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Messages - Nihilanthic

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 260
Open Free for All / Re: Morgan
« on: September 23, 2010, 08:34:18 PM »
Quote from: "psy"
Quote from: "Pile of Dead Kids"
She took Niles' advice and it helped save her fucking ass.
You read the NEXT entry?  Oh wait. All the postings end the next day, despite an uninterrupted stream of posting prior to that.  I wonder what happened.  I really wonder.  Her parents would never lie to her and... I don't know, have her "escorted" to some super-lockdown now that she ran away.
Good job there.  Yeah.  Real good job.  Brilliant advice there.  You alienated a parent, encouraged a minor to run away, and managed to get her sent to a program (probably an even worse one) in the process. Programs should hire you and Niles.  You do good work.

I have but one thing to say:


This applies to literally everyone who would rather have her be suffering through horrors many of you know first hand.

For a 'libertarian' you don't give a shit about the chattel, Psy.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: I am a bitch
« on: August 23, 2010, 12:48:24 AM »

Open Free for All / Re: Joels attempt to sabotage my computer via PM.
« on: August 10, 2010, 11:38:25 PM »
I just lost another IQ point reading this pointless thread.

You're an idiot.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Fornits group think
« on: August 09, 2010, 10:59:52 PM »
I wasn't lying, is the weird thing. You should kinda know that.

Hell, you admitted how stupid the staff were and how fucked up the kids there looked yourself. Daddy too.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Post your positive program experiences
« on: August 09, 2010, 08:53:52 PM »
Quote from: "Whooter"
Quote from: "Pile of Dead Kids"
Edit out the sick shit about how you were psychologically beaten down to the point where a staffer could literally buy your eternal loyalty for a candy bar, and I might think about it.

Or better yet, don't. I know you're in the habit of deleting your own posts, and God knows I'm not about to quote it and would rather see this wiped from the Internet like bird shit from a wind shield, but just the fact that you actually posted about how good it was that you were isolated, humiliated, and your worldview shrunk to the point where your entire value system was literally worth less than a buck fifty is one for the record books. Normally I'd just call "troll" flat but like so many other things on Fornits I don't think you can possibly be making this up.

Sick. Fucking. Shit. I'm not even sure I can find a comparable image. Pain Series, Ogrish-style gore, Mr. Hands, and men in kiddie-pools full of feces don't even come close. This isn't the sickest thing I've read online but hot damn you're in the running.

Seriously. A fucking candy bar.

And you want this to happen to more kids.

PODKs,  the candy bar isnt the issue.  Why does the cost or value of something mean so much to you?  You are not listening.  There are kids who get $50,000 dollars worth of presents at Christams time but have parents who are not there for them.  This counselor who SuckIt was giving crap to was able to look past all of that and was there for him at Christmas time and showed compassion.  Do you think that all staff people are abusive?

I think you get fixated on a certain message and then cant see past it.  Try to listen to what people are saying here.


The only fixation here is yours on fat program tuition money.

Open Free for All / Re: Suicide
« on: August 09, 2010, 08:38:40 PM »
Hey, suck it?

Make sure you're buried with a king size candy bar, maybe it'll go with you to the afterlife  :sue:

P.S. I will do something on your grave, but I don't know what yet.


(you're stupid)

y'all so stupid

Now playing doctor is all kinds of fun so I guess that might be an appointment...

I'm well into my 20's and they're at least my age finishing up nursing degrees.

It's called a 'date' when you, uh, grow up. Just FYI.

Call me Jesus 'cause damn I love 'em!  :seg2:

You bunch of Marys stop fighting over me.

Quote from: "Troubled Turd"
Most people say please put it there too, you know. So CATTY tonight!

Quote from: "Pile of shit"
Quote from: "Nihilanthic"
:sue: :sue: :sue: :sue: :sue: :sue: :sue: :sue: :sue: :sue: :sue: :sue:



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