Author Topic: Elan Alum guest book entries  (Read 18426 times)

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« Reply #15 on: December 08, 2002, 10:46:00 PM »
On 2002-12-07 23:12:00, Anonymous wrote:
"I was abused, I was mistreated....fuck! YOU WERE FORCED TO BE ACCOUNTABLE FOR YOUR ACTIONS!, and your dumb asses are bitter. "

What about the people that were held accountable for their "suspected" actions, or the thinks they coped to during coerced confessions, you dumb ass. What in the hell is your problem. If you don't like it here leave, but I doubt you will because you just can't seem to tear you eyes away from the screen because, you sadistic fuck, it makes you happy to hear about the way people have been tortured.

On 2002-12-07 23:12:00, Anonymous wrote:
I read about how someone, after attending Elan, took drugs and jumped out a window cripling themselves. I actullay found the story kinda funny, with respect to ELan being at all responsible for the decision to jump out a fucking window! Paleeze.

What???? you dont think that though reform does anything to peoples psyche? What are you a 2nd grader? Boy you Elan supporters are a bunch of dumbass, brainwashed morons, that will never be anything other then mindless followers and an abusers.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #16 on: December 10, 2002, 12:30:00 AM »
`Course, I'm just guessing. But I thought the point was to annoy Ken. Is that so wrong???

I'm sure Ken is losing infinite amounts of sleep. But if it keeps the kids occupied for any amount of time...more power to them!

Hmm, good question. You aparently give something, if not a fuck, because you keep reading and posting. As for whether or not you're in your right mind, well who can say? I suppose it's right for you, and that's all that matters, isn't it? Have a pleasant day

Pleasant days come and go, and so do pied pipers such as yourself. Do you have a place among the former Elan residents (aside from your need to lead those who might follow?) And what is your ultra conservative point of view on the pointless spew and more than obvious psychological imballance of those who visit, and "relieve" themselves in your site of pied-pipe-dreams? I suppose its healthy to "vent"
What would the world be if it had no Ginger Warbitch to catch all those crocodile tears on her electronic shoulder?

What about the people that were held accountable for their "suspected" actions, or the thinks they coped to during coerced confessions, you dumb ass. What in the hell is your problem. If you don't like it here leave, but I doubt you will because you just can't seem to tear you eyes away from the screen because, you sadistic fuck, it makes you happy to hear about the way people have been tortured.

"you dumb ass" was hilariously refreshing (I was emotionally jolted!)

"coped to during coerced confessions"? uhh, did you have something that was hidden in the deeper realms of your guilt chamber which Elan found while you slept in your state of "hypnotism" and managed to present to you with a beating? gawd your pathetic.

Yeah, Im a webcrawler seeking out stories of "torture" to laugh and point at the "freaks" who were so unjustly abused..
did it cross your mind that I was IN Elan? dumbass? Is the only thing wrong with me the fact that there isnt anything wrong with me?
27 months of Elan and I have nothing to bitch about (especially Claire getting laid in the DOD trailer :roll: wheres the therapuetic value there?)is annoying to you isnt bugs the hell out of you that I would go through everything you did, and have nothing to say now 20 years later.

Uhh, I have a question, what do you expect to resolve here, what do you gain by posting the garbage you post? is there a means to an end of your continued misery caused by Elan?

Who do you think would lead you to a bit of resolve? the idiots here , prancing behind the pied piper herself, all having the same pathetic desease...or someone who has defeated the demons, and lives a happy, humble, unhostile life?

I know the answer... y'al would rather come in here, where you have no accountability for your actions thoughts and words, and write the most profound thing your tiny little minds can conjur up at the time.

Ginger...piss off, you werent in Elan, you dont know ELan, and with your biased motivation to involve yourself, your arguement will never be heard by anyone other than those you string along by thier emotions.

I am no more an Elan supporter than anyone here, funny, but if someone comes in with a different point of view, they are categorized, "supporter" "appologist" or ...when wit is stretched to its outter limits..."dumbass"!  I'm so intimidated!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #17 on: December 10, 2002, 08:36:00 AM »
On 2002-12-09 21:30:00, Anonymous wrote:
And what is your ultra conservative point of view on the pointless spew and more than obvious psychological imballance of those who visit, and "relieve" themselves in your site of pied-pipe-dreams? I suppose its healthy to "vent"
What would the world be if it had no Ginger Warbitch to catch all those crocodile tears on her electronic shoulder?

I guess that We would see more ASS Holes like you! Hostile and venting towards anyone who does not share the same thoughts or feelings as them selves. It is funny but from your posts you seem to think that you are better then anyone else here. Definitely don't have the guts to let us know who you are by posting all anon like. I guess if it was up to you the would would still be flat, and you would rificule all who opose that 'fact' and attack anyone who provided a venue to host such opinions.

