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Messages - MommaB23

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Teen Challenge / Re: TEEN CHALLENGE IS A CULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: June 29, 2010, 12:35:52 AM »
Quote from: "Guest"
In my experience dealing with Teen Challenge, one thing that I've noticed is that most people that lash out against them have a reason to.  In other words, most of the time, its because they were a client in the program at one time and were kicked out for their own bad behavior.  Think about the aggression that goes into these posts.  If I simply disagree with someone, I may voice my opinion, but it would have to be something very personal for me to lash out in anger.  I've had a lot of dealings with Teen Challenge in the past and they definitely are far from perfect, but then again so am I.  The one thing that I do know is that studies done by independent companies (outside of Teen Challenge) have verified that they have one of the highest success rates of any program in the nation.  Even though I may disagree with some or most of their teachings, or maybe I even agree that they're brainwashing people, ITS WORKING!  Maybe some of these people's brains need some washing!  Whatever they're turning these people into, it is evidently better than what they were before they got there!  Can I get an AMEN??????????????

You said In other words, most of the time, its because they were a client in the program at one time and were kicked out for their own bad behavior.   What makes you think that those of us that are against teen challenge and their associated programs got kicked out?? You are severely generalizing here! I for one graduated the program and became a robot for a limited amount of time until reality hit.  Nobody every said they were perfect or the programs were perfect. Were you a detainee in one?? What exactly is your experience with these so called programs of behavior modification?? Brainwashing is working?? Are you serious?? We as detainees held, some against their wills deserved to get brainwashed?? WTF kind of BS is that?? What they turned us into is better than what we were when we arrived?? Who are you to make such a judgment? No you sure in the f*ck cannot get an AMEN? Ever think that perhaps you are brainwashed as you come off to the reader as another program robot, believing the lies that they want you to believe. Congrats, you sound very uneducated. Maybe you should really look at both sides of the argument before you interject with this nonsense.

Quote from: "DannyB II"
FemanonFatal2.0 wrote:
I actually find it funny, talking to my old program friends and aquaintences how many of them still believe that whole dead, insane or in jail bit... I mean you want proof of brainwashing?... How about the fact that they all give you the same line, without any evidence of that actually being the truth in their personal experience. Like our guest above said, most of us returned to bad behavior after we left far surpassing our childish attempts of rebellion before the program... and what do you know... were still here.

DannyBII wrote:
Well whether you want to believe this or not, it is true.....whole dead, insane or in jail bit.
Ya know I've been down this road before with Femanon and others and it is just not worth it. This is not their experience so I/we cannot expect them to understand. Bottom line, end of story.
I am very happy this was never your reality.
There was a time it was our reality and we did not need a fucking program to make this shit real.

Not to be a bitch here but Danny, you would think if you were going to direct a message at someone, you would have enough consideration to spell their user name correctly. What isn't worth it? To what exactly are you referring to? Does not understand us?? In what manner does what I had to say make us out of anything. Based off the things I have read that you have said, you seem to be all gung ho lets go for the program-- of course this is just an assumption and I may very well be making an ass out of both of us. I speak from my experience. On every level. I am nearly certain that the program had its hand in my PTSD. As for your last statement, please re-phrase, I am not certain that I know what you mean here.

Quote from: "Whooter"
I think one of the problems you are having is that you have been trolling and spewing anger from the shadows for so long that you have forgotten how to communicate or discuss a topic without attacking someone.  There is no getting around logging in here anymore, Dysfunction Junction.  It is something you are going to have to live with going forward.

My gut feel is that you are just stopping by here and need to dump some of your hatred on someone and you will be gone in about a week.


How bout this... My experience of you is that you fully believe that which you preach is better for all kids to experience when they are not experiencing life in the ways you and many other parents see fit.

Whether or not you are on the pay roll makes no difference to me. As US citizens we have been granted certain freedoms, freedom of religion or belief and freedom of speech, two freedoms that are very actively played out by you, and everyone else on this site.

Honestly I see a lot of speculation on this site. Whooter to be straight with you, unless you have experienced the torment on a deeper level you really have no room to talk.  They use forms of attack therapy and you want to talk to DJ about forgetting about how to communicate without attacking someone?? Please, that is exactly what these programs teach and strictly enforce. You promote the programs because you believe in the principals that they stand for, however, do you also then support the mental, physical, and emotional abuse they inflict?

Quote from: "FemanonFatal2.0"

I actually find it funny, talking to my old program friends and aquaintences how many of them still believe that whole dead, insane or in jail bit... I mean you want proof of brainwashing?... How about the fact that they all give you the same line, without any evidence of that actually being the truth in their personal experience. Like our guest above said, most of us returned to bad behavior after we left far surpassing our childish attempts of rebellion before the program... and what do you know... were still here.

