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Messages - thepatriot

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The Troubled Teen Industry / Guantanamo Bay vs Tranquility Bay
« on: June 20, 2005, 05:09:00 PM »
On 2005-06-20 14:04:00, Anonymous wrote:


In February 1970, with the Vietnam War raging, 21-year-old Howard Dean carried a set of X-rays and a letter from a Manhattan orthopedist named Hudson Wilson to Fort Hamilton in Brooklyn, where U.S. military doctors determined that he was not fit for military service because of a back condition called spondylolisthesis.

Dean was classified 1Y, according to military records, meaning he was exempt from service for the duration of the war and free to head to Colorado after his Yale graduation, where he skied at Aspen and poured concrete. Spondylolisthesis is a condition caused by an unfused vertebra. When diagnosed nearly four years earlier, he was cleared to participate in all sports except long-distance running.

"I didn't try to get out of the draft," Dean has said. "I had a physical."

WHAT a loser! They could be talking about GeorgeW in this quote and nobody would know the difference. They are all the same."

Yes they are Politicians are all the same, most anyway

The Troubled Teen Industry / Guantanamo Bay vs Tranquility Bay
« on: June 20, 2005, 04:56:00 PM »
Back ailment got Dean Vietnam draft deferment

Candidate says the government made decision on his status

Sarah Schweitzer and Tatsha Robertson
Boston Globe
Sept. 21, 2003 12:00 AM

In February 1970, with the Vietnam War raging, 21-year-old Howard Dean carried a set of X-rays and a letter from a Manhattan orthopedist named Hudson Wilson to Fort Hamilton in Brooklyn, where U.S. military doctors determined that he was not fit for military service because of a back condition called spondylolisthesis.

Dean was classified 1Y, according to military records, meaning he was exempt from service for the duration of the war and free to head to Colorado after his Yale graduation, where he skied at Aspen and poured concrete. Spondylolisthesis is a condition caused by an unfused vertebra. When diagnosed nearly four years earlier, he was cleared to participate in all sports except long-distance running.

"I didn't try to get out of the draft," Dean has said. "I had a physical."

Among the candidates vying for the presidency, Sen. John Kerry and retired Gen. Wesley Clark served in the Vietnam War. The others served in the National Guard, were too young for the draft, or were recipients of deferments. President Bush served in the National Guard.

Military service is nonetheless a potential political minefield. Dean is mindful of that.

"The United States government said this is your classification," he said on NBC's Meet the Press. "I'm not responsible for that. I didn't have anything to do with the decision. That was their choice."

The basis for his classification is difficult to document. The Selective Service System, following standard procedure, destroyed all records in Dean's file save his classification listings. Dean said he did not keep copies of the X-rays or Wilson's letter. Nor did he keep a copy, he said, of the letter he believes he wrote requesting a deferral from military service. His physician, Wilson, is dead.

Dean drew a relatively low lottery number, 143 out of 300, meaning he could have been called up after college, according to Lewis Brodsky, a Selective Service spokesman.

At Yale, Dean did not support the war but was not vocal. He took part in one protest, by his count. He said he was not overly worried about being drafted and said the reason he wrote a letter seeking a military medical exam was to clarify his standing.

"No, I wasn't obsessed. My attitude is, if there is a problem, you ought to face it and deal with it," Dean said.

He added, "I guess maybe I wasn't that concerned. I was just concerned enough. I think what I really wanted to know was whether I should go to officer candidate school, or something like that."

In high school, Dean considered having an operation to relieve the back condition but decided against it because it required a long convalescence. In college, he played intramural football. In Vermont, Dean hiked half of the 265-mile Long Trail and canoed the entire Connecticut River. Today, Dean says, the back injury still causes occasional pain.

But if Dean has largely lived without notice of his condition, it has trailed him nonetheless. When he chose to seek the presidency, Dean made sure official records of his health problem contained no surprises.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Guantanamo Bay vs Tranquility Bay
« on: June 20, 2005, 04:54:00 PM »
On 2005-06-19 21:28:00, Antigen wrote:

"Read up on what Howard Dean has to say about it. He was a POW for over 5 years. He knows from whence he speaks.

One of the things he's harping on lately is that these guys need and deserve full on, American style justice; an open trial to determine whether or not any particular individual is guilty. W/o that public and credible trial, it's just scapegoating.

Isn't our buddy Linchpin taking a beating right now for sporting a symbol of political scapegoating in his sig?

As men's prayers are a disease of the will, so are their creeds a disease of the intellect.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson, American essayist, poet, philosopher


Ahh no he was not a POW but claims his brother was, read his Bio.And yes he knows He knows from whence he speaks...that would be out his Ass.[ This Message was edited by: thepatriot on 2005-06-20 14:00 ]

Open Free for All / Does Deborah's Anti-Psychiatry posts help anyone?
« on: June 17, 2005, 12:13:00 AM »
On 2005-06-16 20:59:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2005-06-16 13:30:00, thepatriot wrote:


On 2005-06-16 13:14:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2005-06-16 12:29:00, thepatriot wrote:


Like I said schools should stick to acedemics period.

