Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Brat Camp

Karen In Dallas

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I'll tell her she has been challenged here. I cannot say she will respond, infact I think she said she would not longer post, but I will ask.

If you build it, they will come.

In due time, all in due time.

karenindallas SAID

?I hate fornits so much, I am going to write my congressman a letter and tell him. Yes, I have THAT much free time and nothing better to do. You think you are all that-- let me tell you, you are not. I am a lawyer and am much smarter than everyone here. Much smarter. So much, I am surprised any of you can read, let alone type.

I will spend everyday of the rest of my life at Fornits just to counter-point all your arguments programs are bad. It is my duty. No-- the programs don't pay me, I do this all on my own merit. Why? Because I think every teen is evil and should be locked away. You damn kids--- you never learn. Soon I will have all people who post on fornits arrested, I am THAT powerful. Watch and see.

The programs will never be shut down!! Keep trying though IDIOTS!?

(Same message is posted elsewhere)

Hey KarininDallas! Guess what, I am soon to be a LAWYER TOO! As an adult, I think you are by far the most childish so-called adult I have seen in a long time. And I am not the least bit impressed by your rantings. I despise the way you insult posters here and seem to think you are some superior person because you?re a lawyer. Big deal. And I hate to break it to you?.lawyers are NOT smarter than the rest of the world.

You?ve met you match?..let me tell you what I intend to do with my legal career and the ?power? (as you call it)  that comes with it. Prove that kids are NOT evil!?That they need love, compassion, and understanding?and yes, discipline?and, parents that can accept some amount of responsibility for their children?s problems because all relationships are a two-way street. I also intend to spread the word about how damaging certain program can be, but support those few programs that DO NOT abuse, demoralize, humiliate nor engage in coercive tactics. And while you are busy trying to arrest them?I will be very busy fighting, as a lawyer, on their behalf.

I am one former ?troubled teen,? who has done time in Straight, Inc., and will not rest until the hell I went through there becomes something good. Yes, I have ?tuned my life around? as a program would say?.BUT Straight is NOT what "turned me around." It took years after getting out that hell before I could put Straight/HELL behind me and move on...Oh and one other thing?I back up all the former Straightlings (and other drug war POW?s) here that posted?.they have perfectly valid reasons to be angry and make numerous valid points?the only difference is I know how to play lawyer ?games.?  And I will spend the rest of my life supporting them and supporting and fighting for the kids who now stand in the shoes we once stood.

I'm used to the lawyer jokes...and completely understand why people hate lawyers so much, and the jokes reflect that.

But, some lawyers are actually awesome just have to weed through a lot of nasty ones to find them...I swim in a shark tank so to speak.

I realize that my previous post was a rather long winded...

But, people like KareninDallas infuriate me because of her hateful posts and refusal to see the bad side of programs. Three Springs Waygookin, I much prefer to see your posts because they are thought provoking, even when I disagree with you. (BTW, sometimes I agree with you too). You demonstrate a willingness to look at both sides of programs, the good and bad, which is a good thing.

I do recognize that some programs are good, but hope to see that someday, good programs are the norm and bad ones no longer exist. I want kids to get the right kind of help, not the kind that makes everything worse for them.

OK here it goes?.hopefully, toward the goal of meaningful debate that includes AND validates both sides of the coin (I agreed with your last post to that effect).

You said on the DATELINE TONIGHT: Restraint Deaths thread:

?I have restrained alot of kids in my day as a counselor. I think the actual count in four years of counseling was over 200 restraints? Not many of my kids seemed to be scared of getting restrained as they kept doing the same crazy crap again, and again. Sometimes I would restrain them, and have to do it again 5 minutes later for the same kid?..

?.My point is I have never seen a restraint go for more than 10 minutes tops?..

?.Restraints are part of the business and should only be used for when the kid is ACTIVELY hurting himself, or another?..

I said on the DATELINE TONIGHT: Restraint Deaths thread:

?The effect: Instill fear into kids so that they submit, comply, and so that they never show any disagreement with the "program" while in the "troubled teen facility"---The Message - just do whatever they say to get out of there! (which means kids learn little because their compliance is solely to avoid restraints, humiliation, or other consequences).?

AND Now?..

For the record, In Straight, restraints were never as brief as 10 minutes?.most were for many, many hours to all day long?that said?I realize your experience as a counselor is different than this, but what I saw was downright inhumane.

What I disagree with, is that some of use WERE terrified seeing other kids restrained, which is why some appear to be ?compliant with the program.? That compliance, for many, was superficial, just to survive and get OUT! I also saw a few kids ?take the program to heart.? But I noticed something else, the kids that were restrained were usually the same ones over and over again?ever heard of the Labeling Theory? Its my opinion that it is alive an well in programs. Certain kids are labeled in the program as ?troublemakers? or in Straight, Inc., they were called ?misbehavers.? So, from my personal observations, I think restraints happen more often than not as a result of the label?.I rarely saw restraint to prevent harm to another child or to prevent self inflicted harm.

I do agree with you, although reluctantly, that restraints become needed BUT ONLY if a kid is about to inflict serious harm to another or to himself, but ONLY then. I think most situations can be diffused by other means?.and I believe you made a point on another post about the need to diffuse situations, which, in my opinion is valid (just not with restraints).

Another long winded post?.:smile:


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