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Messages - rossmddn

Pages: [1]
The Seed Discussion Forum / seven steps
« on: September 26, 2006, 11:42:41 PM »
hey yall, it's not more nor less than re-education, in the mao-ist/lenin-ist style. let's just abandon critical thinking, and become comfortable true believers.. let us abandon freedom and dignity, and become hive-dwellers.. let us take for our selves the theology of the truly righteous, that we may go forth, and be as dim bulbs in the land of caana, henceforth, shall we be known as the people of hunh? and what?

The Seed Discussion Forum / dear john
« on: September 25, 2006, 11:23:20 PM »
while much of what you say is true, the turgid prose is off-putting, and obscures real and profound issues.. it is not more than foolish to  condemn 'bush' while exonerating 'clinton' i know, it's fun to hate bush, and funner still to love clinton, but while we're about it, let's look the devil in the face, shall we?
 point A) fourth amendment.. right to be secure in our person and property.. does a drug test constitute unreasonable search? i believe it does.. does disclosure of result to an employer constitute violation of privacy right? i believe it does
B) do children, minors inhere in constitutional right, in due process.. well do they? no matter how you hate the church, you cannot even begin to address these issues until you recognize the church and her influence in law. what, finallly IS a person?
C) fifth amendment.. does a drug test constitute involuntary self incrimination.. i believe it does. i believe it utterly abrogates probable cause ( as an aside most task force cops i know think it useless, degrading, and very very, counter-productive)

The Troubled Teen Industry / son talking about suicide
« on: August 28, 2006, 02:03:42 AM »
suicide is not a light topic to me ..first, an aunt, then her daughter, then my sister.. no, it's not a light topic.. program is not beneficial to anyone , ever, in my opinion. had i to do things over, i would have listened more, suspended judgement sister WAS telling the truth, although in a convoluted fashion. if my hindsight is of any worth, and i hope it is, here's what i would do..i would decide that this is what god has placed before me, this moment, this life, deal with it as best i can.. then.. following the dictates of first aid as i know it.. 'piss em off, then make 'em laugh' that means to engage them by whatever means, on their turf. seek and find their will to live, to fight..walk and talk, cook, do stupid things together...recognize that you may be dealing with wounds that you cannot see, or understand.. get yourself out of the picture.. a human is far more complicated than you or i or anyone can truly understand.. do not invalidize.. this person is beyond your power to 'fix', it is not your right to do so. listen and consider, especially when to do so might hurt your pride... respond as an adult, to an adult.. dis-abuse yourself of the notion that he is the crazy one, and you the sane one.. it's funner than hell to see people win, in life, love, anyway or place you can name.. find ways to do that.

The Seed Discussion Forum / did art barker succeed
« on: August 03, 2006, 01:34:08 PM »
thom.. what's the matter with you? hate filled, condescending smug ignorant arrogant bastard do you enjoy hurting people? thom let me tell you  i am a tough guy, served and fought and wept and fought again and you show every evidence of cowardice, moral, intellectual, and physical..
i have led men, and, to a man, they were gentlemen, and i am proud to have served with them.. you would never have made it

The Seed Discussion Forum / the common denominator
« on: August 02, 2006, 03:15:31 PM »
reply to anonymous guest.. re my opinion is stupid and sucks.. yeah buddy! such an urbane response! your reply is , to me, in my opinion entirely symptomatic of the general decline in the capacity for reason.
as a society, how far we have fallen! and to me you epitomize that  ! these programs damage people don't you 'get it'

The Seed Discussion Forum / the common denominator
« on: July 31, 2006, 07:49:39 PM »
reply to guest and antigen.. guest.. knock it off! what antigen has to say is true and valid, even if i sometimes don't agree i think what you object to is a series of questions that pertain to YOUR orthodoxy.. rather than defending that orthodoxy either experientially or empirically, you resort to silly ad hominem attacks, which, i might add pollutes this particular environment.. whyn't ya go smoke a spleef.. my opinion you'd be a better person.