Patriot, the word is spelled academics.....  But your lack of spelling ability does kind of inadvertantly prove your point: Schools should be focusing on academics--literacy, math, writing skills, and lay off the social engineering.  If schools couldn't teach you to spell properly, I don't think they could appropriately teach sex ed to 5th and 6th graders.  Let the little bastards learn from pornographic magazines like we did."

Ok so what are you an English lit major or what?  No spelling is not my forte nor are people that make them little selves feel superior in their OWN MIND by pointing it out.

No, I'm not an English lit major, (hell I didn't even graduate college) just someone who likes to taunt illiterate buffoons.  Also, the correct grammer would be "people that make their little selves feel better..."


Yes my spelling sucks, But ya know what for a guy who can?t spell for shit or put together a sentence I?ll bet I pay more in taxes quarterly than you make in a year.

Yeah, I hear there's big money in gay porn.

But thanks for pointing it out. Maybe I will pick up some remedial?? spelling? readin and spellin classes at my local Junior College

 :wave: " that you behind that bag, wee little man
I can only imagine being a homeless loser sucks. But pull the crack pipe out of your mouth and dick out of your ass and maybe things will get better for you. Smile...Micheal Jackson loves you  :lol: [ This Message was edited by: thepatriot on 2005-06-16 21:15 ]

hey Paul I still think you are a teacher in the miserable school system which is such a failure. I am thinking GAY...(not that there is antything wrong with that :lol:) Theatre teacher, very liberal in the sense that you feel ..ahhh let me re-phrase that..FEEEEEEEEL that you should impose your beliefs on everybody esle.Feel free to correct my spelling and punchuation...did I spell that right?

Open Free for All / Does Deborah's Anti-Psychiatry posts help anyone?
« on: June 16, 2005, 05:02:00 PM »
On 2005-06-16 13:57:00, Deborah wrote:


If it's important to ya Patriot, you can type your response in Word the cut/paste here. Just a suggestion!! Not a 'demand'. I really don't care, haven't had a problem getting your message."

Thanks Deb, occasionally I do that but sometimes I get in a hurry being at work and just type something in without thought of spelling it correctly.

Open Free for All / Does Deborah's Anti-Psychiatry posts help anyone?
« on: June 16, 2005, 04:30:00 PM »
On 2005-06-16 13:14:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2005-06-16 12:29:00, thepatriot wrote:


Like I said schools should stick to acedemics period.

Patriot, the word is spelled academics.....  But your lack of spelling ability does kind of inadvertantly prove your point: Schools should be focusing on academics--literacy, math, writing skills, and lay off the social engineering.  If schools couldn't teach you to spell properly, I don't think they could appropriately teach sex ed to 5th and 6th graders.  Let the little bastards learn from pornographic magazines like we did."

Ok so what are you an English lit major or what? I have been asking for a spell checker on here for over a year now. Where is it Ginger? No spelling is not my forte nor are people that make them little selves feel superior in their OWN MIND by pointing it out. Have you read some of the immature post on this site? So why is spelling an issue?
Yes my spelling sucks, But ya know what for a guy who can?t spell for shit or put together a sentence I?ll bet I pay more in taxes quarterly than you make in a year. But thanks for pointing it out. Maybe I will pick up some remedial?? spelling? readin and spellin classes at my local Junior College

 :lol:  :lol:

Open Free for All / Does Deborah's Anti-Psychiatry posts help anyone?
« on: June 16, 2005, 03:46:00 PM »
On 2005-06-16 12:09:00, Paul wrote:

"So in your town 12 year olds know nothing about sex?

The very first they would have heard the word sex is in the school sex ed classes?

Wow, maybe it is needed where you are from.


Kids are not stupid, come on now."

In 2005 are you kidding? shit I probably knew more than I should. And I know these kids know far more now than I did at that age.So Paul are you a teacher in one of these failing school systems?

Open Free for All / Does Deborah's Anti-Psychiatry posts help anyone?
« on: June 16, 2005, 03:29:00 PM »
Ahh gee that is a hard one Ginger, I as the parent should be the only one who decides what is age appropriate for my child, not you, not the school district. My whole point was the content...CONTENT teaching 5th and 6th graders about oral sex is bullshit. Or would it depend on the child maybe some are ready....give me a fucking break already.
Like I said schools should stick to acedemics period.[ This Message was edited by: thepatriot on 2005-06-16 12:30 ]

Tacitus' Realm / House Votes to Limit Patriot Act Rules
« on: June 16, 2005, 02:01:00 PM »
On 2005-06-15 21:29:00, Antigen wrote:

"WASHINGTON Jun 15, 2005 � In a slap at President Bush, lawmakers voted Wednesday to block the Justice Department and the FBI from using the Patriot Act to peek at library records and bookstore sales slips.

The House voted 238-187 despite a veto threat from Bush to block the part of the anti-terrorism law that allows the government to investigate the reading habits of terror suspects.

A Freudian slip is when you say one thing but mean your mother.



Fuck Bush and his Veto threats, He and others are so far over the line on this one and others in this bill it makes me sick

Open Free for All / Does Deborah's Anti-Psychiatry posts help anyone?
« on: June 16, 2005, 01:59:00 PM »
On 2005-06-16 09:01:00, Paul wrote:

"What is your solution to not teaching sex ed?

When someone does get AIDS it is your goverment

with your tax dollars that pays for it.

Do you really think kids don't know about sex,

when you ask them and they deny it? Seriously now.

From what I hear you want to schools to not educate

about sex, not to screen for mental illness, correct.

Then when someone is diagnosed with a serious and persistant mental illness and they figure out that it started when they where younger you would not suggest that perhaps a screening would have helped this person. You would be satisfied the signs where all there, but the schools where not allowed to address the issue?

Why not? Because one family decided to not open their mail, while the rest of the town received their information on the TeenScreen, that you want

to throw out the whole test. Smart, very smart.

My illness would have shown up earlier in a screening. I wish they had them then, and I support them now. A couple of false positives can easily be figured out in a follow up appointment. These tests are simply information to be used as the family wishes, not a branding on one's forhead.

Regarding sex education, so what if they learn these things in school, isn't it better that learning it from the kids in the neighborhood?

How did you learn about sex? Should we all learn the way you did?"

Ok so lets teach 6th graders about oral sex, give me a break WTF. Thats the problem with our education system, they have forgotten about Math,Science ,Reading instead they are more interested in teaching your 12 year old how to give a blow job, how to masturbate(like any kid can't figure that out on his own). Or the big one why Suzi has two mommies. And they wonder why the system is a failure.

Let It Bleed / Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas
« on: June 06, 2005, 08:52:00 PM »
So tell me, is the economy really as bad as some in the media would lead us to believe? I spent a week in Las Vegas over Memorial Day weekend, thanks to my loving girl friends gift that she bestowed on me for my 40th birthday. Now mind you I have never been to Vegas let alone over a weekend holiday.

As far as excess goes it was pretty much everything that I expected, flashy loud, in a lot of cases tacky as hell. I mean where else on earth can you get married at 4am in all night make shift wedding chapel by an Elvis impersonator in between shows at the Bolagio? And no I did not go there to get married; I think some where in the Caribbean would be more to my liking rather than a Pirate Ship in front of Treasure Island with a bunch of Japanese tourists snapping their cameras.

I guess the thing that got me the most is the amount of adults with their young children in tow. Granted there are water parks and other things for kids to do, but that would have to be in between dad dropping 500.00 at the black jack table. What is up with some of you ignorant ass selfish adults dragging your kids to Vegas for a family vacation? Just think, little Johnny wants to go for a roller coaster ride on top of the Stratosphere but dad is too busy losing little Johnny's college fund at the 100.00 minimum black jack table , getting stoned drunk and hitting on the high priced hooker next to him. Yeah that's just what I would want my 10 year old to see WTF!

Sorry got on a tangent there, I guess my whole point here, is seeing all the people there, hotels packed, and all the money that is dropped. I guess it shows me that the economy can't really be that bad unless I was just surrounded by a bunch of millionaires. Which I seriously doubt because they won't allow me in places like that. No really, I inquired at the newly built Wynn hotel huge, beautiful and classy, I went to the front desk and asked the price on a room. I was wearing a sleeveless shirt(tatoos showing) and I noticed the snooty desk clerk slightly rolling her eyes as she was checking availability. She replied back with 289.00 a night, so after watching her first reaction with my appearance, I replied with "Don't you have a smelly biker discount" she looked in confusion or more like disgust and said no. So then I asked her the price for a suite, she told me they had no suites. A hotel in Vegas with no suite? Riiiiight. I guess there was just no suite for a guy inquiring about a "Smelly Biker Discount" Anyway, I really doubt the economy is as bad as some people would believe or why else would places like Vegas and other casinos be that busy. Some would say hope, well if some of you are that dense to think you are going to parlay your 100.00 into 100,000.00 you need to check what little intelligence you have at the door. These places exist on your money. But lets face it walking away from the Black Jack table with a extra 50.00 can be fun.

Tacitus' Realm / FL police
« on: June 03, 2005, 03:01:00 PM »
Good little Nazi? whatever, did he not tell her to put out the cig, and put down the phone and get out of the car? what is so fucking hard about that?
 Same shit when somebody runs from the cops, they deserve to have their ass ran down. Put yourself in the officers place, just possibly there where other circumstances. I think some of you have a problem with the law in general.

Hey flame on, but when a police officer ask you to do something, like get out of the car, what is so fucking hard about that. I guess its better for some people to look for confrontation well she got it.My daughter is 16 by the way and has far more sense than this woman. And spare me the civil rights bullshit

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / the Govt & the CIA are watching us
« on: May 19, 2005, 11:14:00 AM »

where can i get a set???? hot, dude


Well by simply clicking here ... m=7&Sort=D

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / How to make a tin foil beanie
« on: May 18, 2005, 05:41:00 PM »
On 2005-05-18 14:38:00, Anonymous wrote:

"wow dude you're pretty funny.  Give up the biker act and get into stand-up."

Biker act  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
I take it you wear one of these silly ass hats?

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