ok, yah cheryl did some bad things and a lot of things happened at the whitmore that definatly should not of taken place. and i believe that anyone who wants reconciliation should receive that but i just want to make one point clear.
AMF has been on here for a loooooong time writing these STUPID poems and this is what i have to say. If you feel so passionatly compelled to come onto this website everyday and type out your poems, trying to make them as "deep" and enigmatic as possible then...
1. You have not one single thing to do. You can't possibly have any friends, and if you do, they are as lame as you.
2. Why don't you just put your real name instead of AMF? Its like you think you are some kind of revolutionary phantom on the internet messing with Mark and Cheryl.
You aren't accomplishing anything by posting those "inept" poems. All you are doing is wasting your time, and making the idiots who come on here every day waste their time too by thinking that they are ever going to feel better about their "horrible" time at the Whitmore. No one ever gets anything accomplished by talking shit.
I am very curious as to what your name is. If you want them shut down, then you wont care what happens to them and hate them then you obviously shouldn't care if they think you are a "traitor". I think that is the real reason why you are afraid to give out your name.
Because for some reason a part of you deep down does love Mark or Cheryl or some part of the Whitmore and you are scared of hurting them by talking shit, which is all you really are doing.
And like I said before, a lot of bad stuff happened at the Whitmore, but there was nothing that could have possibly happened that would Severely torment you for this long. And if you are tormented that bad to the point that you obsess over it this much, then you have got some serious problems. All in all, stop talking about someone over a website. It's pointless, and I hate to say it but all it does is give you short term gratification.
I have Mark and Cheryl's phone number and I know where they live so If you wanted to send them a letter, or talk to them and let them know personally who you are and how you feel, then feel free to email me at
Robert_moore_69@yahoo.com or myspace me or aim me musicks8er3.
And i have been DYING to know how you find the time in the day to come on here so much because with school and work i hardly find time to type this much right here.