On 2002-12-09 21:30:00, Anonymous wrote:
"you dumb ass" was hilariously refreshing (I was emotionally jolted!)
"coped to during coerced confessions"? uhh, did you have something that was hidden in the deeper realms of your guilt chamber which Elan found while you slept in your state of "hypnotism" and managed to present to you with a beating? gawd your pathetic.

And I suppose you hole the corner on the Elan experience. I guess that if it didn't happen to you it didn't happen? Ooooohhhh boy you must be God, should we all bow down and worship you now? Man what a self involved pathetic excuse for a piece of shit.

IF you have read all the signs of drug abuse ,and I am sure you have, most of them can be attributed to puberty, and/or the stress of a broken home. And yet the scared parents, who in fear of their child's life, stick them in one program or another for drug abuse. Will the program let them get away with denying the use of drugs, or does it simply say they are in denial, and focus harder and harder to get that "Confession of guilt"?

How about the parents that just don't seem to have the time for their children, who as normal teenagers, act out against them or the world in rebellious fashion? Is if fair that these people send their kids to "drug rehab" or "though reform" institutions? Shouldn't they take the time to deal with the children that the so obviously took the time to produce?

I guess it is your mind set that if they are in the program they deserve to be there, Just like the innocent murders and rapest that are set free 20 years later with nary an apology, when the DNA evidence finely proves their innocence (all the while the prosecuting attorney, is on the TV still saying that he/she still believes the person is guilty, DNA be damned).

On 2002-12-09 21:30:00, Anonymous wrote:

Yeah, Im a webcrawler seeking out stories of "torture" to laugh and point at the "freaks" who were so unjustly abused..
did it cross your mind that I was IN Elan? dumbass?

Well, you ignorant dumbass moron, I never said that you weren't in Elan, and again by your own words and action you seem to take enjoyment out of reading the posts of others, then enjoy even more calling them loosers, whiners, babies, dumbasses, etc...

On 2002-12-09 21:30:00, Anonymous wrote:
Is the only thing wrong with me the fact that there isnt anything wrong with me?

That remains to be seen. The first person I would suspect with a mental problem is one that thinks that he is ok, like you ( ::ftard:: ), Those are usually the psychopaths that one has to worry about.

On 2002-12-09 21:30:00, Anonymous wrote:
27 months of Elan and I have nothing to bitch about (especially Claire getting laid in the DOD trailer :roll: wheres the therapuetic value there?)is annoying to you isnt bugs the hell out of you that I would go through everything you did, and have nothing to say now 20 years later.

Only the fact that you come on here like a pompous ass thinking that you (as the piece of shit you so obliviously are, for attacking people with an opinion other then your own, which sounds program like to me...) are better then anyone else here, which you are not!

On 2002-12-09 21:30:00, Anonymous wrote:

I know the answer... y'al would rather come in here, where you have no accountability for your actions thoughts and words, and write the most profound thing your tiny little minds can conjur up at the time.

Ginger...piss off, you werent in Elan, you dont know ELan, and with your biased motivation to involve yourself, your arguement will never be heard by anyone other than those you string along by thier emotions.

Well if you don't like it here, why are you reading and posting? Dont you have a life of your own? Is the only think you can do is go around and attack Ginger or others for their though opinions or experiences.

On 2002-12-09 21:30:00, Anonymous wrote:

I am no more an Elan supporter than anyone here, funny, but if someone comes in with a different point of view, they are categorized, "supporter" "appologist" or ...when wit is stretched to its outter limits..."dumbass"!  I'm so intimidated!

Denial is the first sign.  You are going to write all this shit in support of a program you do not support? Who is it that has mental problems??? Didn't you therapist tell you that denial will keep the healing process from beginning?

You are so hostile toward any viewpoint against Elan, and yet you are not a supporter??? Do you have a problem with free speech when the opinion is not yours???
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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« Reply #18 on: December 10, 2002, 01:52:00 PM »
Someone, who wishes to remain nameless, faceless, etc., said:Ginger...piss off, you werent in Elan, you dont know ELan, and with your biased motivation to involve yourself, your arguement will never be heard by anyone other than those you string along by thier emotions.

No, my family was in another Daytop spin off called The Seed and then I spent a couple of years in a Seed spin off called Straight. When the Elan variety split from the Seed structure of programs (or was it the other way around) some minor changes occured. But the base brainwashing methods remain intact in both branches of the 'family' to this day.

