Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Brat Camp

Has anyone been through Redcliff Ascent?

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From the ABC Family Brat Camp Forum on RedCliff Ascent:

--- Quote ---Chisuzanne

Has anyone been through Redcliff Ascent?

Posted: Mar 24, 2005 08:30 AM reply

1 Posts
Registered: Mar 24, 2005 08:28 AM

Please respond if you or anyone that you are close to has been through Redcliff Ascent and whether it ended up being the "life changing" experience in a positive or negative way. I have a family member who is going into it tomorrow and am concerned. Thank you.
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--- Quote ---KYSunny

Re: Re: Has anyone been through Redcliff Ascent?

Posted: Mar 24, 2005 08:43 AM reply

1 Posts
Registered: Mar 24, 2005 08:41 AM

I have worked with several kids who have been through this program. This program has helped them in more ways than I could ever tell you. The program works, it's success is dependant on the follow thru of the parents.
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--- Quote ---Jmaxwheel

Re: Re: Has anyone been through Redcliff Ascent?

Posted: Mar 30, 2005 11:36 AM reply

3 Posts
Registered: Mar 30, 2005 10:47 AM

A few of my friends have. I have been through Second Nature and ASR Base Camp (shut down now I believe) and from what I've heard RedCliff might be somewhere in between those two. This is an extremely emotionally charged topic for me. I am currently researching and investigating these kind of places as well as RTCs and "therapeutic" boarding schools for an on-road expose tour this summer, invovling demonstrations in the towns hosting the programs. If you've ever read 1984 you have a toned down version of it already.Where I was, Through humiliation(One girl had to crawl every where she went and cry out loud-a councelor continued to throw a water bottle into the woods and make her crawl and cry to retrieve it while saying things like "If your gonna cry and compain like f***in baby I'm gonna treat you like a baby. this is how you f*** up everyones lives around you Im here to unf*** your life do you f***in understand me?" another kid had to sit in a circle of peers and have human feces be wiped on his face) , forced labor ("You don't have to do this but if you don't your going to RTC lockdown) disorientation, and poor physical conditions(inadequate shelter, frostbite, malnutrition, jardia[did I spell that right?] Reality is completely controled by staff. If they tell you 2and2 is 4 you better not just say it is but you need to believe it, they'll know. When inspectors came they whould tell us we would never get out basically if we told them anything and everything would be changed. At the top of this pyramid of evil the directors sit on they're plush thrones rolling in hundreds of thousands (programs often can cost up to ten thousand a MONTH. I cam out of those and the 14month program competely delusional, affraid of everying and very heart. It took a lot of wonderful people and majical experiences to come out of that, experiences of freedom and love, not hate and oppresion. Now my life is PERFECT and incredulous as that may sound. I work in carpentry and microbiology and live on an intentional community in GA. Above all what helped me is my deep love for nature backpacking and all and the strength I draw from that, and many mystical experience. I found God Or the Universal cosmic mind and he she is with us. Plus my beautiful and wonderful girlfriend who I was seperated from through the experience and now live with. This all happened about 5 years ago. The "therapeutic program" community has hid behind deciet and legal loopholes for many years but they can't hide from God and we will bring them down with love! We the human race are one divine family and we need to come togather to overwhelm this evil. with love sincere -Max
PS post any questions about my history or intent or whatever if you wish.
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I have been through redcliff ascent.


--- Quote ---On 2005-07-08 12:23:00, Couture wrote:

"I have been through redcliff ascent."

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What was it like?  Did they refer you to Whitmore?

Most wilderness therapy programs are feeder programs for therapeutic boarding schools and behavior modification facilities.  

Don't be fooled.  There is big money in the "call of the wild".

Just ask the referral agents and admissions reps who are laughing their asses all the way to the bank.


No, they did not refer me to whitmore.  I had an ed consultant do that.  It was actualy not a bad place.  I mean, I don't think I would choose to go out there on my own, however, it kept me out of trouble for the time being, and it really made me appreciate all the little things that I take for granted every day.  I don't know if it really helped me in the long run, but I would recommend it to someone who's child has lots of difficulty with athority.  I think this program would help that out a lot.


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