Who IS Paul? Read on.
I learned this morning that while I was on vacation Paul moved his attack on me to several other forums including Straights, one I rarely read. He?s spread his venom around so much it?s hard to keep up with him. I would?ve appreciated a PM from someone!! But, what the hell.
I had decided this morning to ignore the freak. I perceive him as a black hole. It had gotten to the point where he was sucking every moment of time and energy I had available to rebut the daily barrage of misquotes, misrepresentations, and erroneous assumptions. I?m so far behind on reading industry stuff it will take a week to catch up.
Who ?IS? Paul?
Has anyone else wondered why Paul has singled me out to burn at the stake? Why he is obsessed with convincing people I am a scientologist, and/or that ?all? the information I have shared in the past was from scientologist front groups? And that anyone who advocates for MH alternatives is ?influenced? by scientology?
Could it have to do with the fact that I am the most outspoken person at Fornits re: the psych industry? Over the past 5 years I have posted articles and opinions on the fraudulent nature of the industry, FDA, and research; the political ties; and the connections with the bm warehouse industry, etc. Paul couldn?t refute the information, so he initiated an organized attack on me in an attempt to discredit not only me, but all the information I have shared. I was the one here he needed to silence. Several times actually telling me to stop posting.
I don?t know why I didn?t think to do it sooner, but as soon as I wrote him off as a black hole, I had the thought to search his previous posts here. Discovered his name is Paul Cumming (so fitting?) and googled him. From what he?d shared I envisioned a mousey, self-professed ?mentally ill? guy taking calls for the SD Mental Health hotline, who had worked his way up to be a board member. That imagine just didn?t fit with the viciousness of his attack. Slamming me in multiple forums at Fornits. First blasting me for not posting articles from Safe Harbor. When I posted the links to a couple of articles I?d posted by them, he then exposes that the owner is a scientologist. Well fine, but then he goes on the tell that he refers people to their ?alternative? program and had tried to get them funding. So, I?m a scientologist for posting their articles. He refers people, and is not? He continues to claim that Ablechild (another independent group I had cited) is a front group, yet hasn?t proven it. I know his allegations are false, unless they lied in their response to another query. I?ll contact them as time allows in the event that one of the ladies might want to respond to Paul?s accusations here.
This may not be of interest to anyone else, but it brought me peace of mind. It all makes sense now, and I can put the thing to rest. He is a mouthpiece for one of the biggest, greediest, power-hungry, ?cults? in the nation.
Take a look at Pauly boy?s resume:
http://www.bcss.us/our_board_of_directors.htmBack Country Support Services
Incorp Sept 2002
Paul Cumming
9800 Oak Grove Drive, #7
Descanso, CA 91916
Long Term Back Country Resident
NAMI San Diego Board of Directors
County of San Diego - Member
Mental Health Board
County of San Diego - Member
Emergency Psychiatric Unit - Policies & Procedures Committee
County of San Diego - Co-Chair Education Committee
SanDMAP - San Diego Medication Algorithm Project.
Treasurer for NAMI- 2003 ... iego&hl=enI imagine that Paul is privy to a hell of a lot more than he has lead people to believe about TMAP/SanDMap, MH screening in public schools, scientology (the industry?s biggest foe), the bm industry, etc. etc. etc.
The San Diego Medication Algorithm Program (SanDMAP) is a national model for developing consumer/provider agreements around treatment adherence.
http://www.namisandiego.org/whatsnew.htmlhttp:// ... DMap&hl=enSDCAMH is piloting a medication management (known as the San Diego Medication Algorithm Project, or SanDMAP, adapted from the Texas Medication Algorithm Project) for persons diagnosed with schizophrenia in two county-operated clinics.
http://sandiego.networkofcare.org/mh/na ... y_2004.pdfTMAP, of course being Bush?s little project in Tx to ensure that tons of money go to selected drug companies (cohorts) when they initiated Teen Screen. They?ve been raping the Tx taxpayers via Medicare/Caid and the foster care system with their pilot program, now they want to take it national. Some recipients, even children, on multiple psych drugs. One child, if memory serves, was on 15 or so drugs. Search TMAP in the this forum for more.
While searching for SanDMap, found info on a conference advocating ?Evidence Based? protocol in 2003- which was a big debate in one of the THI threads:
http://www.cccmha.org/JUNE03.conf/CCCMH ... 8.2003.htmI also found a post in the Elan forum in which he stated that he was friends with CEDU?s own Saul Rudman (nuf said) and that Saul had rejected him when he was depressed. Saul and Paul? has a biblical ring to it. Anyway, I imagine he knows more about the bm industry than he lets on as well.
He and a couple of cohorts put together a non-profit called Back Country Support Services, incorporated in 2002. Some of their projects:
teaching disadvantaged people how to survive in the back country, organizing and facilitating drug and alcohol addiction recovery and support groups for both the addicted persons and for their families, counseling and referrals to other more specific recovery services, and
future plans to establish a Back Country TEEN CENTER where to facilitate inter-generational mentoring programs which will promote literacy and adult mentoring throughout the Back Country communities.
Their Mission? That page reads, ?Coming Soon?. Since 2002? A non-profit without a mission?
The ?Support Groups? page reads:
Due to lack of participation these groups are not on going. [So sorry Paul] If you are interested in participating in any of these groups please call us.
Every Monday @ 6:30 - 12 Step Study Meeting
Every Wednesday @6:30 - Depression/Bi-Polar Support Group
Every Thursday @ 6:30 - Al-Anon Family Support Group
Every Saturday @ 6:30 - Gamblers Anonymous
Who is Paul? Just another sappy, wanna-be 'helper' on a mission.
Hey Paul, is this a picture of you with the ?light therapy? machine? Why not just get out in the sunshine dude? You do live in ?Sunny California?.
http://www.csonline.com.cn/publish/gb/c ... 163407.htm