Author Topic: Where you there on your own will?  (Read 2625 times)

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Offline Powerful Attitude

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Where you there on your own will?
« on: March 27, 2003, 02:32:00 AM »
Who is who? :smokin: Let us all see you.  If they speak not our word the truth is not in them.

[ This Message was edited by: Powerful Attitude on 2003-03-27 01:31 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
t. Petersburg 1985-86, Dallas 86-87

Offline Don Smith

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Where you there on your own will?
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2003, 06:32:00 AM »
I signed myself into the program.  I didn't WANT to be there but I knew I had a problem.  

I didn't know that the treatment method used was so questionable back then. Nor did my parents.  My parents were recruited by some friends from church who had a daughter in there.  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
t\'s not for me to question How God will provide for my needs. I only have to Know that He will.

Offline ClayL

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Where you there on your own will?
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2003, 09:50:00 AM »
I signed myself in in 1982 and knew something was wrong with me, but I couldn't figure it out. It took a whole lot of years after Str. to figure it out.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Where you there on your own will?
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2003, 10:49:00 AM »
3-27-83 Intaked. well, strictly voluntary, it was coerced in the sense that my only other alternative at the time was the street, or under an overpass. 21 and badly crispy and burned out, I figured I would get it over with in about 6 months, since that is what the staff said. Little did I know what lay ahead. I remember stating my list of drugs that the 5th phaser trainee dude ordered me to say. He was like, uhuh, uhuh, uhuh, uhuh, on and on for about 10 minutes. I told him it would have been easier to write down ones I had NOT done. Some of the other people had only done pot and alcohol, that was it. Jeez, they did not belong there at all.
Hopefully the next 20 years will bring joy and happiness to everyone.
MG8 :smokin:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline SurvivorEMSR

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Where you there on your own will?
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2003, 01:02:00 PM »
I was brought to Pathway from Kalamazoo in an ambulance strapped down to a strecher. I was in another program prior to PFC, and I remember my therapist telling me I was going to a program for three months, but I could get out sooner if I behaved. (It ended up being 26 months) I refused to go so they had the security guards and two ambulance drivers make sure that I did. The ride to Pathway was about three hours, and I was miserable the whole way. When I arrived at the building, I told the therapist what drugs I had used, and the staff told me I was going to be intaked, and I had no choice to stay. I hated it and planned "copping out" many times, but when I saw every client who ran get brought back within a day, some with bloody knees, noses and elbows, I decided against it. Plus I was three hours away from my home. That began my 26 month stay at Pathway. EMSR
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline ehm

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Where you there on your own will?
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2003, 03:30:00 PM »
Damn dude!

On 2003-03-27 10:02:00, SurvivorEMSR wrote:
"I was brought to Pathway from Kalamazoo in an ambulance strapped down to a strecher. I was in another program prior to PFC,...
...That began my 26 month stay at Pathway. EMSR"

I know what being strapped down is like. It sucks!

I was carried out of my house and into Straight by a couple of big muscle meat heads wearing suits.
I was not there by my own free will at first, like most I complied to get the hell out.
(about a 24 month stay.)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Powerful Attitude

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Where you there on your own will?
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2003, 07:26:00 PM »
Talking about the strap down damn that brings back some great memories.  Three months after commencement I was told that I had broken my six months.  All I had done was borrow a gold chain from a girl at school to see if I liked my 7step pin (what ever the hell it was).  Anyway, I had to go to the restroom and I never returned.  Immediately after that I was kicked out of the house because of ?tough love?.  I returned home a few days later with my parent?s car planning to pack a few of my things.  I got there about 4 in the morning and fell a sleep waiting for my parents to wake up.  To my surprise the police woke me up so I knocked on the door to show the police that I lived there.  I sat down for about 5 minutes when 3 more police cars showed up.  My parents then let me in on the secret.  I had been committed to Parkland mental ward where I was to stay for 3 days until I was transferred to a new program way up north.  I ran for the door and like the scene at straight I didn?t f---make it. I fought like hell but they where able to beat me unconscious.  When I came to my mom was over me crying hysterically and I had been handcuffed and shackled.   I still fought like hell but there where about 8 of them now so it was pointless.  I was thrown into my pink room and given a shot.  I was able to talk a few days later and explained my situation to the doctor who was amazed at my story.  I was told that I could go to minimum security and try to relax  (he was on my side).   They actually gave me my shoes as I noticed a door that opened to admit a new client.  I waited patiently as I tied my shoes and waited for that door to open.  I ran like hell when it did and was able to get a good jump on them.  When I had given all that I had there just happened to be some beautiful thick green bushes that where calling my name so I obeyed and jumped as high as I could in the center.  It worked perfectly I hung in these bushes for about 4 hours hearing everybody around me.  When night came I slipped out of my location and managed to get a ride home with my friend.  I was still sober and this was all done because of straights ?tough love?.   I don?t believe this was my will nor was straight.  We might have admitted that we could use some help (because my parents where so damn abusive) but there sure was no way out.  Lying Bastards. I ran as fast and far away as I could from that place and anybody associated with the damn cult.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
t. Petersburg 1985-86, Dallas 86-87

