Too many sissy fags on the SF :cry2: if ya know what I mean.

nah really I've been kinda busy preping Crapple for shows, booking more shows, doing radio shows, interviews and all that silly junk. Still haggling with the fucking CD manufactor. They claim I should have some (crapple "socialbly deceived") here in about 2 weeks though. Still on bond, still recording the Porn Junky "tough love" cd and now working up new material for the new Crapple CD "drug war casuality" which we'll start production on soon. All this new op to speak my mind and I'm egg shelling. It's the looks on their faces when I start talking about stuff that matters, they kinda shy me up.
But hey, I've gotton a few blocks and deletes on myspace if that counts for anything. :lol: