this is a better link. kinda puts Bob Marley and what he says in context with Jamaican history and Rastafarianism.
http:// much as i despise the panty-hosed clan of evil Church-goers...
...The Bible is a book of stories, no more, no less. Religions and individuals put different meanings on it.
so was Bob Marley speaking as a religion-practicing person when he referenced the story of Daniel in the Lion's Den, or was he speaking as a person who had read a story and found some allegorical or metaphorical (whatever) meaning in it that he wanted to get across?
does that make sense? i hope that makes sense. i really don't know anything about Rastafarianism. i guess i'm just wondering if anyone can ever reference a Bible story without being accused of using a bad source. i think if i ever read it in the future -- and i don't even want a bible in the house because it would remind me too much of the Church and Sunday School b.s. -- i would be interested in reading it more as a cultural history. what were people's myths, their codes of conduct, how did they live and treat each other, that kind of thing.
but Christianity i feel as oppression. so now i understand.
yeah, and "The Lord is My Shepherd..." that would make me a sheep. i reject that. i reject the lies. i was subjugated to enough X-tian bullshit about God's love, my parents' love, and other crap, in and after Straight! what is this? what the fuck kind of religion lets parents lock their children away to have their minds destroyed?