I can attest to this. I was in the program for 16 months as an adult and would certainly say that there are a lot of slogans and key phrases that the program certainly forced upon us that come to mind frequently when dealing with any circumstance. Like "Based on Results you have exactly what you Intend." Or "Behavior always follows Beliefs" those are just two of the many.

Thing is, this over generalized estimate of 1000 to 4 is probably not coming from a very reliable source... in my personal experience, talking to hundreds of former students not just from the school I went to but many many others, I find that your estimate is way off. I say more accurately its about 2 to 100, and a majority of that percentage could really care less and just want to move on with their lives. A lot of it has to do with the experience they had, for instance not everyone was physically abused, and every program had a different level of mental and emotional trauma. Just because a former student isn't pissed off enough to join the cause doesn't automatically mean they approve of the program... in fact most people choose to stay ignorant to the truth about the illegal and unethically activities of the program because they just don't feel like dealing with that massive realization.

It's frightening to think of everything that I have been through. Before the program, in the program, and after the program.  I am in the beginning stages of that realization of that which has occurred as "brainwashing" and trying to figure out how to wrap my head around all of it. And to be honest, this massive realization sucks because my parents are very much program parents and are part of the cult. I do not blame them for getting me there, nor am I angry with them for it, but more so that programs like this even exist and are allowed to function, which fuels my fire to fight back. Maybe to save the life of another, if nothing else.:

It takes dedication to stand against the program and sadly... only about 4 out of 1000 really have what it takes to make a difference.

Quote from: "BuzzKill"
So Spring Creek Lodge is to be re-opened as River-view?

I don't recognize these people's names - do you? Anyone?

Mickey Manning worked for spring creek lodge. She was often found in seminars. :rasta:

Quote from: "Guest"
The program woke us up

As I look at my son?s picture I see his I AM statement: “I am a happy, loving, beautiful, and honest young man.” And I can feel its truth.

I used to try and measure his time in the Program: 1 year, 4 months, 2 weeks and a day. His way was much easier. He said, “Dad, I was in the Program 500 days.” Duh.

He graduated high school but not the Program. He chose to take his exit plan at 18 and then changed his mind and decided to try a home contract - an option we discussed with the Facilitator at PC18.

He began his Program in Tranquility Bay mostly because it was our only viable option because we knew it would be a long-term commitment; no 30-day intake or wilderness program was going to reach him. When we?d reached “the straw that broke the camel?s back” we made all the arrangements within 36 hours. My brother drove up from North Carolina and we greeted David at 7:30 am with, “Hop in the car, we?re going to take a trip.”

We drove from Richmond to Miami. The trip was hard. Especially when we stopped for lunch and he asked if he could get a tape by the “Sex Pistols” assuring me it was almost a classic and not as bad as I was thinking. The thought running through my head was, “You just have no idea of what is about to happen.” Of course I had no idea of the journey that my wife and I would be taking either!

The next morning we transferred him into the hands of the escorts for the last stage of his journey to Jamaica. It took a toll on me. I bawled and I howled and I shook for an hour as my brother drove. I have NEVER felt lower. We were trusting strangers to do what we couldn?t do ourselves . . . get him to just stop, hold still, and realize life is full of exciting, working possibilities.

The Program is not a quick-fix. After Discovery he wrote a confession letter and I said, “Right. He?s not telling us anything we didn?t know and I don?t buy it.” Then we attended Discovery and I quit smoking; unfortunately, I must do it again.

 He attended Focus and wrote us another confession letter and it took my breath away. We didn?t have a clue as to the amount and variety of drugs he took. I am agog that he had a mind left, let alone the incredible one he started with. I have met only a few people in my life who come close to being as smart and as perceptive as our son.

We attended Focus and I learned to dance.

He was on the cusp of reaching Level 4 when another student confessed that David had shared some of his meds with him a month after David entered the Program. David admitted it, but he had never previously owned up to it so he got to start over at Level I, as he should have. Nevertheless, it was an incredibly bitter pill and he found himself unable to swallow it for months.

We graduated Visions in Seattle and my wife and I almost grasped the brass ring, but doing 100% all of the time hasn?t been quite possible for us on a sustained basis.

At 18, my son left the Program still on Level 1; there had been two more run attempts. One of them was going to be at the airport on the way to PC 18 but the escort service kept an eye on him until the plane taxied.

David worked at his home contract. I suspect David didn?t feel a large enough change in the family dynamic and he left. He traveled about the country but he always returned home. He brought back a girl from California, whom he found amazing. And for him this was extreme praise. He had a part-time job at a synagogue which he really enjoyed. He sensed a deepening change in us and seemed pleased to share fairly regular dinners with us. On his own initiative he had just completed, and submitted, an application for the local university; he wanted to become a librarian, possibly at the Library of Virginia. (Yes. It does take a degree.) He was growing, changing, and looking forward. He was happy.

One night in January he went out drinking with his girlfriend. They had a spat. When they returned to an acquaintance?s apartment, he picked up a gun off a table. He put it to his head, and he said, “I could just shoot myself.” And he did. It had been just three months since his 20th birthday.

In the hospital, the bandage that wrapped his head was blood-soaked. The 38 caliber bullet did not exit. Instead it had ricocheted around in his head destroying his brain. His brain had been such a magnificent creation. He was a thinker who could marshal data and formulate arguments that would have you looking at any question in a new light and seeing new connections, and more likely than not agreeing with him.

Five hours later, David died in the trauma center at the Medical College of Virginia without ever regaining consciousness. He breathed his last breath while I watched.

We buried him Saturday, the first of February. My wife and I both have gaping voids in our hearts. It will hurt until the day we die.

We also know we gave him the gift of four more years of life by choosing to place him in the Program, for he had been in a self-destructive death spiral when we enrolled him. We also know we have been strong for him, not 100%, but damn close. So the gift the Program has given us, by our running the parallel program for parents, is that we have little guilt and aren?t holding pity parties. Grieving - yes. Wracked with self-doubts and guilt - no. I know my wife and I could not have handled this if we had not been working the Program as hard as we have.

My two brothers and I are spread out geographically and chronologically. David?s funeral began the process of our renewing connections. I am still working on last year?s goal of becoming a private pilot. I was discerned onto the Parish Pastoral Council in November. (A Vision?s goal finally realized.) I am making a new goal of reaching out to over 30 wild and woolly young adults whom David touched and who came to his (Catholic) Resurrection Mass.

We sent our son into the Program to wake him up. The Program woke us up!

Our purpose in sharing our story is not just to wake up the teens, although they must learn that every decision is a choice, and every choice yields a result. No. Primarily we?re writing this for the parents of the teens who have NOT gotten it yet. And we met some at every seminar we attended. WAKE UP! Your key to having a whole and healthy family is to work your own program. Stop fighting the Program and the Facilitators. Embrace them! They want the same thing you do! You can?t dictate change for your child, but you can make changes for yourself. Open yourselves to the process so that when the results start coming in, you can live with the outcome . . . whether it is an outstanding reality you helped create or, God forbid, a tragedy such as ours.

by Richard Poprik
In loving memory of his son, David
Tranquility Bay/Carolina Springs Academy
October 2000

That is a seriously brainwashed parent.

As a program graduate I too have an I Am statement (pure, powerful, worthy and inspiring woman) Entered into program as direct result of own stupidity in hanging with wrong crowd<-- Hey look at that I am still accountable for my own actions and thoughts, however I am no longer for the program! I am a victim of institutionalization and attack therapy (ie.. "my experience of you is...." Note this shit doesn't cut it in reality. If I had not attended the program I would have gone to prison. So in the aspect of a defferred sentence and a criminal record, I chose to go to the program. I was lied to, deceived by my parents and attorney, it was only supposed to take me 3 mos to graduate- LIES! DECEPTION! When I got there they told me it would take a year. BASTARDS! I was a young adult mother forced to be away from my daughter for 16 months. The program stripped me of my self-confidence and I have been very insecure. I am fighting the brain washing with knowledge and with this knowledge feel more powerful within myself, on most days anyways. :lala:

Thought Reform / Re: DOUBLE BIND: Mind Control in the TTI
« on: June 24, 2010, 03:24:59 PM »
Quote from: "Awake"
“They are playing a game. They are playing at not playing a game. If I show them I see they are, I shall break the rules and they will punish me. I must play their game, of not seeing  I see the game.”

Agreeable in its entirety am I of this statement. This is partially how I made it out of the program, but I was also a brainwashed graduate until returning home and having been home for a couple months and reality hit. While the program got me away from drugs and aided me in meeting good-hearted people, it also stripped me of my self-confidence. :beat:

My parents were originally tricked and have become borderline cult members. I was at Canyon View Park and off branch of SCLA and it kinda sucks knowing that the program screwed me up emotionally pretty bad with their methods of attack therapy, I am way more insecure now than I was when I went in, but I am a survivor and I will overcome. To the parents of teens, if you have not gotten your son or daughters medical records from the program of which they are or were attending, you will probably fight a hard battle of getting them. Main Street Medical claims that the program owns our medical records. I am excited to have found this site because I was able to get ahold of Cameron Pullan and he is forcing the issue of me getting my medical records. I would suggest for any parents or ex-students that would like to get their hands on their medical files from SCLA, CVP, and CR contact mainstreet medical and ask to speak to Angela, if that doesn't work, call Cameron directly. :soapbox:

 I just wanted to make a personal note that the numbers listed for Mike Chism of Spring Creek Lodge have been disconnected, as have the home numbers for Cameron and Chaffin Pullan but the cell numbers do work. :on phone:

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