Author Topic: Ethics?  (Read 2189 times)

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« on: June 20, 2005, 06:50:00 PM »
From the ABC Family Brat Camp Forum on RedCliff Ascent:



Posted: Jan 04, 2005 05:56 PM reply

2 Posts
Registered: Jan 04, 2005 05:52 PM

How is this ethical? ...At all? Since when is rehab televised? Isn't that a bit cruel?

To LEGALLY be ethical, the show must have informed consent from the people participating (which I somewhat doubt for a few of them), they must be volunteers (which I doubt they came to ABC), they must be debriefed afterwards, there cannot be any physical or mental harm done to them (which I doubt will happen), and the people involved have the right to quit whenever (which apparently they cannot).

Here's my question: How much are the people involved (or the parents of these kids) being paid to do this?

...And how can a self proclaimed FAMILY channel justify filming a cross between marine training, behavior modification school, and Abu Gharab?


Re: Re: Ethics?

Posted: Jan 04, 2005 08:40 PM reply

58 Posts
Registered: Jan 01, 2005 05:56 PM

Maybe after you see the program on Monday you will have a different take on the whole thing. Of course there is the usual hype involved, or the networks won't get the viewership - that being said...This program was filmed as a documentary for English Television (and aired there last year). It won an International Emmy Award for best unscripted television in December. The program is about 6 out of control teens sent(with consent) to a wilderness setting in Utah where they stay for about 50-70 days to get their lives together.

I have already seen it as our daughter was there at the same time as the UK kids. There is consent from both parents/guardians and minor for permission to film, etc. We are only allowed to communicate with our kid via letters, both ways. Weekly phone calls with the therapist only (not kid). Parents can also speak with other staff on phone. We also recieved email pics every couple weeks. The program is very involved and I won't get into it here unless someone asks. This is an invaluable and life-changing experience for the kids who go there, not just some "rehab". In most cases, the parent/guardians pay for their kid to go there (not inexpensive). I have no idea what, if any, arrangement/accommodation was made for the kids/parents from the UK. We were not paid.

And, yes- it seems cruel and is difficult for us to watch our daughter go through the process, detoxing, hurting emotionally and physically, but it seems to have been worth the price in order to regain her self respect. Hopefully for the viewing public, it will help and give hope to other kids/parents looking for some kind of assistance. Taking our daughter there was the most difficult decision we had ever made, but was the best one for OUR situation.

If you want info on the actual place go to:


Re: Re: Ethics?
Posted: Jan 05, 2005 03:00 PM reply

2 Posts
Registered: Jan 04, 2005 05:52 PM

No, that is not my point. I understand that for some kids it might be necessary (even if I believe that the parents should have done something earlier before having to resort to such drastic measures). I have worked in a detox clinic before and I have seen a lot of what these kids have to go through... But when it is being created into a form of reality tv entertainment, it's called crossing a border. How is it enjoyable to watch children with serious problems go through such pain and anguish on TV? It's really sad what reality tv has sunk to in order to "entertain."

...And even if they DO make this show, don't you think it would be more TASTEFUL on a documentary at the very least? ...Or at least not put on ABC FAMILY. I mean, it's supposed to be FAMILY tv, right?

And I honestly could care less if parents and kids could talk or not. The show still appears to be breaking some of the laws of ethics. Even after signing release forms, any participant must be able to stop at any time. The only way to make it legal to keep them there against their will is to make them sign a contract... Which seems like a very stupid thing for the kids to do, seeing as how they have no idea what exactly to expect. They also cannot have any physical harm done to them, which apparently there is. Again, a contract can cover that... And if they signed it, these kids ARE seriously in need of "help."

But again, my main beef with the program is that it is meant to be this "extreme reality tv show" which basically puts such serious mental and physical stressing experiences on a FAMILY tv channel. It's disgusting.


Re: Re: Ethics?

Posted: Jan 05, 2005 04:17 PM reply

58 Posts
Registered: Jan 01, 2005 05:56 PM

I feel the need to clarify...

Why would ABC Family choose to put this on their channel? Perhaps there is an affiliation to the UK Channel 2 it was first aired on. I don't know. Guess it's a question for the Moderator.

You make a valid point that Family TV should be just that "Family viewing material". I am curious myself to see the US version as the UK version has a large amount of cursing and I don't know how it can be shown without alot of editing or bleeping. Maybe ABC Family just wants to boost their ratings, and we all know money talks. To play Devil's Advocate... If this program were shown on a documentary station, it wouldn't be seen by alot of people who whould be able to benefit from it. The only redeeming value to showing this program is to show that all families have problems, rich, poor, functional, dysfunctional, etc. We WERE a what everyone calls a "normal" family. Things happened outside of our control. Placing our daughter in RedCliff was what we considered a LAST resort after trying other interventions. We are now a damaged family with issues that we are all struggling with and will for a long time. Remember it's ABC Family Channel NOT the Disney Channel. for physical harm - There is no kind of corporal punishment given. The only physical pain they feel is from themselves and Mother Nature. Not all the kids are on drugs, and extreme drug cases are not allowed to participate. The kids have a physical prior to admission and of course there are reams of paperwork completed first. I don't want you to get the wrong idea about this place. It is a very controlled environment. If kids are currently on meds, they will continue on their meds. The food is extremely healthful, and all the kids I saw came out way healthier physically and mentally than when they arrived.

I would rather see a follow-up on how the kids are doing now, a year later.


Re: Re: Ethics?
Posted: Jan 06, 2005 09:56 AM reply

64 Posts
Registered: Jan 05, 2005 07:13 AM

It was aired on Ch 4 in the UK. A follow -up has just been filmed as to how the 6 are now doing one year later which has not yet been shown in th UK.


Re: Re: Ethics?
Posted: Jan 06, 2005 10:31 AM reply

58 Posts
Registered: Jan 01, 2005 05:56 PM

Ok, RCANomad - how do you know this? Were you in the Nomads? what is your earth name?


Re: Re: Ethics?

Posted: Jan 30, 2005 09:16 AM reply

2 Posts
Registered: Jan 30, 2005 09:14 AM

IM NIRVANAGRUNGE90's best friend!!!!!!!!! omg i love u !!!!!!!!!!!!!! u r the hottest guy ever---omg@!!!!!!


Re: Re: Ethics?

Posted: Jan 24, 2005 05:52 AM reply

78 Posts
Registered: Jan 12, 2005 12:01 PM

HI RCANomades,

Thanks for the info. My daughter has been watching the show. My son is at VOBS in TX at the moment and it's actually helped her to understand what he's doing and why.

In case you were part of that group, do you know how Dan is doing. We were both wondering, he doesn't seem to be fairing as well as some of the others on the show ... and we were wondering how that carried over into "real life".

If you were one of the teens on the show,(and to all the others as well)thanks for helping get it on TV in the states, it's been a great help in this household And congratulations on moving forward with your life.


Re: Re: Ethics?
Posted: Jan 31, 2005 06:53 AM reply

229 Posts
Registered: Jan 27, 2005 05:54 AM

hey did they even change at all according to james thing (no offense) you didn't change that much except for the drugs which someone said you didn't even do any drugs what so ever


Re: Re: Ethics?

Posted: Jan 31, 2005 07:05 AM reply

229 Posts
Registered: Jan 27, 2005 05:54 AM

hey james are you really engaged to vicki and is that her in the car pic i know its none of my business and you don't have to answer if you don't want to


Re: Re: Ethics?
Posted: Jan 06, 2005 12:36 PM reply

4 Posts
Registered: Jan 06, 2005 12:15 PM

Just to let you know, the people that were asociated in this show had to sign a release to be on it. My brother went there and had to sign a release even tho he wasnt in the background. And i know it may sound like a drastic descision, but my brother had been breaking the law and my family for nine years so when you get to that point you will do anything for your life to be better. And yes it hurt to see my brother go but then again i think it helped him, he is doing better than before.


Re: Re: Ethics?

Posted: Jan 06, 2005 12:39 PM reply

4 Posts
Registered: Jan 06, 2005 12:15 PM

Was just in the background*


Re: Re: Ethics?

Posted: Jan 06, 2005 06:38 PM reply

11 Posts
Registered: Jan 01, 2005 04:06 PM

Dear DarkAztec,

I would like to respond to your second entry. I feel that this program is extremely disrespectful to those of us who have graduated from the program. The name of the show alone indicates the way that they are choosing to portray the young adults who are involved in this series. Calif Roses I think that you are being naive when you say that the participants come out of RedCliff stronger mentally. I guess in a way I am, but at a huge cost, I no longer trust people, I have had no close friends since returning from Utah. If you looked at my life since the program you would think that it was the best thing that has ever happened to me, I am in college with an A- average, and I am the captain of our women's crew team and am seemingly "happy." The reality of it is RedCliff has yet to leave my mind two years later. It taught me how to fake my emotions and how to make sure that they are NEVER left bare for someone to hurt, as they were at RedCliff. I no longer am able to trust anyone. While I refuse to be broken by this experience I can assure you that it has come very close. I sincerely hope that this show portrays the kids as respectfully as possible, but if not I hope and pray that no one who knows me sees the show, because I am not sure if I could live with my family?s knowledge of what I went through. Sorry this was so long...


Re: Re: Ethics?

Posted: Jan 07, 2005 03:31 PM reply

7 Posts
Registered: Jan 07, 2005 02:27 PM

Carolyn I am totally with you for sure. I was in RCA for 88 days and I feel completely the same way you do. They expose you for your weakness in that program in order to make you feel weak about yourself and then try to befriend you. That's not the way the world works. I still resent my parents to this day and it's been 6 years for me. I don't know why those British kids are on it neways makes no sense to me. But thanks for your true opinion.
Matt aka Storm Fox aka Gimpy from the injury RCA gave me read my other post to hear more.
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