Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Mission Mountain School

no talks

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anyone remember no talks?

Yes! I remember off talk. I was off talk for almost 3 months. lol

it wasn't 'no talks' but 'off talk', right?  how come you were put off talk, cotter?   holy shit, for 3 months! i think that's the longest i've heard of anyone being off talk!

I remember being off talk.
I don't remember how many times i was off talk or for how long. Can't count them. for the 3 years I was there I was off talk for most of it.
I was off talk, cause I was so angry and yes, outrightly being a bitch....
Cotter...maybe you can remember how long and how often I didn't talk... :???:

"A day for a good lesson learned is one thing, but dang three months?" your all not gonna agree with me but, I learned alot from being off talk. It forced me to find other ways to communicate. Girls actually told me (uless they were lying), but they told me they thought i seemed peaceful and not as angry. Which is weird cuase everyone gave me "feedback" and always said my looks were the worse., youd think they tell me my looks got even worse.  
Go figure.


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