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Messages - jeffz*cc*l*

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / **********Jeff Z**********
« on: October 15, 2002, 08:34:00 PM »
I will amend my last post.  You did not come in with a behavior problem, but a drug problem.  I stand correctly.

In all sincerity, I feel bad for you.  You got a much lousier deal than I did.  Here's why:

1. You went into treatment when you were 14 or 15 years old.  You didn't leave (as a graduate) until around 10 years later.

2.  Most of your time in KIDS was on 1st phase (years and years).  Once you graduated you still went back in group.

3.  You were treated very poorly almopst the entire time you were in KIDS.

4.  Your parents supported the program instead of helping you when you left.

As much I like to be a wiseguy and bust chops, you did get a bad deal.  I understand your bitterness and anger, but try to realize that we aren't here to mess with you.  We all got a bad deal!  We are all pissed off.  Rather than blame each other, we are trying to support each other.  

The only reason that I never contacted you is that I didn't know where you were when you left.

I would like to offer a truce on name calling, chop busting and ball-breaking.  I hope that you accept.  In confidence I will not reveal your identity.  Thanks,


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / **********Jeff Z**********
« on: October 15, 2002, 07:38:00 PM »
You know, its really funny how brazen people can be when they think that they are anonymous.  Well, after some investigation, thinking and remembering, I now know who you are.  You were a one of the many behavior problems who wanted to have a drug problem.  

In fact you were a newcomer at my house.  You did some rotten things to my parents when I copped out.  You were a real coward then, as you are now.  You didn't do drugs, and you never had a past to change from.

You were an immature, spoiled little brat who is now an older,immature, spolied big brat.  I don't even acknoledge such idiotic and senseless remarks from someone as pitiful as you.

You had no past, but you graduated way after I left and was enjouying life.  Why?  Because you and your sister were trapped in the program by your brainwashed parents.  In fact, you lost over 5 years of your life because of a drug problem (actually a behavior problem) that you never had.  If I were you I would be pretty bitter myself.

Do us all a favor and stop taking your bitterness out on people who understand your insanity and pain.  Rather, direct it at where it belongs.  The program that you defend stole your existence for many years and controlled your mind.  If you have anger (which you sure do), then at least get mad at those who wronged you.  Not those who were wronged with you.  Thats pretty useless.

If you continue your little games on this board, I promise that I will reveal your identity publicly and you will not be very happy.  Please go back to your life, wherever, whatever or however it is and leave us all here to do whatever that it is that we do.

Yours truly,


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / The ANONYMOUS
« on: October 14, 2002, 09:43:00 PM »
In the past few days I have noticed an abundance of messages, replies, insults and sick humor jokes all from a very brave an courageous "ANONYMOUS" poster.  

This person seems to get a rise out of seeing everyone "bitch and moan" about nightmares and their bad memories of being in such a horrific place like KIDS.  

According to his posts, he thinks that we are all just weak, blaming and living our lives as victims of a system that we weren't strong enough to succeed in.  This sounds a little bit familiar...  It appears obvious that this person is not a person who is still "IN" but definately someone who is enjoys playing mind games with people on the board.

Let it be known that if someone is too much of a coward (or a female reproductive organ of a farm animal) to attach his name to his brave posts, then little or no credibility should be given to his posts.

I know that I am not the best speller or typist in the world, but check out this guy's words.  They not only are misspelled, but make no sense.  This must be the result of a long first phase or maybe being thrown on the floor too much.  Who knows, he could even be an example to the professionals of what happens from an overdose of twisted therapy.

Anyway, I don't want to start trouble, but I just want to see if this guy can reveal his identity like a man or of he really is related to the anatomy of a female farm animal.  I guess we will see.

Anyhow, best regards to everyone (even you, Mr. Anonymous)


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / hey larry
« on: October 13, 2002, 11:31:00 PM »
Dear Anonymous:

You are obviously distraught.  Unfortunately for you, typing and spelling are two areas that you don't seem to excel in.  In addition, you seem hell-bent on the idea of saying things to people just to get a reaction out of them.

While I will not continue to play this name calling game with you, I will encourage you to keep going to meetings.  Whatever problems that you have, I promise that they will not improve by mixing drugs or alcohol.  You may want to slow down on leading beginner's meetings for a while though.  Anyhow, I hope you work out whatever it is that is making you so unhappy.

Thats all I've got.  Best of luck and thanks for the laughs.

With your mouth, you may want to stay anonymous on here, so nobody tries to hurt you.  There are a lot of people here who may not take kindly to your sense of humor.  I don't think that you have the guts to reveal your identity here anyhow.


Jeff Z.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / hey larry
« on: October 13, 2002, 11:21:00 PM »

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / hey larry
« on: October 13, 2002, 08:55:00 PM »
Dear Anonymous:

It is really sad that someone who we all know is very quick to attack one of us, but too much of a coward to reveal his identity.

Until your last two posts I actually thought that you could have been one of the three people who were mentioned earlier.  Now that you have clarified that for me, I am actually disappointed.

You see, for Tony K., Bob M., and Drew G., making antagonistic remarks to people who left the program is to be expected.  They still have not learned what they have lost and given up because of their loyalty to a ficticious cause.  Becasue of their lack of experience in the world without mind control and manipulated sobriety I could understand them doing that to protect their position and justify their ongoing existence with KIDS and Dr., Fr., Mr. or whatever NEWTON.

You on the other hand should know better.  And you are right, you can call anyone on their story.  However, at the same time, I am going to call you on yours.  

If you have no anger, resentments or hard feelings about the program (no not nightmares), then why do you have to get your kicks by trying to make fun of someone who you have not talked to or seen in a long time?  In fact, are you that much of a coward that you can't even tell us who you are?  That is pretty sad and it sounds like you should keep going to AA or wherever you go because it obvious that you haven't figured out what recovery is all about.

Going to bookers doesn't make you better or more sober than anyone else..  In fact, maybe you should actually read the big book or the 12 and 12.  (Oh, I forgot you know all about that too!)

This site from what I understand is for those who support common ideals and/or want to help or get help from a really bad experience.  I don't know anyone that would say that our experience was good, pleasant or even productive; however, its what we do after it that counts.

After your posts, I suggest revealing your "ANONYMOUS" identity and then posting.  Anything shy of that, I am left to assume that your just another wisecracker trying to get some sick, twisted type of attention by trying to arise a reaction out of people here.  Your posts are just the kind of thing that offer any credibility to Newton's theory.  When people succeed in their life, it defeats his theory that without him we are doomed to "COP OUT and DO DRUGS amd wreck our lives".  When people talk a line of offensive nonsense, it actually gives a slight bit of ammunition to society to say "We told you so."

I look forward to finding out who you are.  If you have a beef with Larry G., then talk to him and work it out.  I did.

I actually keyed up his car when I left the program, I hated him so much for stuff he did in there.  Since he's left, I talked to him, worked out my issues and he's now a great friend of mine.  Our kids play together, our wives are good friends and he's just another good person who got screwed by a very destructive and manipulative organization.  (I don't recommend damaging anyone's car or anything).

Yours truly,

Jeff Z

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