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Topics - Nazi

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Elan School / OH NO I'M BANNED!!!!
« on: December 23, 2003, 07:43:00 PM »
I MUST BE POSTING IN THE SPIRTUAL SECTION OF FORNITS NOW? Heaven still looks like earth from here Ginger?

Elan School / Arts back stabbing conversations.
« on: December 20, 2003, 12:43:00 PM »

Posts: 102
 Posted: 2003-12-01 14:55  
 not sure exactly what blows you are refering to but i mean no harm... Looks like we can agree to disagree but be as one for the common good... at least thats what I hope...
In fact in one of my last posts i thought i paid you several compliments... at least they were meant like that ....
Coz has got comin to him all that he can dish out he's just a kid anyway probably some nigger that can hardly read or write.
Skakel's appeal is gonna be in March or april
we need to get together on this and make our point publilcally

Elan School / Just wanted to inform everbody
« on: December 08, 2003, 07:55:00 PM »
That I am leaving for the evening but will return tomorrow.So all you coward ass fagots and cock suckers who like to talk shit behind my back please go ahead and indilge yourself's.I will be back tomorrow to degrade you.
Froderik, Dee, Syn and Paul, hold the fort!!!!

Elan School / Open invitation
« on: December 08, 2003, 07:31:00 PM »
To any of you punks you wnat to talk shit to me, I challange you and triple dog dare you to come meet me face to face.I am in the NY/NJ area, 20 minutes from Manhatten to be precise.C'mon you little fucks, let's see if you have any balls?Come get you some!!!!

Elan School / Oh I guess I ran BGJ and Cayhousto "stupid name" off
« on: December 08, 2003, 06:49:00 PM »
Well, they're done, I guess I ran em off of here!!!

Elan School / BGJ is scared to come and meet me!!!
« on: December 08, 2003, 04:42:00 PM »
You little shit, you better be scared, because this 6ft 225 pd nazi will have his way with you.

Elan School / C'mon you little punk BGJ
« on: December 08, 2003, 04:39:00 PM »
Come meet me face to face, let's settle this once and for all.Have some balls you little fuck!!

Elan School / Time to start a new thread...
« on: December 08, 2003, 03:30:00 PM »
Well now I must strt off by saying giving thanks to Paul, Froderik, and Dee if your still out there for defending me while I have been extremely busy with this huge snow storm that hit us these last 2 days.just wanted to say had a very tiring weekend but extremely profitable.not to be a brag of nothing but I sure did clear in alot of $$$$, high 4 figures to be exact, but anyway.

Froderik, you seek to know how this argument all started right?This is how it started.I had an elan supporter by the name of Greg Cosgrove who I call Cocksgrove come to my site and bitch and moan about the content that was posted up there, naturally I gave him the boot and he still came back and ran his mouth like a little school boy fighting over a sandbox.Then he comes here and starts to bad mouth me.Well at that point he got my attention once again and added some more fuel to the fire and the bickering went on.Then this cayohouesto or what ever her fuckin name is?? comes over her from the straight board and jumps on cocksgrove's bandwagon.Now at this point greg backs off and I think he creates a srenn name called gay black jew, but I could be wrong on this.

Anyway Cayhousto views my picture over at pauls site and posted how ugly I look.Then continues to post about my picture after viewing it a dozen times,Now what I dont understand is if I come across an ugly picture of one self, I don't continue to go back numerous times to view it.Obviously this semi-old woman has a thing for me as Paul put it.Well that lead to me to bring out my arsenal and cut her down, now keep in mind she comes over to our froum from straight so I return the favor and go over to her forum to do the same.After about a few dozen insults she seemed to fold up and start taking pages out of my book and uses them against me, basically I kick her ass on the net.
Then this person named gay black jew who claims to have had sex with me in prison strts running their mouth and in acowardly fashion.I do belive its Greg behind the name but I guess we will never now.So anyway GBJ plays the guessing game as to who is the name behind NAZI, Miles Fischer was the first then a few days later I become a Steve Collin's, show's you how smart GBJ really is.So I deicde to call him out and see if he has the balls to come and meet me, ofcoarse the scared little child he is ignore's my request and continues to act like a little fuck.Though he is very knowledgeable about butt fuckin and jail house talk with jail house trading, perhaps he is speaking of experience????
Of coarse all this has to once again rile up old arty and he adds his 2 cents in.Funny thing is, I have been talking to art through PM's and we seemed to have let the past stay in the past and reconcile our differences, well Artman you proved to be a two faced SOB.