That's why Elan is so damned interesting to me. The differences clearly illustrate that it's not the Bible thumping or the host-homes model or political affiliation or emphasis on drugs or the ring or or the corner or the motivating or any specific little quirk that make these programs abusive. It's the brainwashing. It's those elements of the Program that Sam Ervin spoted like a hawk on a field mouse all the way back in 1974 and documented in a Senate report entitled Individual Rights and the Federal Role in Behavior Modification Here's the relavent page from that report. ... inwash.gif

I suppose I should be flattered that you think I have some sort of mystical power over all these people to make them believe some false history from their own lives. Fact is, though, most of the people reading and posting to this forum probably don't even know who I am.

 :wave: To those folks who don't know who I am, let me first tell you who I am not. I am not Sysadmin, Web God. I'm not a former Elan inmate. I'm just a simple, hard working website hosting provider who offers free forum and/or website hosting to certain select individuals and organizations who I think are doing something worthwhile. If you find yourself in need of hosting services, I hope you'll think of me.

I am not a vegetarian because I love animals;  I am a vegetarian because I hate plants.  
-- A. Whitney Brown

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #19 on: December 12, 2002, 11:54:00 AM »
sysadmin: Your an idiot, plain and simple.

Ginger: Brainwashing? Tell me, how is that 2500+/- people can go through the program at Elan, and only a handfull end up sniveling and bitching about it years later?

So your free "webhosting provider" (isnt using both words redundant?) would be doing something "good" if it defamed and allowed HATE to be circulated? I suppose your idealistic point of view would be: anabling a poor crowd to ventilate the atrocities of a school they got sent to for being out of control in one way or another.

I guess after reading the posts of Marty raping them, they in fact are ventilating, but if you were as concerned as you claim to be, why wouldnt you recommend these people seek psychiatric help? Maybe a pennyroyal bath and a Joan Biaz tune, combined with an occasional outburst hosted by yourself is all they really need to heal eh?

Your goal is clear, your bitter about your mommy sending you to straight (your family went to SEED etc?..hmm maybe at least part of the clan NEEDED a "spin-off" of Daytop village?) You seek the support of ANYONE, and exploit thier bullshit stories for what cause? TO VALIDATE YOUR OWN!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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« Reply #20 on: December 12, 2002, 12:46:00 PM »
On 2002-12-12 08:54:00, Anonymous wrote:
Ginger: Brainwashing? Tell me, how is that 2500+/- people can go through the program at Elan, and only a handfull end up sniveling and bitching about it years later?

A handful? Really? And let's not forget the Elan supporters who end up having nervous breakdowns even though they try so hard to believe in the Program. What the hell was that guy's name? Ben something or other? The Weasel?

To answer your question, you might want to read up on the term "cognative dissonance". Here's a good start:

Who am I to say how others should deal with whatever trauma or damage Elan or other thought reform outfits have done to them? That's no my concern at all; I figure everyone else is just as capable of dealing with their own lives as I am. An awful lot of people do seek some sort of therapy or counseling to help them sort it all out. But that's beside the point.

My concern is in getting the word out on what places like Elan are all about. It's not help, it's torture. I can't even believe that you'd hold forth that everyone who landed up there was out of control or needed this kind of radical treatment. What about all those out of state foster care placements and kick backs?

I swear by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.' target='_new'>* - ~ Galt's Creed ~ - *

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #21 on: December 12, 2002, 01:52:00 PM »
On 2002-12-12 08:54:00, Anonymous wrote:
"sysadmin: Your an idiot, plain and simple."

Well, I guess since you can not seem to address any of my points, but have to revert to simply calling me an idoit, I would have to assume that the truth hurts.

You come on here like you think you know something, but soon find out that you don't. It is apperant that you are a "sheeple", just like MOST americans, that beleive what ever CNN tells them to beleive.

W.C. Fields once said, "There's a sucker born every minute"

PT Barnum once said, "A fool and his money are soon parted"

Which is why somany people are scamed, and really beleive that it was worth it. You are apperantly one of those people.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #22 on: December 12, 2002, 02:56:00 PM »
If there was one relevant point worth commenting on, maybe it would have been.

You seem very biter and defensive, did ELan do that to you? What exactly is it you hope to succeed here?

As far as the "points" you answered none of the questions in the previous post, yet seem to be distraught at my ignorance to yours!

So now I am a sucker for being in Elan? or having a nice life since? Would it be more befitting to an Elan alumni to gonjure up stories, and relate to an opposing point of view in a juvenile and hostile way? Is it beyond your capability to participate in a debate? being that your a minority point of view, I would be more than happy to consider your points...if in fact you HAD some.

And what exactly is my view almighty "admin of nothing"? I have had no association with Elan since 1984 when I left...none other than to reach say 100+/- former residents, to hear that ohh, 85 of them are doing fine and have nothing good or bad to say about Elan.