Offline kpickle39

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Where you there on your own will?
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2003, 07:32:00 PM »
good question...I got busted for pot by my parents for the umteenth time and they brought up straight, and I said "sure", just to chill them out and get them off my back.   So the day after Christmas, 1978 my parents drove me to the Morgan Yacht building and I walked in.  I figured that I could bullshit my way out of this situation, as I had done it w /my shrink for a long time.  So y'all know how the intakes go...confrontation, what drugs did you do?, look at how sad your mom is....your ruining your parents life, etc, etc   Well after about 5 or so hours of this shit, Ms. Peterinhermouthman, says "...if you don't sign your self in the program your parents are gonna ship you off to another program outside of the country" and then came the kicker, "...anyway, you can sign yourself out of here when you turn 18..."  So I look over at mom, she's crying, dad is pissed as hell....and I say "ok", since I'm gonna be 18 in 5 days.  I reckoned I could handle anything for 5 days.   Anyway, the funniest thing about my intake is when they stripped searched me, I first resisted and I was told they would force me to drop my pants and squat, so I decided not to push it; shit I only had 6 days to go.  So I whipped off my pants, bent over spread my cheeks apart and opened up my asshole as far as it would go and farted.   It was priceless!!!  So began my 15 months of went downhill from there.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Where you there on your own will?
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2003, 07:57:00 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline 85 Day Jerk

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Where you there on your own will?
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2003, 05:04:00 AM »
I had had Straight hanging over me since Halloween of 1977.  I was on probation for accessory to burglary and had kept my nose clean pretty much.  I made it all the way until the end of school and then started hanging with a new crowd of people that lived in a large mobile home complex called Kings Manor.  I also had aquired 2 new lawnmowing accounts that tipped my services with a small bag of pot when I cut their lawns.
I would go over and play football and stuff, and hang out with chicks that would'nt have given me the time of day when school was still in session, and I was really looking forward to entering the 11th grade at Pinellas Park High at the end of summer.  All along, I had been hiding my stash in
a Polaroid Instamatic camera and even had the film strip hanging out of it.  I thought it was foolproof.  Who would open a camera with film in it right?  
        My stepbrother was placed in the program in November of '77 for the same burglary charge and my mom had been attending Open Meetings all of that time up until school had gotten out.  As
a part of her "Awareness Training" she learned where kids keep their stashes and it was'nt long before she finally found mine.
        On a bright clear Saturday morning, June 16th 1978, I packed 3 days worth of cloths into a beat up blue suitcase along with some other shit.
To give you an idea of just how damn compliant I was to the whole thing, I was given a list of things that I could bring with me into the program.  One of them was a Bible.  It would be the only reading material allowed   We were also allowed 2 packs of cigarettes a week, 10 rolls of life savers, astringent or Stridex, a rubber comb or small hairbrush, pads of notebook paper for M.I.'s, some pens and toothpaste and toothbrush.
        My mom drove me there in her small pick-up
and as Starkey Road turned into Park Street, the old Gerry Rafferty song "Baker Street" came on the radio.  That was the last song I heard until October of that year.  We walked inside the doors of that hellhole as if we were going to a church retreat or some shit.  They whisked me off into a room and started right off with the rules of the program and stuff.  They asked me if I felt like running away.  I said "Where to?, my parents won't take me, and I'm too young to live on my own, so if I don't like it here, I guess I'll have to make y'all kick me out, then I'll become a ward of the state.  I was trying to act tough and then they brought in a guy named Don, who had a face that looked like he sharpened axe blades with it and he proceeded to tell me all the joys and wonders of HRS custody and JDC facilities.
      After about a half hour, the door opened and a lady straight out of a Nazi Prison Movie steps in.  Up until that point, I had signed every damn paper placed in front of me.  Her blazing blue eyes gave me the once over and I felt as if I were being X-rayed.  Her name was Helen Petermann, and she was the stuff of legend in the backwood smoke spots, and vacant lot beer parties of Largo.  Some said she was a Nazi or Russian interrogator at one time.  Others said she had sex with horses.  On the outside, among druggie circles, she was known as "Frau Blooker"
based on the character played by Cloris Leachman in the Mel Brooks film 'Young Frankenstein.'
        She picked up all the paperwork and seemed
to be very pleased.  I asked her for a drink of water, and they actually brought me one.  A guy I knew from high school and a girl I barely knew came in and started talking to me about what the average day is like and what will be expected of me.  The girl looked like she had spent alot of time in a bottle of formaldehyde or something.
After this, I was allowed out of the room.  For some reason, they did'nt do the beltloop shit, but Don was the size of a gorilla, and had a hand the size of a baseball glove firmly on my shoulder
as I was led in front of group.  After introductions, I was completely blown away and unprepared for 500 plus kids all shouting "Love You Bob!"  As they led me to my seat, I looked all around and yelled back, "Yeah Right!!"  I put up with the heat, lack of adequate water and food,
but when I stood up in Homes Rap 3 days later, asked for talk, then was told that I had been placed under a Court Program and could not request anything for another 2 weeks, it was like pushing the launch button for the Space Shuttle
Three Stooges,  I had all systems go, and it was time to be the best fuckin Jerk on the planet.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Inside a warehouse behind Tyrone Mall
we walked in darkness, kept hitting the wall.
I took the time to feel for the door,
I had been \"treated\" but what the hell for?

