Author Topic: Arizona Boys Ranch  (Read 19150 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #15 on: September 20, 2005, 02:05:00 AM »
Nic did not die of heat exersion, the autopsy report concluded that his death was a cause of an undiagnosed lung condition that he had arrived at the ranch with. The nurse cannot diagnose any conditions and had the staff deemed his conditions serious (note: all the conidtions your websites state occrrued, are not full truths) would have transported himm to the local hospital.
ABR (NOT ABS as some have called it) had a leading football team, and it is true that the coach may have been a little tough. But aren't all football coaches?? You think he's going to sit the team down and have brunch with them to discuss what they did wrong?? I don't think so! All coaches use intimidation to guide his team. Its sort of like the policy: You have consequences for your sins. Afterall, that's the primary reason these juvies are at ABR to pay for their crimes--I highly doubt the coach would get physical, it is still a game afterall. And I will interview some past players that can verify this.
Reguarding these criminal's rights, I do believe that these teens deserve basic human rights, but they are criminals, and cannot be treated equal to innocent people. Their crimes violated other's rights and for their consequences they will have to have some of their rights taken away. It's an alterative to prison; the only thing is ABR offered them a second chance and succeed. Prison doesn't even work with their criminals, which probably accounts for their high return rate. ABR was a highly successful program-its unfortunate that this tragedy had to happen like this.
I wish Ms. Vega (Nic's mom) could have been a better parent and prevented all this from happening.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #16 on: September 20, 2005, 04:03:00 AM »
On 2005-09-18 21:09:00, cherish wisdom wrote:

"Obviously he wasn't acting - he died as a result of heat exposure - why don't you try exercising in 110 degree heat. See if you feel like passing out after an hour of so. The negligene that was demonstrated was so outrageous. To bring his lifeless body back without calling for emergency assistance was horrific. When he was found passed out and face down in the water - immediate resucitation efforts should have been initiated and 911 called. This was not done. Also it was extremely negligent to leave him alone in a bathtub when he was unconscious or semi-conscious. He should have been brought to the Emergency room instead of a hotel room. What happend to him defies reason and was extremely negligent. I believe that this was done to prevent licensed health care workers from reporting this abusive treatment to the authroities. This is often the case. The punishment that was given was not enough in my opinion.

If the natural tendencies of mankind are so bad that it is not safe to permit  people to be free, how is it that the tendencies of these organizers are always good?  Do not the legislators and their appointed agents also belong to the human race?

--Frederic Bastiat -- 1801-1850


What the hell are you talking about?? We are discussing ABR and specifically, the death of Nicholas Contreraz here.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline OverLordd

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« Reply #17 on: September 20, 2005, 10:39:00 AM »
This will have quiet a few responces rolled into one, so consider everything I say after a quote a seperate responce.

My ownly thought is how the program is not at all liable for a kid running away, and is killed in the process. One would think that even if the kid was being silly, and I do agree jumping into a canal head first is kind of stupid, but one would think that regardless of the kid?s actions the burden of responsibility is in fact on the program.

This brings up a interesting idea in my head. Why is the youth running away? We can easly assume it is because he does not like the place he is at, but we continue with the logic. Why did the youth risk his life in doing something dumb? Running is one thing, prisoners run, kids run, people run away when their scared, but rarely do they risk their lives. People try to be safe so they can survive what they are running away from. So the question is why did the kid feel that he needed to risk his life to get away from what was going on at this ranch? What was so horrible that he would rather die than go back? I believe the youth?s actions are very telling about the place.

Quote is not a credible source as you suggest. It is the same half-truth, blinded site, much like this one here.

Ok.... how so? Are you going to support it? You have to realize every one has an agenda.

If this whole murderous catastrophe is true, then why didn't the other boys there at the ranch at this time say anything? And don't give me that they were scared, ABR is now closed; these "horrible" staff members can't do anything to them. What is keeping this "eye-witnesses" from speaking to detectives and helping with the investigations now???? Ummmm....maybe because no of it ever happened!!

Well, to begin with a good amount of fear. Second a lot of people won?t believe them because they buy into what you buy into the idea that they are untrustworthy "delinquents." You have no respect for these kids. While I will grant you that they have done nothing to deserve respect from you, I do hold to the idea that every human deserves basic human respect, and you are not showing these kids even that. They are animals to you and your thought process on this subject is disgusting.

PT is done outside (weather permitting)--in plain view for the world to see.

Maybe you have never done PT to any sort of standard, and maybe you really don?t know about PT, but people get sick during PT, they hurt during the runs, they hurl, and they get the squirts. I have seen this during my own Army standard PT, and guess what they are told to hydrate and take it easy, because there is something wrong with them. They did not get enough water, or they did not eat right or something. These people that run PT should of known this.

Contreraz was a liar and a fake

Another example of you not giving any respect to human beings. I wonder if he is faking death, because damn he must be good....

They are criminals, juvenile delinquents!! The moment you trust them is the moment they screw you over and mess up again.

The more you say things like this the more I see the hate you have in your heart. I think your father poisoned you to them, or maybe you poisoned your self.

So you suggest counseling and medication?!?!? Yeah, like that?s going to work! Here pop a pill and all your rage, and aggression and sins will vanish!!

No we suggest treating them like human beings and having love and respect for them. People respond more to love than hate, and all you and your staffers seem to have is hate. As a side note PT does not make rage and aggressions and sins vanish either....

I like have said, most of these staff members at ABR were former military and law enforcement officers. They have honor, respect, and a passion for the citizens of this nation.

You are wrong, simply wrong here. These people have no honor. I am a military cadet and I would not follow these men to the mess hall let alone into battle. These people dishonored them self?s the second they decided it was ok to treat people like animals. I hold that same standard for every one. The staff is a blotch on human kind and a mark of dishonor on the fine institutions they came from.

but people have died at Knott's Berry Farm from a heart attack on their thrill rides, yet they are able to operate still.

There is a little issue there called free choice, and free will. They were not forced to get on the rides and they were not run into the ground with PT.

It's no wonder our nation is turning out the way it is without such facilities to correct these children's. I blame this nation's crime problems on people such as yourselves. May you bear the burden of knowing you are damning these children's future and possibilities.

Daughter, I blame the countries issues on people such as you. Not because you are defending some damned program, and not because your father worked in it. I blame the woes of this country on your hate, disrespect and rage. It's no wonder when people like you, your family, and the staff of ABR is raising families that kids like this are produced. The hate for people you have in your heart is terrifying. The disrespect you show to people is shameful, and your actions in defending the death of a person are sad. You don't seem to care about the death; you think he is slime to be taken off your boots with some shine and a buff. If people like you are in the majority I feel for this country, because this country is based off of citizenship, cooperation, and love for the fellow man.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
our walking down a hallway, you turn left, you turn right. BRICK WALL!


Yeah, hes a survivor.

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #18 on: September 20, 2005, 08:53:00 PM »
The government were the ones to assign these children to facilities, such as ABR. It was either they go to jail or they go to a facility. The judges were the ones to make that decision. But its not the judge that caused the child to be sent there. Had the teen not committed the crime, there would be no need for such a program.

"There is a little issue there called free choice, and free will. They were not forced to get on the rides and they were not run into the ground with PT."
--These kids HAD freedom. They HAD the right to make their own choices, and HAD the right to do what they wanted to do. But, ya know what, they chose to give up that frredom when they committed these crimes. Thank God we live in a country that gives consequences for the crime. Thanks who people learn. Some of these kids had even taken freedoms away from innocent citizens, and as a punishment, the kids themselves had to have some punishment of their own taken away. You think a pill is a proper punishment for their actions?? You think counseling will make them feel remorse?? I disagree with you on your point that I am filled with hatred and agression towards people. If you know me at all, you would realize that I treat people with just as much respect as they deserve. Contreras deserved little respect in my book. I do not hate these kids--I knew many of them very well. I think they were kids that grew up in the wrong environment and probably had the wrong friends and made some wrong decisions. But that doesn't justify their actions. They still made the choice to commit these unlawful actions. Tell me, if someone murder your child-your mother-your wife, would honestly treat them with the same amount of respect?? I don't think so. You would go to those court hearings and suggest to the judge that this murdrer receive counseling sessions and a pill to take once a day?? I don't think so. Let the punishment fit the crime. While medications and counseling is all great, its not proper punishment. If its coupled with jail time, program assignments, fines, whatever--great, but counseling and medication is absolutely no punishment at all. You claim these facilities brain-wash people (you even claim they have brain-washed me!!!), but the exact same thing can be said about counseling and medication. In fact, you're altering the brain's chemicals to make it easier to do so. Now I'd like to know--if you were one of these kids, do you think you would think before you act and consider the consequences being released from addictive, life-altering medications and counseling as much as if you had spent several months in a behavioral facility? NO!!
Overlord, you have some strange ideas for consequences. Hopefully, you never consider running for President; our nation will be overrun with medicated criminals creating more problems for the INNOCENT!! They'd be free to harm, abuse and prey on more innocent rather than serving time for their actions in an instutional facility.

About PT, Overlord---both my parents were military officers. I have grown up on several bases from California to New York. I have seen PT, and I don't disagree with you, it's definitely not enjoyable. I don't know about other facilities (and frankly I honestly don't care), but ABR PT wasn't conducted identical to military PT. The staff wasn't in their faces screaming. If they showed disrespect or disreguard of the rules, then yes. And PT didn't last hours upon hours on end. However, it all goes back to being punishment. These kids are not at ABR to enjoy themselves, have fun and socialize like it's some tea party!! Although that is  something you may deemed appropriate punishment, a tea party to socialize and "discuss" their issues. Then we can all just live in peace and harmony and the world will be a wonderful place, right? So we should have counseled and medicated Sadam Hussein, then too, right?? Granted he was a world-wide terrorist, but he started out behaving just like these boys did.
This boy jumped into the canal because he didn't think before he acted (much like he did his whole life). He had been disrespectful all day to my father and other staff members and was physical at times. After being controlled, he was told he would be transported to Queen Creek (the main branch) to talk  with the program director about being sent  back to CA. In CA, he would then meet with his judge and ABR would suggest detention of the boy. He didn't want to go to prison and knew he screw up his last opportunity. He didn't want to face the punishment for his actions and thought running away was best. He had stated to my father that he had to urinate while on the way to Queen Creek, and my father pulled over to allow the boy to use the restroom. He had been placed on suicide watch earlier and had his shoelaces removed for his security because whether you agree so or not, these guys did care about these boys (some called them DAD because they never had a positive father figure in their lives before) He wanted to get away with what he did and saw a chance to do so and did. And his selfishness, immaturity and actions are what killed him-not ABR. They weren't their to have fun. But they did have vacations, field trips, carnivals, fairs, football games....they were rewarded for good behaviors.
I do NOT support, as I said. It is biased and blinded, much like you all.
So you're military too, great. My father and the staff members at ABR didn't treat these teens like animals. Most of the events you hear are fabricated exaggerations spread by the same criminals at the facility and the press. You have chosen to hear what you want to believe. It's so much easier to blame the workers than the children. It's easier to have pity and sympathy for these criminals than understanding for the workers. They cared about teaching these kids and they were putting themselves in danger each day just to put food on the table. You have to earn respect though; you give it in order to receive some in return.

I come from a wonderful Christian family. I even work at a non-profit ministry that shares the news of salvation to under-priledged children. No one in my family has been in trouble with the law, or even done such things as these boys. My parents knew how to be good parents. They were strict and gave us consequences for our actions so we didn't end up like these mis-guided souls.
I have never said either death at ABR was well deserved. I defend ABR while the rest of you point your fingers at it, solely blaming them. I look at the reasons these kids were placed there and stand against the lies spread about the events that took place.

I'd like to know what actions make me so disrespectful except defending a program with only good intentions, which has successfully changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of teenagers. I am simply exercising my right, as an American, to freedom of speech (and thank God for it).
By the way, it you knew anything about ABR and their PT, they didn't run PT for hours a day. It usually occurred in the early morning-8AM, before it was hot out. Plenty of water was available throughout the entire ABR campus. Water fountains and bathrooms were everywhere. The kids even had their own water bottles. They didn't do mile long runs or obstacle courses either. Their exercises were minimal.

Excuse me if I defend something I believe in. If that makes me a bigot then oh well, I'm a bigot. But I have to consider the source, and to me, none of you are reliable, credible sources at all.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #19 on: September 20, 2005, 09:33:00 PM »
I do not know what "crime" this Contreras boy committed, but the punishment DID NOT FIT THE CRIME, not by a long shot. This boy ended up dead!
It is nice that you go to such lengths to support and defend your father and the job he chooses to perform. But, one point must be made. YOU are merely repeating what was TOLD to you. YOU were not there, and YOU do not really know what happened to this boy, any more than I know. Therefore--you can not convince me of anything factual that happened to this boy, or why he died. IF you were MY "daughter," I would probably NOT tell you the real truth about what happened to this young boy who died while "under my care" either.  I doubt if your father told you the whole truth either.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #20 on: September 20, 2005, 09:48:00 PM »
On 2005-09-19 23:05:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Nic did not die of heat exersion, the autopsy report concluded that his death was a cause of an undiagnosed lung condition that he had arrived at the ranch with. The nurse cannot diagnose any conditions and had the staff deemed his conditions serious (note: all the conidtions your websites state occrrued, are not full truths) would have transported himm to the local hospital.

ABR (NOT ABS as some have called it) had a leading football team, and it is true that the coach may have been a little tough. But aren't all football coaches?? You think he's going to sit the team down and have brunch with them to discuss what they did wrong?? I don't think so! All coaches use intimidation to guide his team. Its sort of like the policy: You have consequences for your sins. Afterall, that's the primary reason these juvies are at ABR to pay for their crimes--I highly doubt the coach would get physical, it is still a game afterall. And I will interview some past players that can verify this.

Reguarding these criminal's rights, I do believe that these teens deserve basic human rights, but they are criminals, and cannot be treated equal to innocent people. Their crimes violated other's rights and for their consequences they will have to have some of their rights taken away. It's an alterative to prison; the only thing is ABR offered them a second chance and succeed. Prison doesn't even work with their criminals, which probably accounts for their high return rate. ABR was a highly successful program-its unfortunate that this tragedy had to happen like this.

I wish Ms. Vega (Nic's mom) could have been a better parent and prevented all this from happening.


Daughter ... it's shameful that you would point the finger of blame at Nick's mother.

Remember ... "but for the grace of God go I"

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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« Reply #21 on: September 20, 2005, 11:35:00 PM »
Its shameful that I point the finger at Ms. Vega?? What is it then that she allowed her son to slip away into such a self-destructive life that he ended up landing in the court system. Theres always warning signs which she could have prevented early on had she learned to discipline her own son. She should feel shamed.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
ring back good, successful programs, such as Arizona Boys Ranch!!


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« Reply #22 on: September 20, 2005, 11:44:00 PM »
On 2005-09-20 18:33:00, Anonymous wrote:


I do not know what "crime" this Contreras boy committed, but the punishment DID NOT FIT THE CRIME, not by a long shot. This boy ended up dead!

It is nice that you go to such lengths to support and defend your father and the job he chooses to perform. But, one point must be made. YOU are merely repeating what was TOLD to you. YOU were not there, and YOU do not really know what happened to this boy, any more than I know. Therefore--you can not convince me of anything factual that happened to this boy, or why he died. IF you were MY "daughter," I would probably NOT tell you the real truth about what happened to this young boy who died while "under my care" either.  I doubt if your father told you the whole truth either."

Excuse me, idiot, but had you read all my posts then you would realize that my father and I have an estranged relationship. And I do know how things went on at the ranch--I grew up at that ranch and the branch ranch in Williams. I knew the boys there and staff. I have just recently begun researching this subject and has since became a passion of mine. I have not discussed ANY of these events with my father for that exact reason. My mother and other people that I grew up with around the ranch life have been great resources for me, including ex-ranchers and graduates of ABR. And by the way, my father was not even working for ABR when Contreraz pasted away, he had quit a month earlier. So much for what you know.  ::bangin::
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
ring back good, successful programs, such as Arizona Boys Ranch!!

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #23 on: September 21, 2005, 12:26:00 AM »
On 2005-09-20 20:35:00, DAUGHTER wrote:

"Its shameful that I point the finger at Ms. Vega?? What is it then that she allowed her son to slip away into such a self-destructive life that he ended up landing in the court system. Theres always warning signs which she could have prevented early on had she learned to discipline her own son. She should feel shamed."

Oh please, get over yourself!  Plenty of kids have gotten into trouble and managed to turn out to be productive adults.  Nick was sent to a program that was supposed to help him, not kill him.  So he was sick?  Kids get sick, that's no excuse to deny them PROPER medical attention.

Face it.  Nick died a PREVENTABLE DEATH.  Arizona Boys Ranch had a chance to save him and failed.  End of story.

God rest Nick's soul.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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« Reply #24 on: September 21, 2005, 02:21:00 AM »
Yeah and you know all these details about his death based on lies spread by the public. He arrived to the ranch sick and had no apparent symptoms (desite what the lies say). The nurse couldn't have done anything. If he had symptoms he would have been transported to the local hospital.
Kids may turn their lives around without such programs, but something tragic must have happened in their lives for them to realize they needed to change. What about the kids that don't have the opportunity to realize this on their own?? God sends them the message some other way--whether its jail, probation, fines, or a facility treatment. God allowed his death to happen for a reason. We all can learn a lesson from Nic's death. Maybe its for you idiots to shut down and close every facility like ABR denying these kids' the chance to change. As a result, our nation's crime rate will steadily rise, putting us innocent people in danger. I hope you can sleep at night knowing these criminals are roaming our streets because you have closed the door for their rehabilitation.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
ring back good, successful programs, such as Arizona Boys Ranch!!


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« Reply #25 on: September 21, 2005, 02:36:00 AM »
On 2005-09-18 18:41:00, Three Springs Waygookin wrote:

I see it as the program is responsible for the safety of the resident. No matter where and what the resident is doing the program is required to see that he or she is not harming himself, or others. It is the program's job to make sure kids are not killing themselves with head first lunges into canals.

The kid was being transported to Queen Creek because he was irate and disrespectful all day. He had attacked several staff members, including my father. He was not only a threat to the staff and other ranchers there, but also to himself. As a result, he was placed on suicide watch-his shoe laces removed and a chaperoin assigned at all times. While being transported, he complained to my father that he had to use the restroom. My father stopped for him to go to the restroom and the kid took off. He ran directly for the canal and dove. How could the staff have prevented this kid's actions?? If they had handcuffed him, you all would still have a hissy pit about how he was contained. If he was handcuffed, he would have still drowned. If the staff had tackled him (which they could have, he was too far ahead of them) you would have had a cow about physical abuse and how they treated him so terribly. So unless you have miraculous solution, don't blame this on the staff. If was solely the child's actions that lead to his death. If the child had hung himself in the middle of the night, would that also have been ABR's fault?? Get real, dude. I hope your not a lawyer, cause your rebuttals suck!!
Please see my earlier post regarding your accusations about the boys being dehydrated. This boys were healthier than I was. They were strong and energetic.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
ring back good, successful programs, such as Arizona Boys Ranch!!

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #26 on: September 21, 2005, 02:48:00 AM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #27 on: September 21, 2005, 04:15:00 AM »
On 2005-09-20 23:21:00, DAUGHTER wrote:

"Yeah and you know all these details about his death based on lies spread by the public. He arrived to the ranch sick and had no apparent symptoms (desite what the lies say). The nurse couldn't have done anything. If he had symptoms he would have been transported to the local hospital.

Kids may turn their lives around without such programs, but something tragic must have happened in their lives for them to realize they needed to change. What about the kids that don't have the opportunity to realize this on their own?? God sends them the message some other way--whether its jail, probation, fines, or a facility treatment. God allowed his death to happen for a reason. We all can learn a lesson from Nic's death. Maybe its for you idiots to shut down and close every facility like ABR denying these kids' the chance to change. As a result, our nation's crime rate will steadily rise, putting us innocent people in danger. I hope you can sleep at night knowing these criminals are roaming our streets because you have closed the door for their rehabilitation.


Oh hell yeah, we can sleep at night knowing it's just a matter of time before the TEEN HURT industry is exposed by the GAO (look it up) for what it is ... ONE BIG FRAUD.

Trust me, the good ole' days of abusing/torturing children for profit are coming to an end.

Ain't it grand?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Troll Control

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« Reply #28 on: September 21, 2005, 08:53:00 AM »
On 2005-09-20 23:36:00, DAUGHTER wrote:


On 2005-09-18 18:41:00, Three Springs Waygookin wrote:

I see it as the program is responsible for the safety of the resident. No matter where and what the resident is doing the program is required to see that he or she is not harming himself, or others. It is the program's job to make sure kids are not killing themselves with head first lunges into canals.

The kid was being transported to Queen Creek because he was irate and disrespectful all day. He had attacked several staff members, including my father. He was not only a threat to the staff and other ranchers there, but also to himself. As a result, he was placed on suicide watch-his shoe laces removed and a chaperoin assigned at all times. While being transported, he complained to my father that he had to use the restroom. My father stopped for him to go to the restroom and the kid took off. He ran directly for the canal and dove. How could the staff have prevented this kid's actions?? If they had handcuffed him, you all would still have a hissy pit about how he was contained. If he was handcuffed, he would have still drowned. If the staff had tackled him (which they could have, he was too far ahead of them) you would have had a cow about physical abuse and how they treated him so terribly. So unless you have miraculous solution, don't blame this on the staff. If was solely the child's actions that lead to his death. If the child had hung himself in the middle of the night, would that also have been ABR's fault?? Get real, dude. I hope your not a lawyer, cause your rebuttals suck!!

Please see my earlier post regarding your accusations about the boys being dehydrated. This boys were healthier than I was. They were strong and energetic.


Healthy and energetic?  Read the autopsy report.  Nearly a half gallon of pus in one lung, vomiting and soiling himself for days.

Healthier than you?  I guess your speaking to us from beyond the grave, because this boy is DEAD.  That's how healthy he is you fool.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Whooter - The Most Prolific Troll Fornits Has Ever Seen - The Definitive Links
"Looks like a nasty aspentrolius sticci whooterensis infestation you got there, Ms. Fornits.  I\'ll get right to work."

- Troll Control

Offline Deborah

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« Reply #29 on: September 21, 2005, 09:05:00 AM »
Nick was known to have asthma. He obviously got  progressively more ill for two weeks before he died to the point of not eating, loosing 20#, vomitting several times a day, deficating and urinating on himself,

For this he was publicly humiliated and further punished. There is no way to justify this, daughter.

The coroner found 2.5 qts of pus in his lungs, he had strep and staff infections, pneumonia, and chronic bronchitis.

And no one noticed he wasn't faking? No fever? No wheezing? No coughing?

A bunch of incompetents who have no business caring for animals, much less children.

They claim to be rehabilitating juvenile criminals and they use a doctor that is on probabtion for criminal activity? Specifically, illegal distribution of narcotics, self-prescribing and inadequate maintenance of medical charts.

ABR is a antiquated dinasaur program led by those who still believe that punishment is the way to heal broken hearts and lives. If you are vaguely interested in looking at a different way, take a look at this Juvenile program- Harris County Youth Village (specifically)

which uses a unique model- Stars and Stripes ... tripes.htm
Other aspects:

'Juvenile Delinquents' deserve to have their needs met as much (or more) than other teens. There should be a federal model such as Stars and Stripes that all juvenile facilities would be required to adopt. Ex military have no business, generally speaking, caring for youth. They are best at preparing young adults to dissociate and kill.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here: