There are many differnt explanations to Marie Antoinette's alleged PR foible about cake. One of them goes that when she heard that the people had no bread, she thought that cake was a perfectly reasonable and accesible alternative for them. Cake, of course, being something more like biscuits or quick bread w/ bread being a more delicate, time consuming product.
It wasn't that she was so cold and heartless so much as that she was cloistered, out of touch and totally niave of life on the ground in her country.
And W's looking forward to messing around w/ a prop guitar on Trent Lott's newly rebuilt front porch.
Same shit, different century. Whether they're crazy, mean spirited or just incredibly stupid and out of touch makes no difference to the people STILL waiting on their roof for a chopper or boat to happen along.
I have never seen the slightest scientific proof of the religious theories of heaven and hell, of future life for individuals, or of a personal God.
--Thomas Edison, American inventor