Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy


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Hidden Lake is located on a thin slice of heaven. It is on a hill that slopes downhill so its never difficult to reach the summit, which happens to overlook the entire earth. If youd rather not walk to the school, Unicorns will come and speak encouraging words to you, or simply give you a lift. On your way to the top make sure to say hello to the Oompa Loompas who are happily tending the chocolate river that flows throughout the campus, or kingdom as we liked to call it. You should also stop to smell the flowers along the path which only ever smell like cookies or apple pie. If you decide to take a tour of the campus I recomend the monorail which will allow to view the crystal sea from the best vantage point. Im sure it wont be a problem with Buchi for you to peek in on the re-programming errr I mean ummmmm the ummmm happiness classes, where the students learn to be happy, because believe you me, were it not for the love and mercy and backrubs of the staff of HLA we would all be "dead or in jail." Oh and theres always a rainbow over head every day, it never rains its always christmas and we eat nothing but candy and hugs.

(Removed)[ This Message was edited by: OverLordd on 2006-01-17 12:19 ]

Devils Kitchen

What robert bruce means by devils kitchen, overlord, is one of the mountain paths near the campus of which there are many, a lot of which connect to the appalachian trail system

watch out for the bears, bobcats, and rattlesnakes.


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