Offline Froderik

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Where you there on your own will?
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2003, 09:42:00 AM » parents told me that they were going to take me down to VA to "stay with some people who could talk with me about drugs" or something like that. I envisioned sitting around in a cabin by a lake somewhere with some older burnouts talking &
maybe even catching a buzz once in a while...

- from an earlier post of mine (Yahoo Board 17568)

It's been 20 years. Before I went in, I had ran away from home for about a month. I guess it was late September/October, so I also said to hell w/ going to school. It was a new school, and I didn't know anyone anyway, (I had failed out of the last one.) I ran away because I had gotten grounded over something like staying out too late on a school night or something. I was tired of my parents trying to run my life. I wanted out of school. I wanted to be able to sleep with girls without getting shit about it. Maybe I was expecting a little too much. I really had no realistic goals about what to do with my life other than being in a punk band. Go ahead and laugh, but I was in one, had started playing gigs around town here and there, and loved playing music more than anything (which I admit wasn't really saying too much...) My parents, especially my mom, did not like the anti-social overtones of that brand of music at all...even less did she like my shaved-head & mohawk haircuts. This was 1982. This sort of thing was not accepted to well back then by most people. Not the way it is today. Anyway, so I ran away & stayed with some friends of mine who were out on their own & living in apts. (I hung w/ an older crowd.) when I ran out of places to stay, I came back home. I remember coming down with a really bad flu and spending a week or two laying in my room listening to dark classical music and "Abbey Road." I remember going to see "A Clockwork Orange" with my friends. As far as drugs go, at the time I had slowed way down & was just drinking and smoking herb occasionally, instead of getting high every day, and drinking frequently like I did throughout highschool. It seems that I needed some direction in life, or at least to have someone say to me - "look you're going to have to either get it together with school or go out and get yourself a job"...or something along those lines. I don't see drugs as being my problem and I didn't then. I was no "addict." When I got back to my oldcomers house (Steve Lund - a kid who was in St. Pete) on my 1st night in, he proceeded to attempt to tear down my belief that I did not need to be in that place. I told him I was in a band and that we played gigs. He said things like: "Guitarists are a dime a dozen, they don't need you" About my appearance he had to say "if I saw a guy like you around here in my past I would have kicked your ass" I believed him. (At least I believed he would have tried...)
At one point while he was berating me I came back with, "You don't phase me..." He didn't like that at all. He got in my face. Pushed me up against the wall. Poked my chest, etc... I remember that night I slept without a pillow.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline ClayL

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Where you there on your own will?
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2003, 10:41:00 AM »
On 2003-03-28 06:42:00, AlexL wrote:
...He didn't like that at all. He got in my face. Pushed me up against the wall. Poked my chest, etc... I remember that night I slept without a pillow.

Ahhhh, Kids helping Kids!

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Where you there on your own will?
« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2003, 01:22:00 AM »
I drank an eight ounce bottle of cough syrup (Robitussin DM-breakfast of champions)::puke:: in the middle of the night prior to my intake. I was on a very intense and strange high. The whole ride down to the building was a very far out dream ::bigsmilebounce:: . When I got out of the car, I did the "Robo-walk", a very amusing spectacle indeed (think Johnny Depp's walk after doing the Ether in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, exactly). When the receptionist politely asked me a question, I responded in a strained whisper that did not remotely resemble a young man's voice, freaking out and exasperating my parents', her, and my own grief 100 times over. (What's wrong with HIM!? Oh isn't it tragic? Please help us, ANYONE!)

 ::puke:: He seemed to be really happy about this whole thing which to me seemed like the end of the world. We became friends before and after I graduated, but I relapsed and he didn't. It was in this relapse period in the late nineties, that our views concerning Straight were recognized to be different. He never relapsed (impressive 19 years clean and sober) and was grateful to Straight. I did relapse and had alot of questions about the whole thing because I felt that Straight had actually deprived me of a normal upbringing. I guess he found no reason to question it, because he had "done all the right things" and was living proof that Straight worked for him.

When I did the Robo, I had super human strength. Normally, I could do 2 push ups. On Robo, more than thirty. So, I would do push ups during my intaked while the 5th phaser despised me for my retarted, druggie behavior. I didn't know why he was so full of hate, because I felt like doing push ups on Robitussin? He just hated me and I was for peace you know?

I didn't admit myself, but I couldn't have possibly resisted effectively as high as I was. When I went to bed that night, I thought I had to have dreamt the whole thing only to wake up in a phaser room. I can't remember many times I felt so terrible as I did when I woke up realizing I was stuck in a such a treacherous place.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »