On 2005-11-24 06:41:00, Anonymous wrote:
On 2005-11-21 08:41:00, Anonymous wrote:
On 2005-11-21 01:37:00, Anonymous wrote:
On 2005-11-20 22:04:00, Anonymous wrote:
You left out the time when one of the Gauld family, (through marriage) attacked a student. I would not doubt if the student provoked it, but I would hope someone in this man's position would be able to keep his cool. He apologized to the school afterwards, but what does this tell you about the quality of the administrators?
Since you're a tad short on the facts, not much.
So if I am "tad" short on the facts, why don't you clear it up. What justifies an administrator pushing a kid against a wall and choking them?
As far as Paul Hurd not giving Malcolm credit, if he didn't do anything wrong then why did the school send out letters to everyone explaining that he was leaving because of the incident?
I am very happy there is someone on this board who obviously is a part of Hyde. I hope you are willing to clear up what you say are misconceptions.
1. Your statement about not knowing if the student provoked it suggests you don't know the details. Without those, your post is meaningless. In your follow on post you add new facts about choking the student. Again, we don't know what led up to it, but if a student is a danger to himself or others, that would certainly justify physical restraint in my book. Beyond that, I would need the details of the incident to evaluate it. Hence my comment that your post is basically meaningless.
2. The Paul Hurd incident was confusing to me. Malcolm's letter said conflicting things. Yes, I gave this stuff to Paul to use as he saw fit. No, he should not have used them and it was plagarism and is being removed (or stepping down). I presume since this was Mal's brother in law, he was just throwing him a bone, but didn't read it all closely enough to think about it more.
As I've written before, the Paul Hurd incident to me is not evidence of Hyde being bad. There is no school in the country not rocked by sexual assault, rape an other outrageous behavior by supervisorial adults. And like the catholic church, many remove the teacher without legal action to avoid scandal. Hyde did not have to deal with this situation so openly....but instead said, hey, we believe in honesty and openness, so we are going to let you in on an embarassing thing that hurts us all, but to be consistent, this is how we must handle it.
They aired their dirty laundry publicly and openly and handled the situation responsibly.
That, to me, is evidence of their integrity.
That, to me, is evidence of Hyde's leadership.
You can spin it how you want, but what didn't happen was Hyde trying to keep it quiet and sweep it under the rug. Instead it sent a letter to the entire alumni community....not just current family and students. Personally, I don't know if I would have ever found out about it, but for their aggressive exemplary behavior. I tipped my hat to Hyde for this one.
PRICELESS. I am SO sorry that I didnt see this earlier. Thanks to whoever resurrected this thread. This must be HydeFan tilting at his/her windmills again.
Your statement about not knowing if the student provoked it suggests you don't know the details. Without those, your post is meaningless. In your follow on post you add new facts about choking the student. Again, we don't know what led up to it, but if a student is a danger to himself or others, that would certainly justify physical restraint in my book. Beyond that, I would need the details of the incident to evaluate it. Hence my comment that your post is basically meaningless.
WHO assaulted and choked the student? McMillan? Hurd? Gauld? Does it really matter? Get the picture? They ALL ASSAULT the students! Did I miss someone in my little faculty list? I'm sure I did! Would assaulting a student be any MORE or LESS ok if someone ELSE did the assaulting? Why would not knowing which faculty member make the original post "meaningless"? Huh? Are you for REAL?
HYDE SCHOOL'S TREATMENT OF PAUL HURD'S PLAGIARISM:They aired their dirty laundry publicly and openly and handled the situation responsibly.
That, to me, is evidence of their integrity.
That, to me, is evidence of Hyde's leadership.
You can spin it how you want, but what didn't happen was Hyde trying to keep it quiet and sweep it under the rug. Instead it sent a letter to the entire alumni community....not just current family and students. Personally, I don't know if I would have ever found out about it, but for their aggressive exemplary behavior. I tipped my hat to Hyde for this one.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I will DIE laughing.
The ONLY time Hyde airs their dirty laundry is when they don't have any OTHER alternative. And you KNOW the entire story is not being told. Some key facts being creatively put together in a different way.
HydeFan, or whoever you are, you get an "A" for school loyalty. You get an "F" for critical thinking, grasp of the "truth", and common sense. In the real world, school loyalty counts for exactly 2% of your grade. Guess what? You
FAIL. Sorry. Better luck next time.