Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Hyde Schools
More LIES!
The following is from the Hyde website. I know of at least THREE years where this is absolutely not true! How about any of you?
"Hyde helps students
prepare for college and
98% of Hyde?s boarding
school students attend a fouryear
--- Quote ---On 2005-10-12 18:48:00, Anonymous wrote:
"The following is from the Hyde website. I know of at least THREE years where this is absolutely not true! How about any of you?
"Hyde helps students
prepare for college and
98% of Hyde?s boarding
school students attend a fouryear
--- End quote ---
No doubt this is a fabrication! Maybe the person who took this survey also took some of the drugs that were confiscated on campus!
Troll Control:
What's the deal with the 98% statistic? It must be some kind of "magical number," as WWASP (falsely) claims a 98% success rate. My hunch is they'd claim 100% if they thought people would buy it.
It's all marketing, not reality. Then again, reality doesn't matter to most StrugglingParents, so I guess it's good marketing.
You are right, Disfunction Junction. Funny how Hyde prides itself on "truth over harmony" and conscience. I suppose they don't have a conscience when publishing these lies.
--- Quote ---On 2005-10-12 18:48:00, Anonymous wrote:
98% of Hyde?s boarding
school students attend a fouryear
--- End quote ---
But how many graduate from college?
Faith is a cop-out. It is intellectual bankruptcy. If the only way you can accept an assertion is by faith, then you are conceding that it can't be taken on its own merits.
--Dan Barker, author and former evangelist
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