
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => The Seed Discussion Forum => Topic started by: Anonymous on July 25, 2009, 01:01:54 AM

Title: Attacking Seed Victims
Post by: Anonymous on July 25, 2009, 01:01:54 AM
i am shocked that some of you seed victims have taken sides against other seed victims, and called them terrible names, only because they post honest messages about running away from the seed, and never returning to school -- or just how messed up that place made their lives.

i'm more surprised that when those people post about their successes, post seed, and never having had any kind of counseling to offset the damage, and finally facing their seed demons here, you attack them, and want to draw some kind of line between you and them, as if you are better than them.

you are not.

i am completely surprised that 20-30-35 or more years later, that anyone would seriously post here and say they benefitted from barker and his fraudulent scheme.

have you done NO research?

barker was a convicted felon for robbery, and assault.
he was having sex with minors.
he was a pariah.
seed staff members committed suicide.
staff members went on to die of drug overdoses.
he arrogantly boasted and unsubstantiated 90% success rate. that we all know now was a complete fabrication.
he was ostracized by the city of miami.
he was ostracized by st. petersburg.
the press read through him like a crystal ball.
they taught lies, deception, fraud, intimidation, sleep depravation, theft.
they put 9-16 year old kids in with hardened felons.
they taught you to fear them any place you went.
and you succumbed to this only through extortion and the extreme fear of starting over.

and you benefitted from that?

i realize that it is a mere few who have stated they benefitted from the seed.

but, you have given absolutely no examples how those well-known tactics mentioned above benefitted you.

can any one of you be succinct and detailed about how all of that lost of education, fear and intimidation benefitted you.

any one.

any one!!!
Title: Re: Attacking Seed Victims
Post by: Anonymous on July 25, 2009, 08:09:05 AM
That's how they acted 35 years ago as well, but add spitting kicking chopping hair off, etc.... to it, Those so called seedlings are dying a slow death like Barker said. lol,what was that he said, either drugs jail or death, poppy cock, if that is the word to use, lol, Oh, too, maybe if Greg uses his soft tactics with Stack too they can become pals, lol, was a thought. :twofinger:
Title: Re: Attacking Seed Victims
Post by: Anonymous on July 25, 2009, 03:02:57 PM