Hmm, was it Groucho Marx who said:

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #23 on: December 12, 2002, 03:30:00 PM »
Uhh, Ginger, do your theories have to apply to EVERYONE to be valid?

Is everyone who attended Elan, and all the other behavior modification "schools" damaged for life? it seems your focused on forcing those who dont think so... to believe they are!! That is absurd! and quite rediculous!

Ben Weasel has had issues that would have been issues if he had not attended Elan at all...
Ben is a musician, an artist, and a damn good writter, not to mention far smarter than any of the fools who come in here and snivel.

I hadnt heard that Ben had experienced a "nervous breakdown" but if its your theory that he did so due to "pushing Elan" or attempting to believe in Elan, your very sadly mistaken, and fucking ignorant if you expect anyone to buy this shit no matter WHAT freak pen pushing idiot thinks there might be a problem with us all.
Ben has made reference to Elan on very few occasions, simply stating he did not approve of many methods there, but found it a vital part of his being now, one obvious part of that being is a superb sense of humor about the whole thing, and a bit more tollerance for the idiots like you two here.
 I recall a few conversations with Ben directly relevant to Elan, and I think I can honestly say I didnt see any bitterness that he hadnt put far behind him, and carried on with his dreams and desires.

Ben has struggled with his band, and had things change in his life which would lead anyone to have a reaction much the same as he did, (if in-fact he did have an extreme one)

Tell me something, if your significant other had attempted suicide, made an honest gruesome effort to kill himself, how would YOU react? and would your reaction have a damn thing at all to do with your experiences at straight? or would you simply base your "breakdown" on straights mistreatment 15 fucking years ago?

Eh, I doubt it, but your the psychiatrist here Ginger. Tell us all how we should deal with some very normal struggles please, cuz blaming a fucking behavior modification school just doesnt cut it with me (having been there) or anyone Else!

Fuck you for even refering to Ben Weasel in an effort to validate your worthless cause, if you had the fans and loved ones, and OTHERS aside from your SELF to keep happy, you'd have folded under the pressure long before he what the fuck does any of it have to do with Elan?

Nada...but keep trying ok, I am getting a kick out of you and your cronies making complete fools of yourselves. Other than your pointless comments about people you know nothing about, this is quite entertaining.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #24 on: December 12, 2002, 03:42:00 PM »

On 2002-12-12 11:56:00, Anonymous wrote

"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" ::ftard::
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #25 on: December 12, 2002, 07:40:00 PM »
Though I expected an absurd reply, I certainly didn't expect one to that extreme...Whew

Bravo, you spelled a few words correctly, but you need some practice with HTML and BBcode son...aside from certainly deserve a C- for effort.

I guess you do have a valid bitch, Élan fucked you out of an education, and deprived you of a sense of humor!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #26 on: December 12, 2002, 11:40:00 PM »

Bravo, you spelled a few words correctly, but you need some practice with HTML and BBcode son...aside from certainly deserve a C- for effort.

ooooooooh, boy, I forgot a slash and you think you are so superior? what a man you must be? you think that you are so smart......

What a loooooser. has nothin better to do that sit and read these message boards, and act all superior like. And yet has not show any intelligence at all. Just because you made it past kindergarten does not mean you have made any accomplishments.  :nworthy:

So, tell me, what does your therapist say about your superiority complex?

BTW: I didn't point out any of you MANY spelling errors, do you allways piss into the wind?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #27 on: December 12, 2002, 11:57:00 PM »
Response to Sysadmins post:

Read back one post before your own...

SO you post both with an allias and anon?...strange!

put up or shut up moron, if you hadnt noticed, Ginger has not said a word since the attorney showed up, maybe you should take a're goin down bitch!

Sysadminbitch...yeah, you my ho muthafucka, get on my knob like you want it, swallow it bitch, its your only warm meal betta pay me for this meal, I dont take no IOU's no mo bitch
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #28 on: December 13, 2002, 12:06:00 AM »
what a man?

Did someone disclose gender here?

Idiots abound!...I write from a shared computer of an Elan Alumni commune of decent law abiding, PRODUCTIVE people... 53 of us...a sort of cult if you must...2 high profile lawyers even! and of course myself, a communications expert.

Dont you WISH you could join us...

Back to the hot tub...its called the "tink thank"

Ring any bells?

Sit there in your lumbar support chair! bitch, and click "reply"

you sorry ass excuse for a juvenile delinquent, Elan fucked you out of a private place to pull your pecker.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #29 on: December 13, 2002, 06:04:00 AM »
Well this is crossing a line that i feel is really uncalled for, why attack one of us what did he ever do to anyone around here? Hell I can see the stupid shit said about Elan and its staff but to be hurtful about ppls personal life thats just wrong... What the fuck are you trying to do this will help you? fucking think about it... What assholes! :flame:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »