I'll write an update on the bum's rush from NetFirms as soon as I can, I promise! Also I'll have the product and keyword ads in place very soon. Also.... oh, dear lord, who am I kidding! What I mean to say is that I shall try my very best to get all of these things done as soon as possible. Meanwhile, lame as this is, if anyone would care to ?

Ever your dedicated inactivist

From: bunny (kelly/webdiva)
Date: August 2, 2007 11:45:54 AM CEDT
Subject: [Fwd: GoDaddy.com Abuse issue "attachment of threats and my Final Judgment"]
-------- Original Message --------
Subject:     GoDaddy.com Abuse issue "attachment of threats and my Final Judgment"
Date:     Mon, 30 Jul 2007 17:25:04 -0700
From:     Go Daddy Spam and Abuse Dept. <abuse@godaddy.com>
To:     kelly
Dear Kelly Matthews,
We have been notified of the following situation, please remove the content on _fornits.com_ hosted on your dedicated server
Please be aware Go Daddy reserves the right to terminate Services if Your usage of the Services results in, or is the subject of, legal action or threatened legal action, against Go Daddy or any of its affiliates or partners, without consideration for whether such legal action or threatened legal action is eventually determined to be with or without merit.
To avoid any further action please have this completed with in 48 hours. Please email abuse@godaddy.com <mailto:abuse@godaddy.com> when this has been completed.
Thank You,
Spam and Abuse Department
Abuse Department Hotline: 480-624-2505
   -------- Original Message --------
   Subject: Internet Terrorism - Death threats and more - my 2nd account
   From: "-removed-"
   Date: Sun, July 29, 2007 6:49 pm
   To: abuse@godaddy.com <mailto:abuse@godaddy.com>
               To:  GoDaddy Abuse Dept.
       From:  -name removed-
               **        Re: Abuse on the forum at  www.fornits.com
       <blocked::http://www.fornits.com/> (*Death threats*, defamation,
       invasion of privacy and more)
               My name is -name removed-.  If you go to the above listed
       website and do a search on my name or my business - PURE
       (Parent's Universal Resource Experts, Inc) - you will be apalled
       at the* threats*, defamation, and more.
               Last fall, I won in a *jury trial* a judgment of _$11.3M - $5M
       of it was for punitive damages_ for *Internet Defamation and
       Invasion of Privacy*. The defendants, Ginger Warbis (Fornits)
       and Carey Bock were working in conjunction to literally destroy
       and ruin me and my business - as well as my children.  At one
       point, someone had posted my daughter was *dead*.  Since the law
       is gray on the responsibility of the Host - (Warbis-Fornits), I
       decided to dismiss her from the lawsuit early on and only sue
       Bock.  It was due to financial reasons, the legal cost me over
       $150K with just the one defendant.  I had to second mortgage my
       home and go through my savings to protect my children.
               At the end - I was fully vindicated - however it only escalated
       the abuse as they now post as anonymous - and want to prove my
       verdict means nothing to them.  I retained Reputation Defender
       to help me keep their horrors off the top of Google - however I
       have now learned there are *death threats* on the website
       fornits.com (in the forums).  Emotionally, I can't go on that
       website, it nearly destroyed to the point I closed my office and
       never left my house. If you go to the website on the forum and
       do a search on my name (-removed-) and PURE (they actually have
       PURE Bullshit as a forum) - I am confident you will have no
       problem seeing this horrific abuse.
               They are also attacking my colleague, Isabelle Zehnder.  She has
       also contacted GoDaddy - and actually removed her websites since
       she recently read her death threats and harm to her family.        *This is serious *- and I do hope GoDaddy takes this seriously.                 I have filed a police report with Broward Sherriff's office
       (File#W505031987) in Florida, I have filed a report with
       Internet Crimes Bureau as well as my local FBI office.  I am
       hoping criminal charges will be brought against these people.        My lawyer is David Pollack, Miami, FL - 305-372-5900 if you need
       to substantiate anything I have written or need more legal
               You should also know they created a YouTube video with a threat
       to hurt me bad - which YouTube removed swiftly after receiving
       notice from me.  Again, this is serious.
               If you need to learn who I am, you can visit my websites - I
       also have other URL's under another account number  - Reputation
       Defender have been buying them for me - all kinds of ugly ones
       to protect me if others attempt to purchase them.  This is truly
       one of the worst forms of *Internet Terrorism* I have experienced.
               I will be on 20/20 i-Caught in August - talking about this
       incident - I would love to be able to share with people that
       GoDaddy doesn't tolerate this type of terrorism on the Internet.                I look forward to your response and swift attention.  I only
       hope you will remove this site from your Host Server.  If you
       have any further questions or comments, please call me  or email
       me.  *Please keep my name and email confidential.*
               Thank you in advance for time and prompt attention.
               -name removed-
       Right-click here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.
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