07:17:00 PM »
On 2005-11-11 21:13:00, Anonymous wrote:

" My best friend is barely recognizable to me now. She's with that whole "fuck mms" group and she gets fucked up every night of the week. she's going to die from drugs and alcohol soon and that is her fault entirely. She chose not to hold on to what she has gotten but at least MMS gave her an extra 2 years to live and to truly love someone.


Seems more probable that MMS offered her nothing and, hence the fuck MMS approach...also, I think you're cruel to blame the victim.  Or even, anyone that is killing themselves- via drugs or whatever method.  Self-murder seems to me to warrant some sympathy and sounds like your friend could use some real help.  Doesn't sound like you're much of a friend, I think the very def. of friend would not be abandoment and a blame, but assistance and support.

This whole, pick yourself up by the boot straps approach is so ridiculous, I don't even know where to begin.  How can you blame someone who is in pain for being in pain and self-destructive?  Sure people need to recognize that there are options, but increasingly in this country options for the mentally ill/self-destrucive are hard to come by.  

IF MMS made her worse, why would you even say that she should have taken anything out of MMS when there was nothing there for her to be taken.  If you didn't leave MMS a wreck and were able to endure the stress and terror of that place, then great- but a lot of kids didn't and I don't see why you are tying to make your experience any more significant than anyone else's and placing it before the agony some people have described.

There is a cost to this MMS style 'care' and, even if you feel you were helped, is it worth the price that many of us had to pay b/c you feel MMS was great?  I, personally, would say no- my life is worth more than that, especillay when there are more effective alternatives that are NOT damaging to ANYONE.  You can't sacrfice a bunch to save a few- esp. when there is no proof MMS style care is at all effective and, in fact, the opposite has been proven the case.  [ This Message was edited by: katfish on 2005-11-13 16:18 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline katfish

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Saving Lives Everyday... Fight With Us.
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2005, 07:20:00 PM »

If, let's say, Father John worked with kids all the time.

Father John- ha ha!   :rofl:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead

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Saving Lives Everyday... Fight With Us.
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2005, 10:29:00 AM »
...and Sister Colleen!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Saving Lives Everyday... Fight With Us.
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2005, 02:41:00 PM »
Call me slow ... I just got it (Father John)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »