Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Synanon

Where are the Synanon Ex-Members?

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That was many many years ago and my memories are faded. I was an over-protected 17-year old girl living at home with mom and dad and so the whole concept of some sort of commune where a person had to escape to get free just didn't make sense to me. I really don't have much information, sorry. I just wanted to let you know how it ended for one person who had been there. He had a rough beginning in life and his adopted parents weren't the kind who could help him - very critical people. He was getting into trouble with the law so they put him in the Navy. From what I understand, drugs were easily available in the Navy then and he a user. The laws had changed so that an addict could get an honorable discharge and that's what he did and then went straightway to Synanon. He wasn't using when I met him and married him. But it wasn't long before he was into it again. When I was 19 and pregnant he was going out on a Friday night and I wouldn't see him until Monday. Then one weekend in August he didn't come home for over a week. Later I learned that he was dealing.

He never introduced me to anyone from Synanon... he had been in Synanon in CA and we were in Washington state. I'm sorry I can't be of more help.

Cascade School

Cascade School?

danielle allgood   ,  michael,

At sixteen years of age I was closer to death  than  life . For  reasons  that  have  substance but which  will  for  purposes  of  this  ommuniucation enain private, I  had  quixkly progressed  in  an  addictive  abuse of  drugs to fully  quakify  as  a candidare  for  
what  turned  out  to  be  the  life  saving  experience pf  a  six  year   stay in  Synanon.

It  was  on  April 1, 1968 when I entered  Synanon . I  was  sixteen  years  od  and  one  of  a  small  group  of  teengers that  had  managed  to  fuck  up  their  lives  enough  to  belong  in  this  hard  core  drug  treatment program .

When I  arrived Synanon was  a  Two  to Three  year program  fron  which  residents graduated . The recicivisim rate of these "graduates"was  high. So  high in  fact  that in  1969 Charles  Dederich, the  Founder of Synanon  declared  that  Synanon  was   no  longer  a  two  to  three  year  program but, rather  was  a  lifestyle  that  wasa    lifelong  for  anyone  that  wanted  to  enjoy  it;s  benefits ,  Thus  ,  an  addict  that entered  Synanon and  trhen  left  would  fall  into   a  status  of  persona non  gratis  and  would  be  subject  to  a series  of  humiliating  expewriences  to  regain a  degree  of  acceptability. These  "splitees" never  really  regained  the  status  of   a  kind  of  citizenship  which  other  residents  enjoyed ..

For me , I  spent  the  first  year  or  so  of  my  stay  trying  to adapt  to  this  very  strange  way  of  life  and  attempting  to  understand  where ,  if  at  all, I  fit  in .  

That  first  year  was  difficult , terrifying  and  at  the  same  time
a boundless  amount  of  good  times and   discovery . I  spent  a  large  part  of  my  tine  in  the  water  of  the  Pacific Ocean  at Santa  Monica  California  surfing .  The  physical  enviornment  was  centered  at  a  Monolithic  beach  club  called  the  Club  Del  Mar  (before  Synanon  took  over) It  was  a  grand  old  Hoyel /;club  omplete  with  Ballroom  ,  several lounge areas   and  a  large living room  Their  was  an  iindoor  olympic  sized  pool  and  a  complete  health  club

My  jpob (everyne  had  a job ) was  to  teach  the  children  of  the  older  residednts  to  surf  .

I  was  ,  for  the  first  time  in  my  life ,  in  the  presence  of  extremely  chatismatic people  who  had   risen  inb  this quirxky  placew  to  positions  of  lradership .  One  such  figure  I  came  to  respewst  and  admore  wasa  Jack Hurst. Jack  was  a  natural  born  leader .  He  was  smart , egocebtric , and  zenophobic . Once  he  believed  in sopmething  it  was  diffucult  to  sway  him . He  was   and  remains  one  of  the  most  decent  men  I  have  ever  known .He is   gone  now  having  died  several  years  ago  but  I  will  always  remember  him  with  respect ,  He  was  a key figure  in  turning  my  Synanon  Experience  into  a  positive  thing .  Many  of  the  young  men  that  were  in  Synanon  at  the  time  I  was  admired  Jack .  So  much  so  that  we  would  imitate  his  mannerisims  in  terms  of  speech, dress, body language and posture . Odd,  but  we  did .

In  my  first  year  I  was  what  was  called  a  rage  rat .  I  and  many  just  like  me  were  full  of  generalized  rage .  We  cut  it  loose  in  the  Synanon  game ,.  So  much  has  been  written  about  the  game  that  I  will  defer  to  these  other  reports   rather  than  trying  to re-report  about  it . Suffice  to  say  that  the  game  sharpened  ones  communication  skills  ,  ability  to  think  fast  on  your  feet  and  your  ability  to  take  punishing  attacks  without  falling apart .  It  was  an  uncensored  conversation  that  was  frightening  and  fun , angry  and  tender , emotive  and  intellectual .

After  the  first  year  I  had  come  to  feel  generally  committed  to  Synanon's  view  of  the  world  . I  stayed  5  more  years  ,  got  married  and  eventually  came  to  work  as  a  kind  of  valet  on  Charles  Dederich's  personal  staff ,  I left  in  1974 to  pursue  a  college  education  and ,  to  eventually  attend  and  graduate  law  school

 I  did  these  things  because  Synanon  gave  me a  safe  enviornment  to  mature  in..  

After  I  left ,  Synanon    shifted  into  the  more  radical  behaviour  that  got  it  in  trouble . Several  years after leaving  I  was  inviited  back  to  visit . I  had  become an  Attorney  and  thus   a  kind  of  local  boy  makes  good . When  I  went back  the  adventure  was  laced  with  fond  nostqaligia ,  but  also  was  rich  with  the  realization  that  you  cant  go  home  again .  I  had  grown  beyond  the  limitations  of  the  Synanon  Lifestyle .  I  will  never . however .  deny  the  incalcua;able  help  I  received  fron  having  lived   that  lifestyle  for  six  very  important  years .


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