Me suh respect hi-yuh from birth. Me suh scalp first white man who dare no respect hi-yuh. Buffalos across plains hear me suh hi-yuh and yell... "KRUGLIK!!!! RUN!!!!!" and me suh chase them down and rape them while singing hi-yuhs and eating pigeon poop.
Dont you also suck penis while riding your Buffalo TCK? And frequently take breaks and get off the Buffalo and suck the Buffalo's penis as well? huh? tell us, tell us!
Me suh ALWAYS suck buffalo penis but buffalo died recently. me suh need new lover. you suh all should also read me suh latest deerfucking adventures. me suh almost able to suck me suh own penis.
oh and also in regard to the hi-yuh: RESPECT THE HI-YUH OR DIE!!!!