The Seed Discussion Forum / the humiliating seed
« on: July 31, 2006, 05:47:18 PM »
i suppose i will tell some of my story here.. never knew big frank, but damn sorry he's gone somehow that affects me too. consider this in memoriam. i have believed for mANY YEARS THAT I WAS UNIQUELY VULNERABLE TO THE SEED. not so, i begin to see. it wasn't until i read a book on brainwashing that i began to see that my reaction to the seed wasn't character flaw in me, but rather a predictable response , physiologic, not mental.
my story such as it is, and incomplete . at age 13, i was lured by a corrupt family physician into a kind of cult.. 'primal therapy" see website janov, arthur.. that cult is based on the voluntary destruction of personality, which i can tell you  is exhausting work! then somehow , the seed got hold of me.. call to parent.. he'll be deadinsaneorinjail.. the familiar route(yeah pun intended) in any event thirty years later i begin to learn the extent of the damage, and that it wasn't my imagination. have been dx'd ptsd, as so many of you have been, and still astonished at the level of criminality and sheer malice involved.. hitler jugund indeed! somehow, oddly, so many who post here have retained their humanity in spite of it all.. as an aside, that gives me a foundation for my embrace of catholicism...(hey lady! i never said i was a GOOD catholic.. just that  i was one!) others in this forum have mentioned or alluded to psycho-physical symptom, and i wonder how many out there have suffered as have we. i see a consistent thread of ruined relationships, both personal and occupational , and social. i have lived in an adaptive way since then, have a few intruiging quirks,(nothing perrverse mind you, just things like an odd aversion to clocks, like that).. it oddly, also gives me the foundation for my conservatism. in that i believe that each of us is our own best judge, each of us in individual relationship to god , and that the highest value in society is individual well being, no man can be a responsible participant in society unless he is also free to reject it.. forgive the rant, one and all, (i just love diatribe and polemic)(it's a racial characteristic, i cain't hep it!) also too (lousiana vernacular) herein i've read that so many believe that art barker, et al,"had good intentions" or "meant well" god spare me the saints.. i don't buy it.. no mateer what one believes i think it incumbent "first do no harm" if to follow "good intentions requires lying, co-ercion, subornation of witnesses, perjury, planting evidence, day in and day out physical and mental brutality.. well i refuse to believe good or honest intention  to big frank and all the others
responses welcome.. to our tormentors many of us look for remorse but that may never be.. forgiveness is a double edged sword, you may have it, but only if you admit that you need it

say it brother say it brother no excuse for involuntary incarceration without due process, absent clear and present

The Seed Discussion Forum / to forum and greg
« on: July 27, 2006, 07:53:48 PM »
yes greg there is something, many things i remember... most importantly it's been many years and much study.. we were drummed and drilled mto believe that no one repeat no one would believe us that we were merely drug addled (perhaps drug riddled sounds better, cant't decide) teens, whose word and testoimony were forever impeached, that if we protested or told word would leak out about us, and we would be unemployable, shunned, pariahs, as would our families.. to any i strongly recommend sargents book physiology of brainwashing and conversion... until i read that, i believed that i was dealing with psychological matters within myself, and not an inclusive psychophysical phenomena... grateful for this forum

The Seed Discussion Forum / art inevitable death
« on: July 27, 2006, 07:34:54 PM »
reply to cleveland, may 9 'we all went there for security and belonging? i personally find that astonishing... i went there because they falsely testified that substances in my posession were illegal drugs... much too late those substances were identified by a hospital toxicology lab as just what i said they were... water purification tablets, a rx de-congestant, vitamin tablets... a clergyman in pinellas told me that they were in common practice of plantingevidence, and perjured testimpony against him... co-erced testimony in fact... a teacher in dade was told that evidence would be supplied against him if he tried to intervene on my, mesdamme, i went there scared to death and looking for  way out.. ::unhappy::  pls don't mis-understand me.. i'm new to the internet and am amused mby these stupid emoticons

i wasn't in ft lauderdale, i was in dade vcounty, nd i saw beatings, and as eudora so elenglty decribed a "beating"  can as well be produced by psychological means as any other, after, a broken bone doesn't hurt as bad as a broken will.. yes i've taken my share of physical injury too.. to all, 'guest' seems to have a foul keyboard, no? pls  whomever you are, if you are going to use profane spech, at least makwe it good :flame: d!

The Seed Discussion Forum / differences between straight and the seed
« on: July 27, 2006, 05:49:40 PM »
i recall one instance which iwitnessed.. a boy and his father were being confronted by a staff member.. the staff member told the father to 'hit him'  so the father did..the boy was cornered and struck back. was restrained by the staff member, the police were called, the boy was charged with assualt &battery, witnesses don't cha know, and remanded by the juve court to seed custody... when i hit age of majority, i was told "no, we can't legally hold you... but we can physically hold you".. it's been a long long time for me and good to finallly recognize that this stuff did exist, and awful to kow that it still does  rssmddn :D  :D

The Seed Discussion Forum / the seed dicussion forum
« on: July 27, 2006, 05:34:34 PM »
reply to greg and eudora and others... so amny things come to m,ind, difficult to sort them out.. sleep deprivation, being forced to sit or kneel for hours and hours, learning to 'sleep' in a folding chair while people were screaming in my face... the sure knowledge that they.. whoever 'they were i didn't know, had bought teachers, judges, psychiatrists, cops... where did i come from... odd question in the existential sense... i guess for purposes of discussion i came from dade county, seed, tropical park, '72'73 sean   thanks for book reference, i recommend physiology of brainwashing and conversion, auth. wm. dsargent, pub late 50's  thank you all  rssmddn

to all and sundry; i am a former seedling, placed by false charges and roundly abused in other ways i have just begun research ino this and related phenomena, and it has been morbidly gratifying to discover that this phenomena is far more vast, and dangerous than i knew, the dmage fr more widespread. i am interested in learning any thing i can. particular interested in talking to any one who now works or has, in law, social service, mental health or related fields, ie; a professional perpective. by the way, although i do not now, and haven't in more than 20 years, the scent of burning rope is not unknown to me... pls respond, i too have learned some things and may be of help to me 'no
mind" :wave:

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