So I dont post for 2 days because I have been out all weekend working, GBJ takes it upon himself to say he ran me off the board here.Wel GBJ I have news for you son, I'm still here and there isnt a God Damn thing you can do about it!You're a punk, and a scared little boy, you can't back one word you say son, and you are a pussy with a tail tucked between your leg's because I called you out.

As far as my contribution to this site, I admit I was racial in some forums and Syn asked me to tone it down and I did.I kept all my posts focused on the hatred I have towards the dtaff of elan and stopped attacking people unprovoked.Well there seems to be some keyboard warriors out there you want to still challenge me.Well thats ok, at least I don't sit in front of my PC masterbating and getting off to other people's pictures, isnt that right Cayohousto?

Unless this ip I'm using gets banned from this site, I aint going no where, no one can run me off mentally or physically.And if by some reason My Ip does get banned, As Arnold said "I'll be back"

Elan School / For "Nigger Gay Kike"
« on: December 04, 2003, 11:51:00 AM »
Here's a sign I made for you.

"Please  confront me as to why I feel the need to have keyboard muscle's and why I tuck my tail and run when asked to meet in public with my nemisis"

Chicken shit skinny little fuck....

Elan School / Ok you can knock off the spam bullshit now.
« on: December 02, 2003, 07:45:00 PM »
You made your point.Hey ginger want to rid this spammer for us?

Elan School / Thanksgiving
« on: November 27, 2003, 10:40:00 AM »
Just think of all the depressed residents who have to deal with thanksgiving concept today, man that sucks, been there done that.Christmas is the worst and new years.Being in Elan for those holidays is a very depressing time.don't worry people, you will soon be freed!!!!

oh by the way. Marty I hope you choke to death on a turkry wing you mother fucker.

Elan School / DVD season sets
« on: November 25, 2003, 09:08:00 AM »
I recently found a site in Hong Kong that sells dvd box season a hell of alot cheaper then what we pay.For instance, x-files season box set goes for $100.00 plus here while over at Hong Kong it cost around $30.00.It is in English and have sub titles which you can remove.I will post the website link if any one is interested on the great savings.I do beleive they stock alot of different seasons from different shows.

Elan School / My jeffery Gottlieb imperserations
« on: November 23, 2003, 08:33:00 AM »
I have sent Paul a bunch of audio files of me imperverserating gottlieb.Paul said he was gonna post them on his site.Check his site out real soon and see if they are up there.Some of them seem a little hard to uderstand because it had an echo on my recording device, but then again Jeffery was hard to uderstand when he was yelling.
Enjoy people.

Update: I have uploaded the audio files at Paul's site.Go to his site and look under files then click on the wav's to play them.

Paul you have ran out of audi space for files, I have 2 more files.Can you increase the audio space?

[ This Message was edited by: nazi on 2003-11-23 06:03 ]

Elan School / Check out this movie
« on: November 22, 2003, 08:03:00 AM »
"Holes" its about a teen residential program where the students have to dig holes all day.Its more a teenager labor camp.

Elan School / Did you know??????
« on: November 21, 2003, 06:17:00 AM »
Marty Kruglik would smear himself with fecal matter and dance around a fire and consider it a spiritual Indian war dance?

Jeffery Gottlieb's voice became so high pitched when he yelled because many years back he was in prison and got sodomized too many times?All those anal penitration's caused his voice to hit higher notes when he becomes excited.

Clare came into elan as a street Hooker and came out a full fledged prostitute?Also was Joe Ricc's Mistress and was the casue of his first divorce?

Marc Rosenberg has been shooting Herione since the age of 14?He probably holds the record in the world for the longest amount of time being under the influence.

Tania Merret was born Tony Merret? He had a sex change and name change and became Tania.Doctors made a huge slice in his penis and butterflied it and sewed it to his groan area to make it look like  a vagina.Tony is suppose to take female hormone pills everyday for the rest of it's life but randomly forgets.Ever notice why it had a deep manly voice? especially when it yelled in general Meetings?Tania is considered an "IT".

Peter Rowe is Marty Kruglik's bitch?

Dave McVetty is the only person to work at Elan that is certified to work with troubled teens?I feel so bad that Dave has to be associated with these wacko's.

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